Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Political cartoon Greg Jarrett Alvin Bragg Jed handlesman Shugarman and the Star : President Donald Trump!

Political cartoon Greg Jarrett Alvin Bragg Jed handlesman Shugarman and the Star : President Donald Trump!

Political cartoon Greg Jarrett Alvin Bragg Jed handlesman Shugarman and the Star : President Donald Trump! post thumbnail image
Political cartoon President Donald Trump Greg Jarrett and Alvin Bragg

Truth Social post

I am Freelancer. If you need work you can hire me here : It’s brand new. I just need a few orders to make it look like I’m active!

Designs in 2 days!
Freelancer political cartoonist available

The political cartoon satirizes Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s legal approach towards pursuing former President Donald Trump. Alvin Bragg is depicted as a ringmaster in a circus, symbolizing his management of the legal proceedings like a spectacle.. Meanwhile, caricatures of figures like Trump and legal commentators react in the background, adding humor and context to the cartoon’s message.

We need a more balanced and principled approach to lawyer Judge enforcement, avoiding the pitfalls of overreach and partisan agendas.

Im in the Deep Maga school. Going through my MagaUltra training. Going to be a citizen super soldier.

I hate tiktok. What’s all that writing on my video!!

As a freelance political cartoonist, I’ve experienced my fair share of challenges.

More often than not, clients disappear without paying, which can be disheartening. However, I’m passionate about my craft and consider myself artist first.

Heartbroken when male clients who promise payment, but then vanish. My hearts skips beat waiting. I check my email in my sleep. But nothing. It’s disappointing, especially when they create false expectations.

Happens 80 percent of the timem I was frustrated because I’m so hungry and I need food, but I have to replace my drawing pen which costs $70 so I make choices.

But it seems like I’m not going to get paid and it.. It’s the same people who hire me over and over again without paying me, and I keep doing it like a fool, I am, but just because I love drawing…they think zi forgot. Or since they pay me once, they feel thet don’t ever have to pay me again. I don’t even like to remind them and I don’t like to haggle. I just forget about it…

Despite this, I find fulfillment in creating magical and beautiful political cartoons. I never day no to good idea. The more I invest in my work, the more I improve.I charge significantly less than what my time and effort are worth—sometimes as little as $20 for a project that takes hours, including multiple revisions. This can be frustrating, especially when I encounter setbacks like my digital pen breaking, which I couldn’t afford to replace. I was crying this morning over it but thank God it started working again.

Financial struggles are a constant reality. Any money I earn goes towards basic necessities like, I cannot reinvest in my business…and I struggle to cover essential bills…like internet. The internet bill is months overdue, 400$ and I’ve even facing debt collectors for outstanding payments on it.

Living in a rural area, I rely solely on my cell phone for internet access, now. ..I use hotspot…which is shared among three people. I take turns…yes… .Losing this cellconnection would be devastating for my work. But every year I lose all contact average about 3 to 6 months a year.

Despite these challenges, I remain determined. I hope that I never forget the hardships I’ve faced while pursuing my passion for drawing. Each obstacle only strengthens my resolve to continue creating despite the odds stacked against me.

But once a Blue Moon I will get one client who will TOTALLY support me, financially emotionally, for many months and give me way more money than I deserve I guess it all works out.

I can’t emphasize enough how hungry I’ve been. How needy. Wearing rags. How disappointed in my family and friends who are very rich working for leftism. Every time I manage to gather enough money to cover a quarter of my internet bill, hunger strikes again. As a healthy person.. I crave fresh fruit desperately. Oranges, bananas, pears, apples, grapes, watermelon—these are essential for me. Without fresh fruit, I feel off-balance and not myself.

It’s frustrating that conservative clients aren’t hiring freelance artists like me. They are hiring LEFTISTS.. they get promoted..

They hire leftists to draw Pro trump cartoons. Imagine. Gop themed cartoonists DO NOT GET PROMOTED.

I’m stuck at level 1 seller for 8 years now. I get 5 stars 100% in everything…but they WILL NOT PROMOTE ME.

However, the demand from left-leaning individuals for political ads and cartoons is significant. I’ve had to turn down several opportunities because they required me to take an anti-Israel stance, which goes against my principles. Although this meant passing up potential income, I stand by my beliefs. I wont draw Anti Trump.. I hate drawing Anti Putin. I avoid. Sometimes, I reluctantly accept conservative ideas that are so mainstream.. Like American eagles and flags… Boring stuff… , but I prefer my cartoons to be nuanced and sophisticated. I pride myself on my expertise and artistic integrity.

On freelancing platforms, it seems that most political cartoonists are left-leaning and get hired more frequently, even for pro-Trump cartoons. Many of these artists produce quick, simplistic sketches and earn substantial sums, 250 dollars each..10 in queue…always..which is frustrating for someone like me who values complexity and originality. I refuse to conform to stereotypical styles or compromise my artistic integrity. My work is a reflection of my passion and creativity, and I prefer it that way—genuine and free from stock photography.

More and more of my posts are getting deleted. Now that election time is coming up. I’ve gone through this twice before with Trump. 1 by 1 my cartoon videos are getting erased from YouTube. Even my vintage ones. I’ll be surprised if I survive this purge.

Life isn’t fair if you are a Republican. But it’s what’s right.

Where is our Dark Money? We don’t get that stuff. You don’t see father daughter teams on the right making loads of money off politics. Like you do with judge Merchan and his daughter. Those joys do not come for people on the right

In the world of freelancing, you often encounter clients who mean well but may request designs that conflict with your values. For instance, one client wanted a cartoon depicting Trump with tape over his mouth, resembling a gag order. Normally, I wouldn’t portray the president in that manner—it just doesn’t sit right with me. Despite my reservations, they insisted, citing examples like Julian Assange’s use of similar imagery as a form of protest. I reluctantly agreed, but it left me feeling uneasy about compromising my principles.More recently, another client requested a cartoon that portrayed leftists in a bad light, depicting them shooting darts at Trump’s picture like a dartboard. This request crossed a line for me, as I couldn’t bring myself to create such a disrespectful image, darts on Trump. .even if it was meant to poke fun at left-leaning individuals. It’s important to me that my work remains magical.

In my political cartoons, I have a personal rule: President Trump will never be depicted touching anyone portrayed as “evil” or negative. I always draw a clear line or boundary separating him from such characters. It’s my way of showing respect for him. I realize it might sound unusual, but it’s important to me.

Honestly, if I could avoid freelancing altogether, I would. However, I need to earn money somehow to pay for my internet and buy food—it’s purely about survival for me. I’m not doing this out of blind loyalty..I expect a fair exchange for my work. It’s frustrating that some clients hiring freelancers for political art don’t fully grasp the impact of their requests.

Hiring a leftist to draw a conservative cartoon, for example, There needs to be more opportunities for conservative freelancers, like myself, to balance the scales. In my political cartoons, I aim to offer a different perspective. It’s disheartening to see liberals dominate certain freelancing platforms and receive disproportionate compensation. A fairer distribution of work and compensation would benefit artists of all political leanings.

You do not hire a leftist to draw your GOP themed cartoons. That is bad Juju.

More conservatives and republicans need to hire freelancers for their business because it is very unbalanced..the platforms….. Liberals are just getting rich… If I have to see more trans cartoonists…and free Palestine work available….all promoted to front pages..

The other day I saw Kamala Harris campaign on there looking for work..

So..where’s our equal time??

400 $ bucks! Are you kidding!!

I get so mad.

I’m sorry but I just can’t do these jobs. Where are these Christian conservatives looking for cheap workers?

Every democrat in politics has all this dark money access …and we on the right get 0..nothing, no light money.. We don’t even get red tents! And yet here we are ..we are the producers!!

No matter my consistent 5-star ratings on every order since 2015, I find myself stuck on page 13, never rising to the front page. It feels unfair, and I believe it’s time for more conservatives in the GOP to engage with these platforms and advocate for better representation and opportunities. We should work to ensure that these platforms are inclusive and accessible to all viewpoints, including conservative perspectives.

Conservatives truly are the Lone Warriors.