Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Vladimir Putin Political Cartoon NFT “Outright Satanic”

Vladimir Putin Political Cartoon NFT “Outright Satanic”

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Vladimir Putin Political Cartoon NFT
Live now Rarible NFT Vladimir Putin

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Vladimir Putin Russia Transgender Religion Outright Satanic Political cartoon nft #vladmirputin #russia #politicalcartoon #nft #trans #orphantrains

Russian MAGA!

Here is the video

But actually, the article is so chopped up. And the video edited. The original says, Do we want to impose a perverted religion, on elementary school kids? That is not the future of Russia..etc..he ended with, ( looking at camera) : It is outright SATANIC! That day #satanism was trending on Twitter because of it. I first found out about this from a tweet from Jack Posobiec. Alot of conservatives are especially pleased with Uncle Vlad for saying that.

Update on my Facebook censorship.

Well. I am locked out. 🔒 I tried every browser. Every computer. My phone code does not send. My email worked. So I got the stupid code. It said I asked for two step system. I did not. And that I need my phone number to get in. I said ok. No code was sent to my phone. I waited all night. So..

now..they want me to upload my ID.

Why on Earth would I want a social media company to have my ID.


I am locked out. My phone number doesn’t work. My email still works. All of a sudden..the whole app just shut down on me. What happened is I signed in and I wound up 😨creating a new account😨??

I signed in as usual and it took me to a brand new account with nothing in it… So I located my account online. Tried again. A few times. I couldn’t get in. Code after code. NOTHING WAS SENT TO MY PHONE. And then it said..I couldn’t sign in using my phone because it said I had to sign in with a browser I had used before. I had used the browser..before though..So I tried an old laptop that I was signed in b4.

My password isn’t saved anywhere in google or on my phone.. it is very hard.. I was not hacked. This was not a mistake.

Facebook locked me out they just want my ID and where I live and all that and I would never do that..or give that to them I guess it’s good bye account…

… I saw something that said my account was scheduled for deletion November 1st like next month. It was just a Flash of a notification when I tried to sign in.


I don’t really want to go on there. But there’s a group I like to go on for a long time now and I love it. ❤️ It’s about Ancient history. It’s the only reason I go on Facebook…. sometimes I use the share 2 button …to share memes …when on Twitter…but they always get banned. It’s like someone is following me just to ban me… I recorded each time. So I just signed in to look at my ancient history group..

But knowing who Facebook is those groups will be shut down soon too .

I cannot believe that “Died suddenly” group I got in..shut down 300 K followers it was so action packed it was really the place to be. It was a place for friends. They deleted that too.

You know the worst you avoid something hiding…the more people notice. People can read it on your face… If people want to know something and you really won’t tell em.. they’re gonna be really curious about it…it will become bigger. They will ask you straight up. What’s the big frigging deal facebook. 🤔 What is wrong..inferior with you…


THEY CAN ASK twitter for it. I gave them my id.. Twit said it was the only way I can get a verified check mark. So I did ..I’m so stupid … I sent Twitter my ID. They never got a check mark for me. It was a scam.

Facebook…I am so happy. I can build up my new social media accounts on truthsocial gettr franksocial flote gab steemit .

You’ve gotten too mainstream…Facebook.. I can’t be in what feels like a prison. So sad. I am grieving. I was on Facebook since the beginning I have over 20 years of data and photos.

…But I needed the scorpion sting in order to force attain my goals. The judas iscariot sting. It hurts. But I am glad. You were holding me back..facebook. You were getting me so depressed. MANY bans this year! 28 days each. All my memes… my jokes had fact checks on them it was pathetic… Warnings on everything like I’m a child.

My friend deleted his Facebook account and I thought oh my God that’s so cool but I don’t know if I would do that because I have so much invested I was there since the beginning. I admired him.

I told all my friends and family to come on to face book.. and they did.

I was kind of impressed he deleted his account..but scared to do the same. Now it’s made easy for me.. I can leave for good.

Doesn’t Facebook make money selling my information?. Well Facebook there’s nothing to sell… I’ll never tell you what I’m doing again and you’ll never know. You will have nothing left to sell.

Now Facebook wants me to send them pictures. Photos of my ID? Who do they think they are it’s a stupid social media group. It’s like some pervert asking me for pics.

All I wanted to do is chat with my friends that I have stuff in common with.. and I want to look at the ancient histories group.

I actually brought my mom to telegram and I told my aunt… She’s on there too with all her relatives. TELEGRAM IS WHERE ITS AT. Facebook is the old myspace. It’s not even real anymore it’s called meta. With some weirdo around it…Mark Zuckerberg…I am so embarrassed for them..

It’s like Facebook is the old TV that no one watches anymore. People are never going to go back to it. It’s like … The new pizza hut. Dead.

I’m so embarrassed for Facebook.

I gave you the best I had. And you threw me away. You were so much fun..once..but that Era is gone. I wasted so much time. If only I knew..I never would have started.

I feel they are engaged in criminal activities with their clients information. This censorship..and control..makes them look ugly. Like the baddies. They look bad. It’s like milk gone sour. Rotten fruit. Old meaningless..fake. It’s not for friends. It is not for humans. It’s nothing nowhere fast.

They are just wannabes. A stupid Harvard movie story that isn’t even true. Only they know..who they are. They live with it.

All countries should ban it. It steals information even on private get censored blocked banned..even with a private account. That means a security breach. They are committing CRIMES SO BIG. 😳

I’m not an evil person …I’m actually a good person. My reward isn’t going to be here but in the life thereafter. I try not to be of this world but I do love people and communicating and I love art.. ancient 💕 history. In the palm of my hand.

But everything important Facebook got…was because of people like me. Who signed up and spread the word. Forced all our friends relatives to join. You owe me.

But instead I am left with bones and an exoskeleton.. And I’m filled with disgust when I when I look at something that’s dead. I don’t want to touch it anymore. I no longer love it…it’s cold. Gross. It’s not the same you anymore ..Meta.

So I look at this like a new stage in my life the next phase. I’m like a butterfly after all the MK ultra Facebook did on me all the trauma based mind control and the stalking and harassment I’ve got it all I recorded everything….

This taught us all lesson that social media isn’t isn’t really the place you should focus on just like MATT Drudge said.. he says avoid social media and work on your own website. Stay there. Work only on your blog. Focus on your life’s work.

People naturally want to be with other people and they want to connect. So it’s like Facebook is using that fear we all have of being alone ..and manipulating it ..that we have to jump through hoops just to be part of the group…They have taken advantage of us. Robbed us of energy.

Every social media group you belong to is completely different. Nothing is permanent on those social media sites. Everything can be erased.

You could even focus on your blog and then share your blog to social media.

I used to pay Facebook to boost my posts but about 6 years ago I was banned from doing that. Can you imagine a company not wanting money?… No this is too strange …this is definitely something else.

Trust me..get off now.

Flote is a social media app that you can download everything you’ve ever Uploaded to Facebook and upload it straight to flote. They even make the migration really easy. They give you instructions how to do it. Took me just 2 hours to get all those decades of posts..uploaded to

Do it now. Cuz one day..Facebook will be blank. Do not wait. Make new friends elsewhere. ✨️ Build up from rock bottom now. OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE STRANDED WITH only A FEW FOLLOWERS ELSWHERE.

People on these new social media apps get way more followers more followers instantly that’s like almost impossible to do on Facebook. Took me decades just to get obviously 5000 and they wouldn’t even let me get any more friends after that. Mostly friends that Follow you or..add you will never engage that they’re just like eyes. You never know if their bots. Why would you want bots following you? Ai program software.

I have 3 pages on Facebook that I won’t ever see again.

I even had 65 Days bans.. it was kind of like a ban..all of my posts went to the bottom of the thread if you’re scrolling on Facebook would have to scroll a long time see my posts which actually came before everybody elses. And every single time I signed in I would get a red line it said Account restricted.

I shared a blurred out hunter Biden photo with those 2 girls and Obama’s dog on the bed which was heavily blurred. Facebook banned me for it and it was the same picture that Jesse b waters had on his show that same night which was not censored.

The thing I really didn’t like about that is they accused me of being sexually inappropriate and revealing intimate images. That hunter photo.. They accuse me of sharing intimate images. They made me feel really dirty.

I got a 30 day ban..for a post of a pic of a baseball game ..a guy caught a baseball and he was sitting next to a girl with kind of large boobs ..and that got deleted for sexually explicit content. 30 day ban. At..a baseball game. Every time I sign in I get to see my account status ..and I see these strikes. Do you know how weird I feel ..when Facebook is falsely accusing me of sharing intimate images and being sexually inappropriate?.. I don’t know what kind of feels like rape.

Didn’t like what Facebook was insinuating with me. I didn’t like what they were Accusing me of. It felt like you know a jealous boyfriend or something really like a stalker. Though ….they made me. Forced me…I had to defend my honor.. and explain their mistake..and I never ever gotten my appeals fixed.

I would go to Facebook happy and positive and then I would sign in and I would see all these strikes every single time ..and even when I’m on my page or on someone’s page I still see the red status… that my account is restricted. .. My instant I blush red..and feel humiliation..maybe unconsciously feel like .. ashamed.. I feel shame.

I still feel really weird about Facebook accusing me of sharing intimate sexual images or being a sexual criminal. Like when I sign in and I see the account status and all my strikes every single time.. I read their accusations of every time I sign in and post it’s always there a red line.

..I feel like they are sexually humiliating me.

They wrote it out.. ” you have shared an intimate sexual image of yourself” I think those are the exact words….That’s from sharing a Hunter Biden meme!

.. Like I’m taking sexual advantage of someone.

They accuse me a being a sexual predator pretty much.

They did it in a way that made me feel very uncomfortable. I did I felt sexually harassed. Not in a good way.

The photo of the guy catching the baseball next to the big boob lady at a baseball game.. 30 day ban. They said I broke the rules on using other people for sexual exploitation or something like that they accuse me being a sexual predator. Read the accusation every time I sign in. I am a sexual predator..they say. I can’t remember the words it was..

” You have Shared intimate sexual of another person without their consent” am some sort of revenge porn …misdemeanor person! For a MEME.

I have memories on there. It’s like having a suitcase filled with beautiful pictures of your fantastic career or something and all your friends and their friends. and you’re very happy and proud of your photos.(.no other copies.).and then someone comes and steals your suitcase. And for the rest of your life you cannot show your children you cannot show anybody who you were. Almost like it never happened.

Facebook..deleted me. I followed all the rules. They harm. It was abuse.. I have suffered..really. no kidding. Every time it happens I come to this blog and talk about it so it’s all in my blog every single time.

I forgot but this was like 3 years ago.. Facebook accuse me of being anti-Semitic. I had drawn a political cartoon of George Soros. Yeah I made a video about that I was not happy with that accusation. How. Dare they accuse me of that. “Hate speech of another religion” they called it back then. FACEBOOK ACCUSED ME OF BEING HATE SPEECH. WHA WHA WHAT? For a political cartoon?I never ever signed up to any of those rules I never agreed that I would never make fun of political figures I never agreed to that.. The cartoon was called Sorrow’s satanic secret star chamber court and it was really funny that was all these witnesses and he was the judge.. That was absolutely nothing there about any kind of religion or anything like that. Didn’t win appeal. 2018 I think..there have been sooo many bans !

I remember my 1st ever ban. I had drawn a political cartoon of Chuck schumer’s daughter ..working at Facebook.. playing candy crush. 🍬 I can’t remember but I think it was a 60 day ban. Or it was like 3 months. Remember when the first bans were like for 3 months?

I was very proud of this actually but I actually got a ban it was like a 7 day suspension..for drawing Zuckerberg with flabby boobs under his sweats. He was talking to Chuck schumer’s daughter ( in this one too) who was on the phone with her daddy crying that she didn’t want to work at Facebook.

Yes both times I drew cartoons about about Chuck schumer’s daughter working at Facebook ..I got a 30 day ban on Facebook ..both times..and that’s not in their rules there’s nowhere in the rules ..that say that you cannot make fun of Chuck Schumers daughter working at Facebook.

She really did.

Yes. I was proud of that ban because it felt like Mark Zuckerberg banned me himself. Zuck w boobs. You know he didn’t like that. I wrote about it on this blog here.

Did I deserve any of this? Am I hiding my guilt? I leave any information out? No!

Not one ban I deserved. Not One.

… This is NOT just Facebook a..board.. collective ..NO…..this is the individual that caused me so much harm the individual fact checker ..that banned me over and… over again.. over again ..whoever it is is going to pay 2. It’s not my wish but I return the negativity back with love. It’s yours. So might it be.