Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Michael Cohen Law Firm Political Cartoon

Michael Cohen Law Firm Political Cartoon

Michael Cohen Law Firm Political Cartoon post thumbnail image

I am unable to work, best I can come up with. I cant even see if it is posted correctly. I have no internet. My charger takes 5 hours. Dies when plugged in. Cant listen to Rumble, nothing. I have to share my phone with three people. My internet bill is in collections. Any money I make has to go for food. This post took me 2 hours to post and I cant even see any photo posted. My internet is so weak, I have used up all my hotspot minutes. I have nothing. I am empty. But I did an oil painting in 20 minutes, so its something for now. Its going on 3 hours. I am so frustrated.

At exactly 16 minutes in

You can hear my reference.


It took me two hours just to share this post with you, my dear. No Internet. Surrounded by darkness, without the luxury of internet, I find solace in the simple act of reaching out to you. My phone, a mere vessel of connection, takes an eternity to charge, 5 hours..yet I share it willingly, sacrificing its limited energy for others. 3 other people use it. Financial constraints confine me, my internet now a distant dream lost to the relentless pursuit of unpaid bills. But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of a donation, though it disappears as swiftly as it arrived, consumed by the necessity of sustenance. I bought strawberry spinach salad, instead of paying the internet. I COME FIRST.

In this moment of despair, I find refuge in my art, a political cartoon born from the depths of my soul in just twenty fleeting minutes. 20 minutes, because my tools are so poor and programs so hard to use on my simple laptop. Yet, the irony lies in my inability to share its genesis, the reference for it resides within a link, a journey you must undertake alone. To explain it..The weight of my struggles presses down upon me, a burden I carry alone, devoid of support or reprieve. Surrounded by vacuum cleaners symbolizing the emptiness of my existence, I yearn for change, my tears a testament to the pain I endure. I am surrounded my psychic vampire vacuum machines.

With each passing day, my challenges multiply, my phone a lifeline tethered to a world beyond my reach. Even the simplest tasks elude me, my fingers bound by tape, rendering me powerless. My legs cut off. Nowhere to walk.

Opportunities arise, like the chance today, the commission to draw a dog. YES I ACCEPTED IT.. only to get in response, can you send samples? A political cartoonist, drawing dogs…to illustrate a beloved pet, yet the joy is fleeting, overshadowed by the harsh reality of my circumstances. I am trapped in a cycle of despair, my aspirations drowned out by the relentless noise of my struggles. This is where 8 years has brought me?

I am adrift in a sea of uncertainty, my dreams fading like distant echoes. The path I tread is fraught with hardship, my art a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness. Yet, despite my efforts, I am met with indifference, my creations deemed unworthy of recognition. I am a prisoner of my own making, shackled by circumstance, my cries for help falling on deaf ears.

Alone and destitute, I cling to the faint hope of a better tomorrow, a future where my talents are celebrated, not scorned. Yet, with each passing day, the darkness threatens to consume me, my spirit eroded by the harsh realities of life. I long for escape,an office…real commissions, and kind patrons of the art, and donations I can pay my business bills.. a reprieve from the relentless storm that rages within. But until that day comes, I am but a lost soul, adrift in a sea of despair.