Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump so shiny!

President Donald Trump so shiny!

President Donald Trump so shiny! post thumbnail image


Just a doodle! I was just drawing from imagination. I don’t know what’s going on. 😕

Lately, I’ve found myself in a technological void, devoid of any internet connection or a reliable phone for the past few days. Consequently, my refuge has been the solace of my bed, engrossed in the world of literature. It’s ironic, isn’t it? The inability to access news updates without the aid of technology or the ubiquitous wifi signals that urban dwellers often take for granted. The mere mention of this predicament stirs a disquiet within me. “Move to the country,” they said, “escape the hustle and bustle of the cities,” ” Get out of cities!”…they said. Yet here I am, grappling with the harsh reality of technological isolation amidst the picturesque tranquility of rural life. Nobody understands 😕 how boring this downtown girl is in the nothing. Raised in skyscrapers her whole life