Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Hillary Clinton Sports Illustrated Political Cartoon NFT

Hillary Clinton Sports Illustrated Political Cartoon NFT

Hillary Clinton Sports Illustrated Political Cartoon NFT post thumbnail image

Video I made of me drawing my Hillary Clinton NFT cartoon.

Based loosely on this. Adam with the fig leaf covering his genitals. So you cant see..very symbolic. When you PUT something in front of yourself and the viewer, that means something. When you study body language you learn this. If you are on a date and your date puts a cell phone on the table between you two, same thing. Putting something before you. Putting a purse on a table before you same thing. Its BLOCKING you from seeing something they want hidden. For a reason.
On Rarible. @politicalcartoons
There is my PROOF OF PAYING THE GAS FEE, you get a hash. It is ON THE BLOCKCHAIN. Unable to edit. Forever there.

All republicans know that Hillary Clinton is physically gross. There is something about her that just makes your skin crawl. Being around her, you can smell the sulfur. It’s like all the ghosts of the people she’s murdered are trailing her, seeking revenge. She’s a horrible witch who used and abused small children for money, along with Huma Abedin and her husband. They advertised that they were into that kind of thing, with photos of babies next to hard-ons. It’s sick. And she has the nerve to run for president? We need to make sure she never gets into office. SHE’S NOT EVEN HUMAN!

Here is the link

The only copy out there is above. High Quality too, very super rare. Only one out there for collectors of political memorabilia.

Drawing Hillary Clinton’s NFT Political cartoon on Clip Studio Paint ( is the video link.


There are still changes I have to make. Add some more tents, put the bikes by the fire station and change the colors, like of the grass. I will do it again! No problem. Anything for a client.

Being a republican, I am quite conservative. So when I started work on UPWORK, I knew that I had to do things differently. But sometimes I am a business mess and do chaotic business. I drew the whole thing out before agreeing on a price and having him put the money into escrow. I also did not do any milestones or clock in for hourly. I did not do any of that. I just wanted the gig so I drew his requirements. I just wanted to get the job done and get paid with the tip jar there. It is not because I am lazy, I just find it so difficult to understand this process. Upwork is SO COMPLICATED. I will learn how to do all that when I get better. It was interesting, but I think I did it all wrong. I could be doing all this work for free. But I do it for the experience. I do not get scammed on upwork, people treat me right and write 5-star reviews.


No American on Earth wants to go shoot up a school. Noone Not one. The Communists want the guns, people. Straight up. So easy to spot. You will see a ton of these. Noone was hurt. Real families are too pesky.

I actually might sell this nft on

I can list it for sale on other platforms as long as I sign in with my crypto wallet. It is in Beta and so new, but COINBASE will sell NFTS now. I think they will do well. As long as they keep politics out of the blockchain, it’s fine. It’s the unknown. A New Frontier. We move forward, never back.

So let me guess, if they cloned all the evil dictators, they also cloned the Saviors of the world too. To be our designated heroes. To be our Lightbringer. They are all chosen, so we can watch some entertainment. Good and bad guys on the same team. Both sides want us powerless. We need THE PARTY OF THE REGULAR PERSON. No Bloodlines. No Clones of Dictators and Heroes, No Secret Societies. We need new everything. TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH and we need to get our men IN. Whatever it takes.

When you are born X fights for you in Congress. When you die X will be fighting for you in Congress. But when it comes down to it. It was all theatre. They played the part of a savior. Thats the false light.

They will tell you the coronavirus is real. They will tell you the “medicine” is safe. That they took it too. Remember this. They are not dumb and naive…( do you actually think) that we are smarter than them LOLOLOL. No.

That is why they cant have no Kathy Barnette in there. They cant have a laura loomer either. They would tell the world the whole thing is rigged and set up. It’s a club and you ain’t in it. You ain’t the designated hero of humanity, who battles the evil villain. He plays a part too. No one gets in trouble. They just get new identities in another country. Noone going to Gitmo. Noone is being saved from the undergrounds. If you ask me what they are doing down there, probably planting explosives to burn the cities up. It will be blamed on a plane dropping some bombs…or, forest fire.. I bet or a candle knocked over. Jack Posobiec says Get out of CITIES for a reason.

As long as we know it, its ok. But there is nothing we can do about it. Just know that you know.. and save yourself. All war is deception. Do you really think communists of the past.. told the people they were going to starve them, ahead of time?

Satan showed Jesus the kingdoms of the earth, the four corners. So Jesus where he was standing, saw the whole world before him. Not spinning in a void …but solid, immovable.. and it looked good. The devil said, You can have any one of MY KINGDOMS. So if the devil is offering Kingdoms.. then who owns the kingdoms? Just saying.

God is not the Republicans and the devil is not the Democrats. God is not the devil upside down. That is a trick. God is NOWHERE near, nowhere near any Republicans. We are in a luciferian system. Look at our paper currency. I mean, look at that eye on a pyramid. Great deception and great hoaxes.

Look at what his tiktok account was ! 33 in it.
All of us want our hero. We yearn for innocence. And strength. If something is too fantastical and on the NEWS MSM, it is NEVER one of us. DO YOU HEAR. There is nothing you can do about this. JUST KNOW IT.

Remember those on FOX news pushed this hard.

I think 22 million would be better trying to get PEOPLE LIKE Kathy Barnette in office. For her campaign. Enough with theatre, We want real battles. Real war. Real bad guys and Real angels and real saviors. Not actors in a skit. Aging senators in their house of worship are lying. Supreme court justices wearing black mourning robes for Queen Mary. STOP. The fall of America is the fall of Rome script. Julius Caesar next, is going to get 23 fake stab wounds. Brutus will do this. The world will go into chaos. It will be a BIG EVENT that will be staged.

In her campaign for office, Kathy Barnette is focused on the issues that matter most to Americans. She believes that the country is facing real challenges that require real solutions, not theatrical performances. Barnette is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and believes that Americans have a right to bear arms. She also believes that illegal immigration is a serious problem and supports building a wall along the border. In addition, Barnette is opposed to abortion and believes that unborn children have a right to life. With her conservative values and her focus on the issues, Barnette is well-positioned to win support from American voters.


22 million he got in donations. The social medias got you thinking, he was on your side by banning all talk of him, remember CUZ THEY BAN THEMSELVES DUMMIES. They drown their own crimes..They don’t want any record of it.

Conservatives better smarten up. We do not have much time. Kathy 4 Truth Barnette is correct. AMERICANS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS REAL.

These people worship the Horns, my friend. You did not think the media was.. lol..going to make a regular person rich and famous, do you?

Frozen audiences too. The whole thing is a mess. But do not forget to go on TV JUST TO SMEAR Lin Wood. No, these saviors and villains, HATE OUTSIDERS. Because outsiders would see everything they do. It is not just him, my friend. A lot of our victims, martyrs, capital Jan 6 shootings, were JUST HOLLYWOOD PRODUCTIONS AND BLOOD PILLS, ON A CELL PHONE. They have agents setting up Trumper social media accounts for years to make them look like us. They have sleeper cells pretending to be like us. I am sorry. My friend. I can’t prove everything to you all the time, but just telling you this, shows you the door. You will find it. You will see it. It’s as old as time. The same M.O. every time. We do not catch it at once, in the truth community, we get taken in, but once you see it so much, you recognize them a mile away.

John Sullivan dressed up as a Trump supporter and JUST HAPPENED TO BE RIGHT NEXT TO HER. Got 28 k for that footage. DID you see the other footage where you see someone put something in her mouth before she bled out her mouth and nose? Did you see her alive on the stretcher? Oh yes, you saw it. Can’t believe we fell for it. Only for a few minutes though. Truth comes out if you look. Her “family” got tens of millions of dollars in yet ANOTHER donation heist, which helped out my Mainstream Media. I am sure they get a cut.

Truth hurts. I am sorry. Conservatives better smarten up. Don’t be naive. Stop Spinning. Know that we are stable and solid. They can’t ever lie to us again.

A false flag is an event that is staged to look like it was carried out by someone other than the true perpetrator. False flags are often used to discredit an opponent or stir up public anger and support for a cause. Unfortunately, they are all too common in today’s world. Political campaigns are particularly susceptible to false flag attacks, as they can be used to smear an opponent or Influence public opinion. The 2016 US presidential election was marred by numerous false flag attacks, many of which were directed at candidate Donald Trump. These attacks took the form of hoaxes, character assassination attempts, and outright lies. Unfortunately, due to the polarized nature of the political climate, many people believe these false claims without question. This is dangerous, as it allows the true perpetrators of these attacks to remain hidden while their opponents take the blame. If we want to prevent false flag attacks from happening in the future, we need to be more critical of the information we consume and not allow ourselves to be manipulated by those who would do us harm.

I mean I have a feeling something’s wrong I really do.. like when I heard the Trump Hotel in Washington DC sold for you know 300 almost 400 million… I couldn’t believe it like ..because if I were an architect ..if I were a builder… I would never give that hotel up in a million years ..I’m serious you don’t know what kind of architecture that place is ..and it’s filled with ancient technology ..and more ancient than we were led to believe was founded and established it wasn’t built for a post office..For letters? Puh leez.. I mean really you think the Washington d.c. Post Office Trump Hotel ..was really built for MAIL 😆 THE whole story is ridiculous.. I mean it’s like a palace ..anyways ..when I heard that place was for sale know and it’s not just that’s many many things ..that aren’t just know.. I have to ask myself is his life in danger? Because I only think these things and say these things because I really care you know because I really really care about him. And I’ve grown to love his family I used to be a Celebrity Apprentice top commenter on the forums online.

..and I have not seen his daughter around except you know maybe a fuzzy picture of a cameo at a party or something at Mar-A-Lago… but nothing online and it reminds me ..

..Matt drudge.. I mean long before everybody knew that he was no longer in control of his website.. I knew something was wrong, he completely disappeared ..he hasn’t been seen since.. and I know he’s an introvert ..but nobody’s seen Matt drudge for years now… is he alive ? Yes. can someone go knock on his door ..and just ask.. if he’s still alive? Yes.. because if he is in trouble.. I mean maybe we could help him… don’t forget who broke the story The Monica Lewinsky story.

. Back to Trump Hotel sale in DC I would never give it up in a million years I would die before giving it up I would do what I had to do to keep it … be honest…

I would trade in the Washington d.c. Trump Hotel…for the Capitol building ..if I could trade it in.. you know I would definitely do that for that… I would give it up.. but I would not give it up or sell it for just money..that place is magical.

I mean I can’t see President Trump downgrading don’t understand who he is… so this is unlike him.. unless ..he’s like trading in the capitol building for his next hotel ..or something. I’m just saying you know. it doesn’t have to be a hotel could be a children’s Library.. something really positive you know like you don’t have to destroy it.. because it represents the Illuminati ..that’s nonsense …guns are not bad.. people are bad …buildings are not bad ..people are bad.

The problem with false flags is that they’re so predictable. You never find the answers or EVEN the body in the morgue. YOU WILL NEVER FIND ANYBODY IN THE MORGUE, true. But you can find people who look exactly like them who died just before it happened. It’s like, wow. That’s the same person. And they are still alive, with a new life. Pretending to be a Trump supporter. Witnesses all scream, THEY ARE ALL ACTORS and no one listens. They only interview boys with backward Trump hats, and they spin tales for the media. The backward trump hat means ANTIFA. So easy to spot them. They all know the script. They have such dupers delight they advertise they are in on it.

Now in my video, I did not get any sound. But for this one I got sound and I put in many EXTRAS


My Patreon account before they BANNED me permanently. CIAO CONSERVATIVE they told me, years of work destroyed one-of-a-kind blog posts about my thoughts, gone.
AWWW 2017. At least I am consistent.
lol lol
Debbie Wasserman Schultz WHO REMEMBERS HER
Naughty Debbie
BOB CREAMER which has to be from 2016 was drawn on a pad with a sharpie.
Get out of the way you SWINE, can’t you see a political cartoonist is coming??

Yeah I thought so

Who remembers BOB CREAMER?> LOLOL

Jack Dorsey steps down 5/25

Yes but what about “power out”? That didnt happen. Is this like a script? Its very mysterious.

TODAY is my 13th birthday on Twitter. Happy Birthday. Me on Twitter. Yeah. Thanks. I feel, so special.

Here is an OLD Political cartoon of mine, LOOK, it was WAYYYY before the coronavirus was even a thing, 2018! At least I am consistent.

Owen Shroyer political cartoon

Did you know the IRS bamboozles the sheriff into doing a crime..for the irs.. by taking property.. using the NONAUTHORITY OF THE IRS. Its a second-degree felony called the conversion of property?

Not one contract is written badly on purpose in syntax grammar this is known for its null and void stuff. You must know.

Notary …is more powerful than a judge..

… ( I’m notary in Florida)

You can go into a courtroom and look at the judge and asked if this document signed by you.. and if he says no.. you tell him that the person who signed this is the judge..and not him ( he’s fired).

He’s also fired if he’s not a judge.. and I think they call them referees nowadays.. she wouldn’t believe the stuff that’s going on.. in these houses of worship. Pagan crap. Lady Justice their goddess.

He’s also fired if he’s not a judge.. and I think they call them referees nowadays.. u wouldn’t believe the stuff that’s going on.. in these houses of worship. Nobody knows because nobody knows their rights .. or even who they are .. honey look what we’re doing we’re tearing down Ancient Ancient the most ancient buildings and structures All Over America and putting up cardboard boxes for ourselves and we have to pay for electricity which is just gathered from the atmosphere in the towers. We have to pay for water and it’s poisoned I mean really you can’t even drink it you have to put a special filter on it and change it once a week I mean it’s venom poisonous and we pay for it. In the olden days they had fresh spring water going from house to house and in the downtown area they would have a beautiful water fountain that would be charged with atmospheric electricity supercharging it for health…

Yet these Justice people are the only ones left who get the Parthenon buildings the Senate’s ..pillars and triangles..solid marble and rose all of our cities they are the only ones left ..who..get the ancient structures..for their ” Courts”.

Yes..Justice..Pagan crap. Lady Justice their goddess. He was telling me the other day that in one of these temples, the priestesses wear next to nothing.. and there’re orgies and all sorts of debauchery going on. It’s a disgrace. I mean, what happened to the good old days when people went to church to worship God? Now it’s all about sex ..cocaine..and money. It makes me sick. I mean Madison cawthorn spelled it out.. he said Republicans had asked me to go to orgies with them with cocaine parties he was talking about the rinos.. the UNWANTED and look what they did to him.. they proved that they’re in charge of everything .. they’re investigating him he lost his seat like right away I mean I’m sorry but he’s a winner okay .. they’re investigating his cryptocurrency ..?? Wtf..and if they’re in charge of everything..these Republicans..all of them.. then why is Joe Biden president? There’s a lot of funny business going on a lot of play-acting this is like “Shakespeare” or something..

I made this video 1 year ago and I collected those pictures for like five years.. I made the video ..and I checked up on the stats ..and only 34 people watched this video? Its 30 long!! I worked hard!!

It makes me so sad because you know I see a lot of people that say they’re Patriots ..butt 🍑 don’t really know much about America… so here is some history about America.. if you’re really a patriot …if you really love America ..and you know if you’re not..a wannabe a poser ..that you’re not really interested in America ..just pretending..

…🍊but if you’re interested in America.. please watch this video I can’t believe it’s been a year and only 34 people watched it …this video took me so long to make!!