Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Youtube Censorship of my political cartoons, me, censored political cartoonist.

Youtube Censorship of my political cartoons, me, censored political cartoonist.

Youtube Censorship of my political cartoons, me, censored political cartoonist. post thumbnail image

Once again, my cartoons have been censored. It’s become a weekly routine – two or three vanish from YouTube, and I only notice because I rarely check my messages. These cartoons are classics, so why are they constantly wiped out, now especially right before an election? Haven’t they had 8 years to look through them…. is this like their whims… that whatever they feel like censoring at whatever moment…?

When has America silenced political cartoonists like this before? Why muzzle my voice? How can they label all my videos as conspiracy theories when I’m simply illustrating political commentary based on mainstream news articles? Is this a boost for left-leaning newspaper cartoonists, you know, the Pulitzer Prize winners who threaten my life and harass my family? Is this their way of propping them up while silencing me?

Owl Moon knows what the staff at youtube did to me.
This was literally Anthony scaramucci walking down a runway like a fashion model.

In the whirlwind of my imagination, I dive deep into crafting political cartoons that blend satire, wit, and sharp commentary. As an American citizen and political cartoonist, I’ve journeyed from being a silent observer to becoming an ardent advocate for the art of political cartoons..Through my cartoons, I explore the intricate dynamics of politics, finding humor in the absurdities and solace in the power of visual storytelling. I draw inspiration from the pages of political novels and the tumultuous landscape of online discourse. With each stroke of my pen, I aim to unearth the international impact of American politics, shedding light on Trump’s international influence and the reverberations of his policies.

I would never make a YouTube censorship of my political cartoons an entire blog..but this censorship is sneaky…It happens so often …especially now.. that an election is coming up..

2 or 3 of my political cartoon live drawing sessions, where you can see me drawing…GONE… THREE OR FOUR A WEEK NOW.. I am seeing EVERY week now… gone..So I thought it would be really important to address it…

How do I feel about this ?

I feel terrible I feel like crying… Why am I excluded….?

I don’t want to be a political cartoonist for failing newspapers.. that no one reads anymore…

I would rather just be a political cartoonist for the people and be popular but everything is working against me. It’s almost like a collusion… Like social media triangulation it really is the conspiracy but they are the ones doing it…

It’s so illegal to use these tools as political weapons.. against the party you don’t like… it’s illegal in the United States… It’s wrong…should b illegal.. it should be.. to censor on political views from the citizens . Why do they prop up losers nobody wants to follow….?

Force feed us Con Inc?

You call yourself YouTube and abuse the people that you call “You”!

I just want to be a political cartoonist that reads mainstream news articles and picks out the irony, and that’s it …but obviously I’m not allowed …almost everything I have been drawing has been deleted… 3 years of my cartoons have been deleted …censoring and taking down my drawings, youtube’s so hard to breathe…I feel wounded…

As US citizens we stand for the freedom of speech and the citizens press, not corporations… America is about the individual not about the collective…principles that are fundamental to the ideals of our revolution. The actions of Youtube πŸ₯«

in censoring and taking down my political cartoons a blatant attempt to suppress the voices of the people and undermine the progress we have fought so hard to achieve. Their censorship is a desperate attempt to cling to power and silence dissent, but it only serves to further galvanize our resolve and strengthen our commitment to the cause of liberty.

Youtube may seek to stifle our American message, but they cannot extinguish the flames that burn in the hearts of the people. Our newspapers are supposed serve as a beacon of truth and a rallying cry for freedom, and no amount of censorship can extinguish the power of our words. We will continue to publish and disseminate our ideas, undeterred by the threats and intimidation of YouTube staff.. Our voices will not be silenced, and our message will not be suppressed.

The actions of Youtube only serve to expose the hypocrisy of their anti-social media and the fragility of their grip on power. By resorting to censorship and repression, they betray their fear of the truth and their desperation to maintain their unjust rule. But history has shown that tyranny cannot endure in the face of the people’s righteous indignation. We will not be cowed by their attempts to silence us. We will continue to speak truth to power, and we will prevail in our quest for liberty, equality, and friendship…in social media..

YouTube cannot continue to delete people based on if they are on political sides they do not like… for no reason. And lie about them and smear them as dangerous or hateful or confused or unable to see the truth …or you know ..I’m spouting lies ..or something …these are accusations… that hurt my character….My cartoons are just me live drawing caricatures! They have no proof!

This cartoon I was making fun of the” scaramucci model ” they were talking about. I literally drew Anthony “scarmoochie” on a runway like he was a fashion model.. and that was my cartoon.. so why is this being deleted?… Do you get it ?

Yes. because Scaramucci turned on President Trump and he’s kind of like protected class to democrats…you can’t make fun of Scaramucci .. because its..election time. ..its coming , so you need Scaramouche… to come back on TV looking good…and Trump to look bad ..and you need the world to think that nobody supports him.. so YouTube does all this election interference , abusing its users..and make it appear to the world that we don’t support our President.

Not only is this deletion an attack on me..its deleting a part of my personal history,’s also a reflection of my livelihood. This cartoon video happened around six years ago, and it’s me in front of the camera, pouring my ENERGY onto VIDEOS …through drawing– these are my memories. Yet, I find myself unjustly labeled as a “wing nut” by youtube, when all I’m doing is drawing political cartoons based on the mainstream news …essentially, reporting on the facts. This censorship is not just an attack on my freedom of expression.. it’s hitting me hard financially. Throughout these eight years, I’ve meticulously documented every instance of deletion and demonetization, on YouTube..all while feeling frustrated that YouTube profits immensely from our accounts, with our personal data being commodified and traded without any share of the financial pie for us. It’s an abuse of power that not only robs us of our rightful earnings but also undermines our intelligence and credibility in the eyes of the world.

If the games rigged’s not a real game. If YouTube is rigged it’s not really YouTube… Something else.. it’s something false… it’s something fake…

YouTube should be ashamed of themselves.

Here’s the video…I can only see it.. if I appeal the decision… They want to get rid of this video…do you know that this video took me hours …to make and film? I’m teaching the people how to draw political cartoons.. I’m doing a public service for the welfare of all…

There’s just music.. there’s no speaking .. There’s 0 conspiracy theories here…I’m just drawing a political cartoon..

Yes, can you imagine that this censorship is happening here in America?

The youtube platform selectively censors individuals based on their political beliefs, stifling freedom of speech and erasing their artistic expression, then it is not just an infringement on personal rights, but a grave injustice against the principles of democracy and free expression. This platform’s actions not only silence dissenting voices but also undermine the very essence of creative freedom and open discourse. Such unfair censorship not only denies individuals right to express their perspectives but also deprives society of diverse viewpoints crucial for a healthy exchange of ideas. It’s imperative to challenge and condemn such practices, advocating for social media platforms that uphold the values of inclusivity, respect for differing opinions, and genuine freedom of expression for all.

Update on my appeal..

Which I participated as a law-abiding user… I did everything properly ..and I appealed it graciously..


Listen up YouTube Employees:

Everything Youtube…and including…You..what you have done to me..

And HAVE EVER done bad to me…

I send it… right back to you..

RIGHT NOW to you βœ…οΈ 3 fold.

You and all of your co-workers…

Any hexes you’ve placed on me I send it back , w love…w a πŸ’‹…to you…

And..All of the staff at YouTube !


Yes, everybody that works there I send this back. To you. Now. All of those years of misery and pain you’ve inflicted upon me through censorship…it’s yours now.. And will fall on your bloodlines… Causing loads of sorrow. Each censorship..has a butterfly effect. This is focused energy reflected back …see the mirror? πŸͺž

So be it!