Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Kellyanne Conway goes after her husband in new book, Political Cartoon NFT

Kellyanne Conway goes after her husband in new book, Political Cartoon NFT

Kellyanne Conway goes after her husband in new book, Political Cartoon NFT post thumbnail image
KellyAnne Conway NFT political cartoon on Rarible.

I paid the gas fee for the non fungible token. 15$ is not so bad. Last night the gas fees were 1$

I was sorry to see Kellyanne Conway leave the White House. I think she was a real asset to President Trump and he depended on her a lot. She was always very friendly and personable with the press and she knew how to handle them. I’m sure she’ll find something else to do, but I hope it’s not in the media. It seems like you have to have a flawless life to be in government these days and Kellyanne has certainly had her share of problems. Unless she can do something amazing for the Republican Party, I don’t think she’ll be back in government anytime soon. But she can earn her way back in, she has to do something HUGE and positive for our party. Going after her husband, may not be it, but still, we are so curious about her private life!

Kellyanne Conway is one of the most high-profile Republican women in politics today. She’s also been married to George Conway, a prominent conservative lawyer, for more than 20 years. In her new book, “Here’s the Deal,” Kellyanne Conway pulls no punches when it comes to her husband, revealing that his public embarrassments have left her feeling humiliated and alone. She also opens up about her role as a counselor to President Donald Trump, she was very nice. Despite all of this, Kellyanne Conway insists that she remains committed to her republican principles and will continue to fight for the party’s values.

I made two typos in the nft, I meant to say Kellyanne Goes after her husband in the NEW book, but I wrote Kellyanne goes after her new husband. I point this out because, with blockchain, YOU CAN NOT FIX TYPOS. It is forever. I can burn the nft which destroys it. You can buy this NFT to destroy it, yes. Anyone who buys art at an auction can burn it up, yes. But I cannot edit the metadata. It is Frozen. I already got a few likes, it’s shared so it is just too late. I want everyone to know the permanency of it. So you are careful. If you can, have someone else edit your words before printing.

The original is an nft, there are no other copies. That is how rare these political cartoons are going to be, they are for the future. The potential that they will be valuable is guaranteed. Our movement is like no other. I only post the screenshots of them elsewhere and even on my blog, insta, everywhere is just a screenshot, not the original. You got proof of stake and proof of work. All leads to the author me. No forgeries nothing. This may not matter now, but in the future, these are objects that will be sought after.

Look I have been Touched by an Angel that’s my Twitter account she laughed out loud at my comment. Below. She lol’ed me!
Not you…Me!
Sold nft
flashback cartoon
I miss Kellyanne Conway. She was a great republican voice during the Trump administration, and I hope she makes a comeback soon. I may get her new book! Gossip and personal life stuff are very interesting, and I bet Trump is going to read it. I really feel she wants republicans to give her another chance and maybe be a host on fox news. But in my heart, I think the whole George Conway thing turned a lot of people off. Being a CEO type woman is very hard. Most women who become CEOs or bosses or in powerful positions are unhappy. They mostly only go to college to find a husband to have kids with. More than half of all college entrants are women. In the rat race, it’s to get married, to these college students. Get a degree so a worthy man will marry them. Most women think like this. But not her. SHE LOVES HER JOB. She is a real woman. She is not a covert trans like so many women CEOS are. But still, I like her wit and her no-nonsense attitude. She would have to earn it if she wants it. And she may just be lucky. The reason why most women who have high profile jobs are important is these are powerful positions and there is a lot of competition. Also, you have your reputation to protect. If your husband is embarrassing you publicly, it’s best to back up into the bushes and get your house in order. Family comes first. That is why we must choose wisely. George Conway was her choice of husband. It may be why she had her counselor job in the first place, who knows right. But ultimately these were her decisions. Without her husband, her life would have been very different. So we cannot complain. The worst things that happen to us, create the best opportunities sometimes.

I wonder if he found out about Trump, that she was writing a book about him, and was scared that she was going to say bad things about working with him. BUT SHE WAS SO PROFESSIONAL that she did not do any of that. Of course, she had to put in something to make sales, one thing bad, so maybe it’s very small really. She was loyal to Trump. But I have a feeling he misses her and needs her sometimes, it is hard to replace her, she was so smiley and positive, and had a tv voice. We shall see. Her husband ruined her life. Very abusive if you ask me. He tried turning their daughter against her too. Sometimes if you are a woman you have to be strong. So her daughter embarrassing her and George embarrassing her would mean, that it was her fault. In her quest for perfection, she forgot about the vulnerabilities of being a mother and wife. Maybe sometimes we need to choose family before work.
I put is George okay in my political cartoon
Kellyanne Conway’s new book
Here is the 3rd draft. I got hired on UPWORK. I posted the first and second versions on this blog, and in previous posts. As you can see, I try very hard. This is the third revision and I am awaiting more direction. But yes I am available for any type of work. I can sketch, ink, and color for you. I can also do any office work.

I can research any topic and write you a paper.

Your assistant. About 10$ an hour. You Pay per gig. You sign up and link to your Paypal or just a bank, it is very easy, and you follow instructions. I am not greedy for money, I just like to play. Boss and Employee.

Just DM me at UPWORK- yeah, Let’s try UPWORK, but I am also on FIVERR and I have a Ko-fi commissions account, they all link to my bank. If you want me to design a t-shirt, I have a teespring you can order from, just let me know or send me sketches. I can finish your work, I can color your drawings, and I can design you an NFT base..I can rewrite your articles, and make them longer.

Right now I am working on a POLITICAL FICTION story against abortion. 3000 words for 10$.

Of course people tip me if they like it. But I charge so little because I love the experience, and these social media business sites make it very hard for me to get business- because of the conservative status I am open with. This way I get my business, the low costs. If I do good work, and I charged someone 10$ they can tip me another 10$ if they like. So I do not do this for dirt pay. If I do bad, no tip. If I do good and no tip, I am ok, with the work, because of experience. So I do not mind. What else am I doing, right?

I also have Paypal. Yes, or you can pay me with crypto Ethereum or Solana. I am sure I can take bitcoin- I just need to convert. My address is in the footer, you can scan with your phone, or my coinbase crypto wallet address is @politicalcartoons or politicalcartoon.nft which is my blockchain domain- you can also send crypto too. You can also pay me by US MAIL if you deal in cash.

To hire me, let us try UPWORK. Yes, my Upwork account is here:

Maria G. – Political Cartoonist Illustration Caricature Portrait Digital Artist – Upwork Freelancer from Buffalo NY, United States

You can leave the job open and I can work with your permanently also, for the entire year…or anytime you need.

We set it up at 10$ a job.

We agree on milestones or the entire job, a price. and you put your money into an escrow until the job or milestones are accepted by you. ( On Fiverr, you pay upfront. Upwork in escrow)

My UPWORK address is here- to hire me on Upwork: Maria G. – Political Cartoonist Illustration Caricature Portrait Digital Artist – Upwork Freelancer from Buffalo NY, United States

Here I clock in my hours -once an hour Upwork- TAKES A SCREENSHOT- on my computer screen- and sends it to you randomly -when I am clocked in.

So you know I am working.

By hours, by milestone, or by the job. Many options to pay- if you want to do this. I will not spam you. I work basically for 5-star reviews, so I will go out of my way and not charge for a lot of things like learning or research. If you really want to cut corners instead of paying people tips, give them a 5 star review. It helps so much. Maybe this is something you would like? A helper whenever. You can hire me once. Or you can hire me once a week to do something. Or once in a blue moon. I am here. I can show you how Upwork works, also. You are in BOSS MODE and I am in EMPLOYEE MODE. It is fun playing!

If you need this “off the books”, I have a Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp account, or a P.O. box. Just let me know. I am ready. Everybody needs an assistant. 10$ would cover an hour of me talking on a phone about what you need also, making outlines, plans, etc. 10$ an hour flat, for you reader.

Now Upwork says I charge 20$. I list that, but for any reader of my blog, I will charge 10$. Just dm me and remind me. I do this because I get a lot out of it. I get something out of it. I learn something, I get free education or I get new opportunities opened, by people who do not like to take risks.

I meet new friends or employers, and doors open. It always helps to have a sketch of anything, even if you plan on hiring an EXPENSIVE artist, you may need someone to just put something on paper first to know what you want. I can remove the backgrounds of photos, draw your employee’s caricatures, design, and research what people are talking about. I can have access to SEMRUSH or Grammarly Pro if you need to. I have many tools. My software is yours if I am your employee. Corel Painter 2022, cost me 400$, the newest, and I use clip studio EX. I mean, I also know Artrage PRO and Autodesk Sketchbook Pro. I have a WACOM 23 INCH graphic tablet, I mean, you KNOW IT.

I do not panic and disappear. I am not like oh I got work to do, and save it for the last minute. No, I am more balanced. I believe work makes you a moral person. I love to focus. It is fun for me. I may be late to start but when I do, I am SO INVOLVED with PROJECTS for OTHER PEOPLE that they need help with. I do. AND I ENJOY helping conservatives.

You know I am STILL FRIENDS with those who have hired me since 2015? I have some VIP political clients too I do some stuff for. Lips sealed if that is the deal! They all still follow me too. I do not make enemies. I do not lose patience or overcharge or nitpick hours. If I do not know how to do something, I say yes and figure it out.

Do you need your social media profiles all in order? Do you need personal bios written? Do you need reviews? Do you want me to post something anywhere on social media? Do you have products to sell and need someone to handle your merch accounts? Comment? Anything. I can ghostwrite and do cloak and dagger stuff too sure. I can pretend I am your secretary and make appointments. Your virtual office. I have a video or not if you are shy. I am a dm away or an IM. If you need something down at 1 am, I can get up and do it. I work from home. Do you have a website you need fixing? I can research what you need.

Plus- me being on Fiverr for so many years, and I am also a client. If there is something you need, that I DO NOT KNOW HOW, I bet you I can find an expert who will do it for me for 5$ Do you need someone to sing happy birthday for someone on video? I can probably find that in 24 hours for example. Anything you need. I can make memes! I am know-how. I can make video memes. I have done that, I have canva pro. I can take footage and add dancing cartoons and emojis.

I have my writing accounts so if you need a defender for anything or an attack piece, I can write something in my own blog to ” make it look organic”. I can write something that you take credit for, ghostwriting. I delete my copy if you ask me.

I can Promote your business, in 9 different ways. Video editing, I have done tons of this stuff. How about whenever you write a blog, I look at it first and I can add things, edit the words, design presentations, whatever for you, make it longer, add references, and do research?

I can draw your portrait. I can do your pets portrait. I know people who do things that I do not know. I can read and write Spanish. You may need someone to design your Christmas card. Do you want a recipe book printed out? Do you need your photos in an online photo album book designed? YOU NEED AN ARTIST whatever you do. Let me tell you how much better things would be for conservatives if they had artists on board. Documentaries Books, posters. Beauty is important. I can draw a get-well card for grandma with something sentimental and personal that would mean more than something from a store.

A virtual secretary can be very useful for several tasks, from managing your calendar and scheduling appointments to handling customer inquiries and providing information about your products or services. In today’s fast-paced business world, it’s important to have someone you can rely on to take care of the details, so you can focus on the big picture. A virtual secretary can provide that extra level of support, freeing up your time to work on more important tasks. Whether you’re a Republican running a small campaign or a large corporation, a virtual secretary can help you stay organized and efficient, allowing you to better serve your clients, constituents, and customers. So if you’re looking for someone to help manage your business affairs, consider hiring a virtual secretary like me! Sometimes we all just need SOMEONE THERE. To keep you on track, to remind you of your responsibilities. To backup your work. We all get lazy and procrastinate. It is good to have a team on any project. Otherwise, your big ideas, are just not real.

Upwork may be too difficult to understand. If so, you can send money other ways. Weekly monthly hourly wage or by the job. You design it. I am available. I can be the one who writes down all the gigs for you, orders whatever. You just relax. Let me take care of it. I can write down every job and give you a weekly bill also if you cannot be bothered with these hiring sites. No job is too sensitive. Sometimes people need a mailing address for one job, or someone to make a phone call, saying whatever to whoever, ex-associates whatever.

Research UPWORK how to use it, and check back with me. You may say HEY I want to use this for everything, it may be the best new thing you do.

Are you starting a new business? And need someone part part part of the time? I can help you. Research anything- you need to be done. I know when I had a business, I always needed people. Even if it was for the week.

These days if you hire someone, has to be permanent and they need loads of hours, for part-time or full time and you are stuck with them. Not me. I have a photocopy machine, scanner, and office supplies. Most things are done online now. From home. Use me for emergencies once a year.

Do you have a book you want to publish? ANYTHING I can help you with. Any project. Think of what you need help with. Mostly organizing. I can help you fill out your to-do lists. Remind you, also. I can help you write an outline. We all start from zero.

One thing I learned, is that, once you GET HIRED, you start the job and do not leave the site until finished. If there is a huge job, you can finish after turning some work in, and then you can have a break maybe overnight. That way you work with clients and they work too, they write notes, and they reflect on what they need you to add. It’s a COLLABORATION.


I can help you with that. Just email me and let me know what your wish is. Your big plan. That would be a start. Let me do the talking writing and brainstorming.

Do you have a BIG PLAN? Something YOU WANT to do more than anything? I can help. Something you think sounds crazy! No, it is not. It is VERY DO-ABLE.



( Just an example of a wild guess of my needs) :

1: Look at my website and tell me what’s wrong with it, Make a list a pdf of all I need to do to fix it

2...Make a movie slideshow of all my Instagram pics. Heres the music I want in it.

3 Someone to edit my drawing videos, my speed paints make it nice with Canva or something.

4. I am tired and want to have a watch party for 2000 mules with a human, and want to comment back and forth on the best points

5. Can someone listen to Alex Jones for me and write an outline of todays show?

6. I need an NFT base for this design I am thinking of, but want another input. I want you to draw it Ape style. I can dress it up myself.

7. I hire caricature artists when I want to see myself as a cartoon or need a new profile pic. Today I want to see me as the ideal conservative, what would I look like fashion-wise?

8. I want someone to draw me a doodly video to cheer up my dad, about his life story ( I did this once) this time about his new wife and where she came from.

9. Can someone design A NEW BANNER for this website here? Here is my Instagram account for ideas X

10. I am going to film myself drawing, I need a video editor and to make it only 5 minutes long and add links and description.

11. Can someone promote my gig on their website?

12. Can you fix my youtube account, organize, create all my categories and make sure this URL is in every description all uniform.

13. Can you in your style, look at my sketch and draw this logo better.

14. Can you make me a list of the trending topics right now for conservatives and pick the hottest?

15 Can someone call me every day and make sure I completed all my to-do lists? I need a coach. I have to draw a political cartoon a day and I need someone there pushing me. I missed many days.

16 Can you read my blog here and edit it, it looks so messy I am so tired.

17 Here is my new drawing. I want you to post it on all social media. I am so tired of doing that. Please, write all posts differently and use the right hashtags.

18 I seriously need to talk to someone on the phone who will take notes and write everything down.

19 I will make you a guest on my account but I need you to respond to all the DMS and try to be friendly and make friends- and be nice. Instead of ignoring the volume of messages. Which is not nice. Engage others and say thank you. People with nice things to say, say nice things back.

20. Can you order me groceries this week- with your account? I need a phone call from you, and I will tell you what I need. Lots of fruit. I pay you whatever the cost – the way you want.

21 I need a virtual post address office for mail.

22 I would like to go visit relatives and I need help organizing this trip. An outline of what I need would be good to start.

23 Round the clock I want to be spaced apart, beautiful positive tweets to my peers on this subject. I want the tweets to sound as cool as the: Act for America: Twitter account. Send them to my phone so I can post them once an hour.

These are what I NEED in a virtual assistant.

24 Can you tell me what is going on with Donald Trump today? Write me a report, a few paragraphs long.

25 I am a political cartoonist. I need an idea for my next cartoon. Can you give me 5 good ones that are trending topics?

26 Can someone tell me how to best work with Upwork? How do other people do it? Can you watch how-to videos and tell me how to set up the milestones or the hourly clock in?

27 How do I use the vector lines in Clip Studio Paint? Can you research and write a report and to-do list for me?

28 I need a STRIKING banner for my new Truth social account page. One that will make everyone who sees it, follows me.

29 I need my STEEMIT account managed. What am I doing wrong? Can you look at it and tell me what I am lacking or not doing?

30 I can add you as a guest on my accounts, just go on it and press like, on other people’s posts -because I do not have time to do it. I want my followers to feel good. Be friendly.

31 I can’t find my college roommate. I looked everywhere, can you find her for me online, please?

32 Can you go into my follower list and make a list of who I should delete? There are so many duds. That way I can follow people on Twitter without the stupid ratio rule.

33 I want my website to look more professional. Without spending money, what do I have to do in the templates section to make it better? Make me a pdf to-do list. Research what I have to do, and what looks wrong?

34 On The website I have never used categories, can you organize all my posts into categories based on titles?

35 Can you write a good profile section for me here? Also, research how I get my gravatar to work. It doesn’t seem to.

36 I need help with my Kofi account? Can you research top sellers and see what they are doing and tell me what I need to do, and a schedule for me. please? Also, I need to follow up to make sure I did it.

37 I like this new cartoonist but I do not know where to find him. Can you find out where I can get them daily? Here is the cartoon.

38 I want to make 100$ a day. I need you to help me make it. Here’s what works. I need help making this goal. I procrastinate. Can we brainstorm?

39 I need a hypnosis script read to me over the phone. I want to be more confident in my work.

40 Do you want to watch 2000 mules at an online watch party with me? Anything that jumps out, comment to me. I have not seen it yet.

41 I need all my political cartoons in a book! Can you help me with this? Let’s start!


Best Art Teacher in the world I have. Classes I been taking since last summer.



I just tried sharing something on Facebook and I got another one of these notifications which I have gotten three of these notification..recently..same one.. but when I click on it it just goes to Regular Facebook ..nothing happens.. so here I am reporting on my constant Fb harassment.

Look at Facebook trying to accuse me of sharing nudes..or something this is so degrading.. this is sexual harassment ..they’re shaming me they’re making me feel bad..

I got a 30-day ban for posting a blurred out picture of Hunter Biden you know the picture with Obama’s dog on the bed?

Jesse b waters had the same exact pictures but less censored than mine was on his show that same evening. This was 30 days ago.. I got off of 30-day ban for that photo.. even though I appealed it ..nobody got back to me ..anyways that was the picture that got me banned and everytime I sign into Facebook I still get this notification.. and it makes me feel weird inside makes me feel bad.. it makes me feel like there’s some sort of Obsessed stalker on me or something like I really feel scared to go there’s very dangerous place. 😳 Very Rape-y of Facebook.

what are they talking about? Why are they bringing this up I haven’t posted anything like that ever

Hunter Biden everybody knows about. Everybody in the world is sharing Hunter Biden with Malia Obama’s credit card cutting Coke photo all over the internet . The New York Times supposedly made it official with the left. And here is Facebook stuck in a time-warp picking on me Banning me for 30 days they’re sharing it ..and everytime I sign in and I get sexually shamed. Small kids and family members see that Facebook is accusing me of posting intimate pictures of a sexual nature and it makes me look bad. It really hurts my reputation πŸ’”

I feel like their Fb wrists were twisted or they made a deal or maybe the good and bad guys are working together I don’t know.. the New York Times would have never published that story ..and it was the only thing that distracted from Putin and Ukraine.. I remember it was a big distraction and it took everybody’s attention away. ..Attention Hogs at work. Fighting for your eyes. Wouldn’t it be funny if this whole entire time the good in the bad guys were on the same team and they were just battling each other just for show as if we were at a football game? This is why we need Outsiders coming into the game . being allowed to play ..because the game is stagnant know.. when everybody knows it’s just a game .. there’s no glory in it and everybody knows and if you want a game you know that you really didn’t win and you know you’re a cheater you know what you did Even though everyone else believes you’re a winner you know what you did ..and when everybody knows both teams are on the same team kind of like chess when you play chess have the good side and you have the bad side ..but ultimately you can switch up sides ..and you know you’re just playing for fun ..and you’re on the same team.. sometimes you know coordinate wins and losses.. to make each other look good and bad.. and everybody knows the game is rigged ..especially rigged against the regular person.. and this is why politics needs regular people ..the party of the regular person Bloodlines no secret societies no clones of dictators. just regular people.. that have not been vetted.. why can’t the American people do the vetting? We don’t need permission from anyone to choose our candidate ?.. that is our job.. that is our job to pick the candidate.. we are allowed to have a say in who he want as a candidate for any office in this country… the innocence of the regular underestimated.

Imagine a world ONE world if you want because the whole world will follow us and we will lead by example… imagine a world where there is no evil ..that we discovered the remedy for evil ..and that’s when people are left alone they naturally do long as freedom protected. You know these globalists really did a number on the word Freedom when you think of Freedom you know you kind of roll your eyes a little bit because it’s something we’ve been promised our whole life but we’re realizing it was just words but the word Freedom has to mean something.. and all of this Duality within ourselves will even be gone if we can break up this game forever because it is luciferian ultimately it is very a luciferian extremely you know the lightbringer the hero and then you have the bad guys actually working together with the good guys and when time comes for justice they get relocated and given new identities? Yes that game that came can be destroyed forever because as long as we watch this back and forth good guys and bad guys fake theater we have the battle in our souls but we have to overcome it because it’s an entrapment and 10 years 20 years 100 years 200 years can go by and none of the problems will be solved and in a hundred years from now maybe all of our ancient structures will be completely demolished and you know we really got to keep what we have now. The game is a major distraction for total Destruction and robbery of our inheritance. The game of Politics the game of parties. It is not natural to lead a country to lead to rule over people using “sports teams”. It’s a major major distraction. It is like being controlled by the man-eating lions in the Colosseum. It’s like all of our rules and laws are made by the same people who organize fights to the death in Gladiator outfits. Or Boomer senators in togas in their house of worship. There has to be something better in life something higher.

I feel like the gislaine Maxwell case or lack of or total imagination it was thrust upon us that theater and I feel like we were lied to maybe there is no justice maybe there is no just lay next to okay baby no one will ever get punished maybe they just get new identities or something maybe just when Maxwell was one of the good guys setting up the bad guys you know whatever I don’t know but regardless we were lied to about a lot of things we’re lied to so much we don’t know what’s real that’s what Kathy For Truth Barnette said ..she says Americans don’t know what’s real and what’s not ..because she knows that we have been lied to about everything.

if I told you what you’ve been lied to your entire lives and I could explain it to you in a way that you would understand instantly if I told you what you were lied to about your entire life you would look at me like I was the crazy really you would really believe that that’s how serious this problem is. I think that the controllers feel kind of bad that they lie to a way ..they feel kind of bad ..that they cull us off..poison us.. and they lie to us about absolutely everything ..and about imaginary things in the air ..and you know they kind of feel bad so they kind of give Us rewards..

.. so I think that the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp trial is a reward for putting up with the fake Ghislaine Maxwell theater fake case trial… all it was was drawings court drawings.. and maybe they had a few people walk down the runway of Paparazzi ..on the famous steps..for a few days so you know ..and that’s it and whatever else is just green screen.

Why do the Supreme Court Justices wear black? Or because they’re in mourning you did not know that?

They are mourning Queen Mary who died in England. Sigh. Lots you don’t know.

What kind of A.I. Bot wrote this? No.. this makes absolutely no sense.. this is the artificial intelligence world we live in.. this is nonsense ..funny it’s funny they’re little pranks !

There’s some things I’ve known for many years ..I couldn’t even speak of.

.. the truth is really devastating. I don’t want to devastate anybody anymore you know I’m sick of people judging me I’m just trying to help.

Question …what do you think the Sovereign citizen does ..when people pledge allegiance to the flag? What do you think he does? What do you think the citizen of Heaven.. who is on a vacation here on Earth.. he’s on a sojourn here.. on Earth ..what do you think he does ..when the Pledge of Allegiance song plays?

Did you know that.. In God We Trust ..symbolizes your Social Security trust.. it’s there’s just so much more but none of us knew that are figuring out real fast and it’s about the robbery that has been done on that trust. It’s there for you whenever you need it and it’s really kind of unlimited what’s on it and you can find out these things and you can find out what’s been bonded off the Record and on the record and when you find out who has been pulling cash from your Social Security trust over the years over your lifetime you will just not believe it these credit card companies these prisons these police these government agencies CPS Child Support all of them they’ve been robbing you blind and double dipping and making you pay on top of it! Why do you think when you go to a hospital they ask you for your social security number? What does that have to do with your health?.. all of these people they’re getting their money if you owe them everybody is getting your money in fact all debts are paid all debts have been paid off its the scam of the century and people are finding out what’s been done to their social security trust which is for them. I cannot access my Social Security trust like a bank.. but I can get someone to be my trustee… and I am the beneficiary of that trust.. who can acess your trust? A trustee..somebody who u r indebted to . could be a car dealership ..could be a realtor.. and the thing is when you fill out these forms and you send it in even if you sent it in to Merrick Garland he would have to accept it. The treasury gets money every time they do this why wouldn’t they want to do this for you? If you knew how everybody was getting rich off your trust without you knowing and this is off Ledger and on Ledger stuff and you can ask to see this but they’ll make it very very hard. How do you sync prisons get their money? How do you think police get their money? How do you think hospitals get their money? How do you think? And they double dip because they make you pay on top of it. How do you think credit cards leave you alone because they are already paid by your Social Security trust all they have to do is fill out certain forms but the government makes it very very hard for you to get the forms you have to call the IRS and every year they reprint them the forms with different ink and if you use last year’s ink paper you could go to jail for fraud I mean if you mess up anything on these paperwork you go to jail they make it very very hard for you to access this or even know about it in fact if this ever goes before a judge the judge gets up and walks out.

“Sister K ” below read. This is the most important thing I’ve ever written in this blog and I mean it.

You are the beneficiary of that trust . They won’t even tell you what this means in the Wikipedia it makes nonsense it’s like what kind of AI Bots write this crap on the internet for us to read none of it makes sense nobody writes like this nobody talks like this this is trying to confuse you.

and also I have to let you watch this is by far the best Matt Quantum of conscience video ever

He was not able to upload it on YouTube as you can see it didn’t upload and he says he tried many times that I have to give you the link to free voice but you have to watch it.

Welcome πŸ™ to his version of Washington d.c.

I’m a veteran of new information and this really got me.

When I hear words like this like it’s like I fall in love I do I fall in love when someone speaks new ideas that makes total sense.

Here is..the link.

Please relax take your shoes off..have some coffee with peanut butter. a philosopher. Owen Benjamin how I heard about Matt from Quantum of Concience. He’s a big influence on him. Changed his life.

Please.. I hold your hand watching this because I’m watching it with you exactly how you are seeing it too.

Cuz you’re scared of the guy watching that Quantum of conscience..not …conscious… video you will witness magic like literal Magic .it’s yes connection of bond.. someone shows you exactly what you can’t see yourself. Something you know but could never have put into words yourself. So does the knowing exist without the words explaining it?
Matt Quantum conscience can mock tartaria all he wants but when it comes down to it …call it an elevator πŸ›— floor..with lots of virtual 🍫 chocolate..But…in reality.. he knows more about mud flood than the best of them .

… if what Matt says is true well then Memphis Tennessee is actually Memphis Egypt …you know they call it little Egypt ..and there’s quite a lot of pyramids around Tennessee. πŸ€” but I’m giving way too much away and if you’ve read everything in my blog you’ll understand but if not I have to explain a little bit . I can explain a little bit without telling the whole story because it’s just too life shattering… and it’s not just this thing .. this is something I’ve been researching for many many years and I found a lot of evidence to support it but not in the way this video above has supported it.. I’m literally like the archaeologist in a cave unearthing the portrait of Damian The Omen boy. Like that’s how scary these Revelations are. Or it’s like taking in a breath of an ancient tomb you just open the door of and fall sick and dying because of the curse placed on trespassers. This knowledge is very hot it’s hot like a hot potato you know you can pass it to someone but they can’t quite hold it because it’s just too hot so the Hot Potato just gets thrown about everywhere.

Yes and the Nile is the Mississippi… there’s many many many things more and when I tell you it will all click but I can’t bring it up every single time everything I’ve been researching this for years. Hollywood is Babylon and there’s lots of proof of that and it’s buried in the desert the old Hollywood sets. The Cedars of Lebanon are the red woods and is there a sea in the United States that is red… like literally..yes there is ..and many many more..

I’m just saying he’s come the closest I think to anybody else. We’re not talking just about a few hundred years deception.. these deceptions by the original Canaanites are so ancient the deceptions are so ancient.. civilization upon civilization upon civilization that ancient and when I say civilization I mean all that we know. . Is only one. .. we don’t even know where we live we really don’t we don’t know where we live and we don’t know the history of our nation’s. In the Old World Order America was the grandest of them all but we are taught that before we came along that was just cowboys and Indians when there was massive palaces there was parthenons there was white pyramids obelisks domes cathedrals. Palaces…it’s almost in every one of our cities that all were mysteriously burnt down but lots remain from the old world still today . You always hear of this obsession with Rome and you think it’s in a shity place called Italy? That is so funny.

Centuries and Millennia of deception that’s how the hate for America is. We will forever be hated and many evil will try to conquer us but we will always be the beacon of freedom and we will show the world how to escape from it and beat it and in the meantime we’re just watching it play out it’s so ugly the theater The Joe Biden fake presidency just so ugly and if this is all for our own good wow I don’t think those decisions should be made for us but instead by us.

Maybe there is a force out there that believes in the truth and not telling a lie because when you tell lies you don’t know right from wrong anymore and you don’t know if your memories are true or false and you really don’t know where you live and you don’t know where you came from if you tell lies.

America. Not the United States. Don’t call it that b**** its name is America!

If you think people are stupid today like they’ll fall for anything people are really dumb they’ll believe anything if you think that imagine what they were like in the past…If you think that people are stupid today and that they’ll fall for anything, you’re wrong. People are really dumb and they’ll believe anything if you think that. Imagine what they were like in the past. They were even dumber and they’d believe anything if you think that. Today, people are smarter and they know how to spot fake news. In the past, people were too trusting and they would believe anything if you think that. So, if you think that people are stupid today, you’re wrong. They’re actually smarter than people were in the past.

.. like I said there has to be something better than controlling rulers with Immortal life because obviously by now they know that the scam is…a scam.. that they’ve been scammed . there’s no Immortal Life through blood-drinking you get disease you get kouru get tumors.. when you go crazy you have sores on your tongue.. and you self harm.. your fingers start growing weird start cutting yourself.. self-harming.. I mean it’s really the pits of hell… imagine feeling happiness when you feel pain that’s how twisted the brain is from those Spike proteins in the human blood.

And now believe it or not ..if the blood has been tainted.. if a vampire tried to drink the blood of someone who’s been vaccinated.. their animated corpse..or..body will instantly die ..and the soul will go back to being black a rock somewhere..waiting thousands of years to hijack a body again… be careful what you wish for because Immortal Life may just mean that you’re black goo in the bottom of the Sahara Desert completely self-aware of your human existence once on Earth forever it’s absolute torture it’s like being in hell with your own thoughts.

So the rulers are onto the scam ..and the populists are also on to the scam.. and it just can’t continue guys… I’m sorry.. it’s over ..the apocalypse actually for you!

… you know I’ve never wrote about this topic on my blog because the thought is just too horrible.. but I thought about it today.. if anything were to happen to Trump .. the world would fall apart ..the threads of reality would fall. If Brutus stabbed Caesar 23 times happened again it would be the fall ..yes it would be the fall… but you can’t be too sure because the threads of reality didn’t fall apart when JFK was assassinated nor Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan maybe I don’t know but I think it’s like a recurring theme is that okay it’s your turn to be assassinated I hate using that word in the same paragraph is President Trump because I do love him ..but you know maybe he just wants a new life somewhere else. maybe he wants to I don’t know take a boat to Antarctica or something once a new life and you know I can see you know maybe you could fake your death for that right..

Everybody thinks their side is winning but both sides could win at the same time or if they want to really do something different one side can destroy the other side permanently like wipe them out you know so they’re only angelic people around or we’re coming up on the darkest time of humanity ever and this is just a way to lie to us to keep us calm.

I used to wear a hat that said trust no one. Because sometimes I think that even those that you love sometimes they have to tell you White Lies. now you can go along with the white lie knowing it’s a white lie. or you can really believe it like a chump.. or you can say okay he’s giving me a cue’s a sign that his life is in danger . and maybe someone is being held hostage ..maybe they got something on his family .maybe he’s compromised ..maybe he’s been executed and we’re seeing a body double. Maybe he’s far away in a bunker right now. I mean really.. we got to think about these things ..he did say this is the last time you’ll see me for a very long time.. his last speech.. and that with his brother dying and it was a lot of mystery about where the coffin went that night .it like switched somewhere or something.. but his brother apparently it could be his body double.. you know I’m just saying ..but have I noticed a difference yes ..I’ll be honest since Biden got elected.. I’ve noticed a huge major change it’s almost not like the same person .. and I can’t put my finger on it..but very rarely I see a speech now..and I know it’s the real him.. I do it’s such a beauty such a grace such a force such a confidence. No I’m just commenting on what my eyes see.. it’s not necessarily what my brain thinks.. but my eyes see something very different I don’t know it is a possibility that when Biden got elected a few people got kidnapped set up .. what is everything going on was for our entertainment? Like for a big distraction?

.okay I know that you..and I.. were going to be saved and all that I know this and you know we’re going to start the Renaissance.. but you know what ..if we weren’t ..would we know?..♑◇♧♀■what if we were going in the opposite direction ? The masters of deception trying to get us to think that we were winning or something? Why do I have such thoughts but I don’t acknowledge so I don’t really remember them because I don’t put them into words because they’re just so horrible but you know at least you don’t say end it all those are in the future and the things are going to get bad I mean .. we should be prepared just in case but it’s probably not like that πŸ˜•

They could never have a real person like Kathy Barnett in there because she would tell the whole world the whole thing’s rigged and it’s a script and there’s actors and it’s and acting gig in it’s rigged against the regular people when people like you and me aren’t allowed to play What is everything going on was for our entertainment? Like for a big distraction?

They could never have a real person like Kathy Barnett in there because she would tell the whole world the whole thing’s rigged and it’s a script and there’s actors and it’s an acting Gig.. it’s rigged against the regular people ..when people like you and me ..aren’t allowed to play..Kathy Barnett is right when she says Americans literally do not know what’s real and what is not.

.. but I’m telling you something this is the first time in history that regular people are showing up to play politics.. and we want to play ..we want a chance to play.. and we’re going to pick our best ..and we’re going to put our men in and we’re going to get our real women in.

..because if all you care about is attention and keeping the power between good and evil …actors…well then you’re both evil..and it’s the false light. Remember that luciferian churches signal to one another by saying thing is like Starlight star shinystar etc it means the pentagram really. When u think about the light and you see quotes about the light it means they’ve taken over the churches because the light bringer is Lucifer… the light is not meant to be worshipped as God or the spirit or anything like that. It’s a trinket that God made it’s one of his beautiful things. It’s also like a mirror or truth or a Hollywood movie star without makeup. Hollywood actresses won’t go out unless the lighting is optimal or it’s very dark or dim because they can’t bear the thought of people saying that they’re really old and the adrenochrome is not working it was a scam they’ve been scammed …

..With light you can see and not be deceived.

.. you don’t get to choose who we the people want as a candidate. I’ll say it again you don’t get to choose to We the People want is a candidate I’m sorry but you just can’t do that anymore.

OHMM…yes that’s a chocolate bar wrapped in foil or do you wish that that’s solid gold.. silver bars?? the war has trickled down to the regular people and that is why we need a little more representation in politics. Without us you have nothing. Without you I have nothing.

Ih yes you can talk to people who were tempted before.. you heard the story of the devil tempting Jesus.. with the four corners of the Earth …he has kingdoms and the devil tempted Jesus with his he must own the kingdoms of Earth.. if he’s able to offer them to Jesus to tempt him with .so you see.. we are living in it ..and you just have to make sense of it ..know..realize that you’re stuck in a script ..a game.. like a sitcom. Constantly reacting and it’s the same old people over and over decade after decade since you were born and until you died that are the designated hero that are fighting for you and then you have the designated villain who is just so evil there’s nobody more evil.. but when the show’s over the two sides go out to a bar and hang out and get ready for the lines for the next days soap opera. .

.. And without regular people nothing will work and everything is stagnant without regular people there’s no magic there’s no Beauty.

The whole thing is a body with different parts that have to work together. You can not have secret societies making phone calls forever.. and clones of dictators destroying countries and we are to believe that we’re just like backed up in a corner or we’re watching the world go to hell and we’re just watching Joe Biden screw up everything but it’s not really Joe Biden it’s an actor so we’re really really confused we don’t know what to do we don’t know if something’s really going on and we don’t know if we’re actually being driven to slaughter either we really don’t know I’m just saying you know I really got to start thinking about this because you know you got to take this seriously and if you want to make America great again you know you want to know what the enemy is up to and there could be a rational explanation for everything we see that would make more sense..

No.. the pyramid with the eye the money the New World Order the Latin everywhere I mean you know the money we’re using the entertainment we’re watching the games were playing especially the game of politics which is a game of chess you have the good side and you have the evil side and it’s just a game and the player switch up every now and then you know it’s just a game to them it’s not real but they really like to consolidate the attention the money everything so they really don’t like Outsiders coming in and you know it’s Moonlight

And this Hall wrestling match football game soccer game baseball game of politics Democrats and Republicans you know we’ve had an experiment of it for quite a few centuries and I’m just saying I I don’t think it works okay I don’t think it works there’s other ways to consolidate power forever and that’s just by being really great to your people ..

No.. picking our candidates that’s not their job. Yes.. this game of ancient Rome America with Cincinnatus on our dollar bill and King George also in our past.. I mean Americans have no idea what’s real ..they really don’t. they don’t even know where they live.. it’s very frightening.. Kathy Barnett is right.. you know there’s a big problem with boomers lying to us and deceiving us for a long time and it trickles down from the top meaning politics..

No. The false game.. mysteriously it’s just archaic and Out of Touch. I don’t know something happened and I think all secrets are known I think everybody knows exactly what’s going on and you know you guys are just the front men you are the people with the smiles you’re the ones who want attention but you aren’t the real secret society. 🎢

I hope you like my short stories.