SHORT STORY. post thumbnail image
Don’t forget Ithaca New York .like in the Iliad. TROY .

Why do I love our president trump? …the highest platonic love can imagine.. just pure in spirit. For his work and accomplishments are impressive. He just has a way with customer service and the best quality of things.. He knows how to make deals that will make everybody better.

And I love him outside of the game that everyone’s unknowingly good impression for him. is outside of that..

like .

I do not need darkness

to look at him as my “savior” of this darkness of covid.

No. My respect 🙏 for him cones FROM HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS. His beautiful projects..the ice rink. The demolishing and building in the best city at that time..NYC. The story of each one of his hotels it’s fascinating I’ve read his books.. I mean hes overcome all this hard stuff..he’s overcome all the red tape.. all the politicians.. all the people who wanted to make laws. just to try and stop..his building.

New York City. was a beautiful ..beautiful place.. I used to have pictures of the skyscrapers.. in my wall as a teen. I was really into New York hardcore music too. And I got to go to New York City. when I was very young ..and I just admired all the architecture ..and I used to hang out in Washington Square park.. and I love the arches. New York City was a fancy place back then. Rudy Guliani had cleaned it up. Thats why. And just like that. every single city at the same time cleaned up. ..and I remember when it happened. When you went downtown after Rudy’s term….you would see lots of coffee places.. clubs and expensive business restaurants. Before Rudy Giuliani came..every downtown of every American city was pretty much red light. Or like Fritz the Cat city.


One day he is going to beat all the chess pieces. White and Black squares..both..The chess pieces are reality. Good and bad. Of course he will play but only to beat it. But he will ask that everybody comes with him to repent..make wrongs right..stop being so evil… And be good to America..for once!

There is no one who can do the entire history of leaders . .Noone else can conquer even his own destiny. He wants more. Than his destiny tries to mold..molds him to. He’s the only one who could do this… He is seeking outside duality. Because it’s just a game.

He is an individual. And remember the body is your temple ..God is found inside. What he has tapped into.. it means we are all capable of doing the same thing. We just have to look inside ourselves. Like he has looked inside of himself ..and accomplished all this stuff. None of this would have happened without him or god.

He gave absolutely everybody just what they wanted. And I’m not talking the American people but in the world stage. I mean what nation is not willing to stand up with him? They have a choice ..they can come clean.. and stand up with usa… and end this darkness ..because you know ..we don’t have much time.. and I’d like to experience this. in my lifetime. so let’s just hurry up ..and get to the best time Americas ever had… I mean get more warping speed if you have to. Surely a momentum has been building up so it’s super fast right now.

He has absolutely beat everybody. And all he wants is them to step up with him.

When you corner an enemy that enemy will fight so hard and hurt many people so you always want the enemy to have a way out.

He has mercy and Justice. Just like God…to be like God is good. Not saying he is. But he follows God.

But He is not.. so good that he is. upside down of the devil..

he is not.


he is not upside down of the devil.

Trump is the antidote for Evil.

I know you can’t see it. But you haven’t looked.

He has a way of hiding what’s really going on. Because honestly hes very curious and he just wants to play games because he just wants to win everything. just to see what it’s about. and see if he can relate to ..the players.. and convince them to know stop being so evil..

Even speaking in opposite confuse evil ..which is so dumb. Evil has never envied anyone before. What Trump the love of the world. Plus he will take the lies for all of us. Even..the scrutiny of the left. WHO STILL CANT FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH HIM.

But he understands it’s a game.. and you know he just wants to challenge himself and play it and win it. Just to see what it’s about. The game does not play him.He can get a nice rapport with the players and maybe get some information or. Convince them to rise up with all that is good.

No one’s ever beaten the light and dark world orders before. No one else is capable but him… Everybody wants a piece of him. But he just doesn’t give anything away. I don’t even think there’s a mean bone in his body except for the fact that 1 of his Poles is Justice. He is the sweetest kindest person.

Every TV show watcher..loved him ..every race was his joy of life.. He was actually teaching people what he does ..and all of his episodes ..taught..success..the apprentices were given hard challenges and showed what it was like to work on a team with a project manager.. And I learned a lot about design and advertising because one of his challenges would be like to decide design brochures for a hotel and do the photo shoot… Or it showed you what it takes to design a successful product and advertising.

Every audience.. every everybody.. wanted to stay in his hotels.. in his presence..I mean hes always been a good role model for people.. who just wanted to be like him.. . In every movie he was in ..he played himself. I mean.. don’t you think that’s pretty rare… If you’re an actor usually play a character ..but he was always just himself.. in all the movies hes been in.he did everything with his own mind ..and he worked at it. it wasn’t given to him. He also had the love of his father who gave him some money but I mean don’t ..u Wish that our fathers did that for us?. That’s the power of the love of a father that’s what you will raise. A trump..It’s really a Testament to his father… If you really are proud of your son and believe in him and give him money you might really make him very successful very fast. This is something we all want. And it’s for fathers to give.

Even without the darkness he is the most beautiful.. most beautiful to me.. because I followed entire life.. I mean I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more successful and flawless at it… Just everything about his entire life was luck success beauty. I don’t think hes ever had a stain on his shirt or something.

And you hear about his locker room talk… you know what… it’s actually good.. that hes not too squeaky clean (..that can be nerdy)..because thatl ocker room talk. kind of gives him like a edge.. you know like people relate to him. Because that’s how men are supposed to be just honest…hey.

His successes ..and his building’s..his works..shines on its own. I do not need darkness.. for me to see that. On the darkest nights . the stars shine bright. I do not need that darkness night..because in broad daylight..I can see his work is good..

Everything about him is real ..mostly everything you’ve read about revolutions.. and stuff is not true. it’s fiction’s distractions from other stuff but in his presidency everything’s been real…. Everything bad everybody is doing like lefties…he knows. He sees.. and hes going to fight back for that… And nobody will see it coming.

Even in the greatest life in America..the best days…he stands out. You don’t need to create a problem to see his solution already see the solution already see the solution ..without the problem ..because that’s how good the solution is.. You don’t need a problem.. for you to see his potential.. for making this country.. the best it’s ever been. He will do it without the problem ..he doesn’t need darkness.

A different kind of person. I do not think he fakes being good.. I really think he is.

And it’s his work that is just so beautiful.. all of his buildings. His success is a top TV star on a fun show ..that makes people think about how to accomplish big tasks and challenges..and compete in business. The Apprentice.

I remember where I was ..when I heard about his bankruptcy in his casinos..and I remember where I was ..because I was looking at the Customs house in Boston.. and that’s when I heard about it on the radio. That was a long time ago.. but you know what ..I knew back then.. as I know now that..there was foul play there. People around him got too greedy. There was a war against him..even back then. And you know how the press is they can make you believe things that are not true especially about him. It was not his fault at all about his casino this was just a targeted attack. Remember he was even talking back then about being the president of the American one day. Everything he touches turns to gold… There were too many criminals trying to get a piece of his future success there and they screwed it up for him. Laws were changed against him and everything.

But.. He took the presses’ attacks and he did it with a smile. Because he knows who he is.. he doesn’t have to tell everybody.. He counts on himself.

But what they’ve taken from him he will get back. If he hasn’t already. The snowball against his enemies..growing on the hill…He will build America back so fabulous like you wouldn’t believe.. what he has in mind.. I mean we are not going back to the cave man anymore. We’re actually going to figure out how to rebuild our cities in historical architecture…

Homes will be heated with geothermal steam water basically free. And self perpetuating.

That means laser sharp the center of the city ..water fountains ..that are so beautiful .. with Structured water for healing…oh..

..the cathedrals he will bring back the organs ..and do sound healing.. because when people go to church.. and they sing songs and they hear the music they get healed.

Beautiful labyrinths. will be set up in parks ..landscaping works..just for people’s entertainment ..and they won’t be little labyrinth but they’ll be so beautiful.

There will be merry go rounds the sizes of studio apartments. All generating off atmospheric energy. That have stone knobs …they will light up with lights. strong lights at night.

Churches will go back to God.. on their own instead of this political stuff. No more chess pieces of the same game… Nobody would know such a thing.. there would only be God ..families.. freedom and our country…There are so many advances in technology.. that have been hidden from us..

I mean you could even have a frequency running through wet cement..and be able to make cathedrals in stone in beautiful shapes and Star forts..

I would love to see the Trump kids having a business.. where they offer blimp or zeppelin services from airport to airport..and it’s practically free.. And it’s so luxurious inside. Not expensive because it’s just air. and and it wouldn’t be expensive like a $500 plane ticket ..would be.. and you have to wear masks and they pretty much abuse you… no..

They won’t be able to survive the way they mandate employees..

The time is now.. and nobody wants those airplanes anymore.. and they lied to you.. imagine if an entire plane.. were filled with fuel they need to fly..the whole way there ..the plane would be too heavy ..fuel is only used for lift off and take off.. the rest of the time.. it’s just air compression ..air compression …auto pilot..they are abusing everybody..the airlines.. it’s just time to do something new. That’s free.. that’s good for everybody.

And guess where the Trump blimps…would dock ?..on places like the Empire state building ..or the Eiffel tower. that’s where the blimps and Zeppelin’s would dock from ..and let the people off and on.

And he would open up all the water towers that have been abandoned or cemented over… they’re cemented over.. and it will pump fresh Spring 💧 water..almost to every neighborhood a fountain ..or maybe even to their homes eventually. Wi-Fi electricity will be free because it is Free . I think all the equipment has been paid off already. . The electricity comes from the atmosphere…

All the wealth in the world would be his because… Evil does not deserve it. He would use it to make the world more beautiful for us. Remember you cannot have free electricity without gold. Imagine your city at night lighting up.. like it’s daylight ..with the most beautiful spotlights.. and glowing obelisks?.. Not the toxic electricity.. but beautiful natural atmospheric energy and lightning. will will hit the structures and give energy to the Earth where we live…

The tower of jewels. in our cities? Just like the one they tore down in San Francisco and blamed it on an art project… Imagine recreating all that was demolished backup?. Putting a lighthouse light at the top of beautiful architecture. So that from all the towers in downtown it just gives light everywhere as if it’s daylight so people can be out at night and it’ll be like day.

Art would be so beautiful again ..beautiful images ..people would want to draw ..because I think this is how people.. naturally are.. You just gotta stop messing.. with their minds and turning them demonic ..through movies and Hollywood and videos and books. It’s a dark depressing world and don’t we all deserve to live in paradise even if it’s for the other half of our lives..?..Once you stop that ..they will naturally gravitate.. to all that is good again.

Food is very important. it has to be many different species of banana that we are eating not just one ..for example.. and we just have to stop pasturizing our almonds…

Imagine if every farmer sold many different species of one fruit?.. Instead of the Orange Orange Apple and yellow banana.

I’m thinking outside of the Box.. I’m not thinking inside of the game. I really believe trump can step up and overtake his own destiny and truly saves men from themselves. . If not to save him from himself. He’s way bigger. He can accomplish way more. Even him shouldn’t stop himself.

Imagine ..everyone around him .wants something. wants a piece of him.. wants to influence. ..everybody around him.. wants his ear ..he is the most important thing in the world.. worth the most money… and He actually handles himself well..and can relate to real people.

I really believe he. ..likes talking.. to real Americans.. much more . than talking 2 politicians. …and world leaders… He actually prefers.. talking to the American people ..good people.. he enjoys himself ..he loves it. He prefers their company ..than simping up to politicians.. And his laughter and happiness is real when you see him in public shaking hands and stuff it’s real you can just tell his body language. He’s really having fun.

I hope you like my short story.

I lost my work because because my dog unplugged my computer.

And I’m also taking an art class from…

The best conservative artist in the world.. He used to work for Glenn beck. I just got my 3rd lesson in.

It’s the best ..hes talking the whole time.. and he made a video just for me.. and hes just commenting .. on what I need to do.. he says I need to do the values more.. this week ..which is like the different shades..between white and black and I need different steps in between..and I’m usually a cartoonist so I just do black-and-whit..e I don’t really do shading.. that well so all of this helps me so much.

I was looking for something..I did this 2018 maybe? I saw it and downloaded.
He just couldn’t say anything he wants.. and everybody will enjoy it.. he just has away with words.. and you can’t be mad at him . for anything. because it’s like so spontaneous ..and and he changes a lot ..sometimes to look at things from different sides. He’s playing both sides ..and almost everybody likes him.. no matter what side. But it’s playful it’s not mean.. in any way hes just having fun… He truly is successful on his on his own. He didn’t need anyone’s help to get where he is. I appreciate Mc. 🙏

It’s funny because everybody’s looking up the the totem Pole because that’s where everyone is playing to win…but these top people ..they’re looking down at us.. fascinated completely…

Like tonight I just really had fun on Twitter talking to regular people. It is so much fun. It doesn’t matter how many followers you have just if Justice you make people laugh and have the right meme or the right joke and you can engage with it.

is that Rand Paul next to Shane? I’ve been following him since the very beginning and I can’t believe how far hes come. He’s even got into local politics with much success. We were both trump fans way before this Before it all happened..
Oh my God he got a checkmark.
I was so mad..because I had worked on this ..for an entire day and you can’t see it here.. because I took a screenshot a long time ago ..and I had been working on it all day.. it was like an oil painting. It was so good.. I’m getting so much better from my classes. I’m learning just just to be myself.

I’m going to finish it but I might do a cartoon in between..Plus my art lesson by The greatest conservative artist..

I’ve been really addicted to telegram for a long time now.. and I think I should take a break. There’s only so many memes ..I can share or screen save ..I have so many’s unbelievable. But I think where I leave off someone will pick up.. and then I can focus more on my art. I spend weeks just screensaving news around the world..I feel is too important.

You have to have lived a good moral life to be in politics because every aspect of your life is looked at.. so if you know you have unresolved issues or skeletons.. it will be found when someone is running for Congress. you know that that person has to have a flawless life .as Republican..

.. if you’re a Democrat most of them are all criminals and done illegal stuff but they’re protected by evil media… Fake CNN news.

To be a conservative politician.. I mean you have the attention of the world.. so you know you have to have that amount of confidence.. so I’m definitely rooting for this guy.


It’s funny because. I’m friends with her arch enemy as well. freelee.. just commented the other day to me.. but those 2 are arch enemies in the raw vegan world. They do a lot of drama together on YouTube…

Orange crush from the past cartoon.
orange emoji everyone doing.
Patreon long suspended me permanently. 4 chan…memories..
I have some flashbacks on my phone.. from looking for other things and finding them..

I used to draw a political cartoon A-day and I loved listening to a speech or a rally especially when trump was running ..he almost did a speech or rally every single day .. I used to love ..can’t stump the trump. you can’t stump the trump…and I remember outlining every single speech with typing. .. just I got so much out of it it …helped me so much.. just his problem solving skills.. and it was like Self Help.. to me like it I learned from a lot of it… It really saved me. I really believe he wants to help everybody. and he does it in the sneakiest way ..he can.. so the bad people don’t notice….

And he really doesn’t need the darkness to make him look bright ..he doesn’t need them at all..

And sometimes I stuck to my gut.. but watching all these people. who you trusted ..but betrayed him later for their own seeking power .. I mean it’s like they took up. ..way too much time. ..and trump could have been working …instead …of having to fight the fake impeachment hearings..I mean ..he could been building infrastructure..all those bad guys so bad..distractions.. I mean we’ve yet to see what he can accomplish..without black white interference ..

…he doesn’t need them to look good….it was a big let down all the fake rinos.

And they may never get in trouble …Trumps enemies…but in the court of American public opinion.. that is the ultimate judgment.. and trust me..if or. when you’ve betrayed your country you feel that guilt a 1000 fold forever and you’ll never get your MOJO back. You’ll never be able to show your face again… I mean you may get off like Cuomo. got his 2 charges dropped. but you know what’re never gonna be accepted by any Americans again.. they’re gonna cross the street when they see you..

I truly believe .Trump..can be president for a life term just like Putin. I mean America is better than everybody else so how does that man ..Uncle Vlad…get a life term.?

I mean why not?

Plus people need to hurry on up because all this wasted time..

I mean I think I’ve seen enough evil in my life politics .where I want to change.. and I want it. to happen soon ..and I want to spend the other half of my life in paradise. in freedom the ultimate Renaissance ..Yes..Renaissance ..I think I deserve that and you know this shouldn’t come like 300 years from now.. it should happen now..

Nobody has time for 100 year plan.. I mean I think we’ve had enough.. I mean we have had enough of pain ..even before this.. I mean with Bush and Obama..Clinton..and all those bad bad people.. Please tell me that don’t get all this time to themselves and they still want more time?

I mean.. I know the great reset.. it’s pretty bad for everyone….but it’s still. ..pretty bad ..but it’s not new that its been pretty bad ..for a long time ..evil has had a long run ..and I think it’s time we see what the good people. will create in the world. It’s just that time. Why should you allow evil any more time…. ?.. Haven’t they had enough I mean mean wow it’s like they’ve hogged up all the time and the good people don’t even know if they’re gonna come back around to them.

Stone structures that.. self illuminate ..Trump could bring back this technology.

Once the job is done.. the communists are out of there.. and heroes come in ..the capitalists who build…. make it now. ..

Evil..They’ve taken up way too much time .they’ve hogged all the time… and they’ve gotten so much attention.. on themselves. It’s time for them to withdraw.

But it seems like they’re just Masochists..and they just want the public to throw mud at them and they’ll just say hit me again..they just want to say.. give it to me.. some more….keep hitting me..

SEEMS like..all the globalist scapegoats. ..just wanna be publicly punished. But it’s just too much attention that they don’t deserve.

But still it’s wasting too much time and it’s just way too much attention…getting boring.

.. I mean I think we’re at the part where.. Everyone’s done what they could do. You can’t be under emergency forever. There has to come a time when conquest is possible. And it’s not like we are conquesting anything we’re just getting rid of a occupied enemy. I mean how long you gotta look for him?.. What more damage do you need the communists to do ?..Why. because you gotta give them the task of doing it fast. But the thing is they’ve had all the time in the world and they can’t do anything right. And much of our life has been wasted because .of misery..misery..and villains…winning..unnaturally. they’d be there forever if they could..because they just cause so much suffering …but never get we’re ready . we’re ready.. for the 2nd half of our life to start.

And it hurts everybody… It doesn’t matter if you’re on the light or dark side.. this is unacceptable… The structures are outside the rules. You must preserve historical architecture…not tear it down. All the gold in the basement was not worth that destruction just take it why not just take all that gold. . leave the structures. Instead of harming a building.. why not just have your war in another country??… Why did you have to destroy a structure that should be so wrong for both sides… and it just takes so much from both of them… Everybody loses because in order to rebuild.. you got to know how to rebuild just like it.. And it seems like every generation is becoming less and less and less of great architects.. unless there’s all this money to blow. And the structures aren’t just stable anymore’s gaudy new money..not like they were the past ..made of solid stone sometimes granite. with pillars that were all cut from the same rock.. and not in pieces. I mean if you’re gonna tear down stuff like that well then you gotta know how to rebuild even better and not flimsier.

If you’re gonna blow up castles in the desert ..then you gotta rebuild another castle in its place.. If you are going to blow up a cathedral then you’re going to put another cathedral in its place even stronger more perfect with better organs in it and better stained glass…. made of solid stone.. and if you can’t do that ..then why would you hurt yourself because there’s nothing good… From destroying something so valuable. And the dark side is the most materialistic of the.. And the lightside truly loves beauty. So I think it’s dumb people are getting together to destroy architecture and old churches..

I truly enjoy art. and I.. really like politics’s fun for me.. being on a team.. and the thing is.. I’m not in it. for the game ..and I’m not in it for the fear.. and I’m not in it ..for the light… I’m strictly a big fan of president trump. I don’t need the game.. for me to like him. I don’t even need the darkness to appreciate him.. I mean how can you be a hero if both teams are on the same side? That’s not a hero the thing about trump is hes a real hero and he could beat everybody.. against him.. or wanting to use him. And they’re not even interesting people. I mean if you’re gonna beat someone at least. make them come from the same ballpark.Some of these villains are just so pathetic ..and some of them invisible or imaginary … but why do that at all ..when he could be fighting real world evil. Everything about him is real .he doesn’t need fake secret social structures.. to play a part in.. he can fight the real deal. He doesn’t need to act.. he can really do it.And you know ..I don’t think this war ..should go on for more ..than a few months.. really.. it’s way too much time ..they have had… I mean ..I don’t think there’s anybody left fight against what’s coming. Let it just come. You don’t need the darkness to push people to the light.. you don’t need that.. people already want to rebuild… with the rescuer. It’s time. Overdone!

The natural way of being is happy and healthy…

I mean you can’t fool people forever ..and what are you gonna do?..have kamala be president next.. And then starvation …I mean I think the people have been through starvation enough.. Of spirit.. I mean a few more generations and and humans will be born deformed. How is that good for both sides.. it’s just not ..what anyone wants ..nobody wants that.. nobody wants to look at that …I mean what kind of world it is ..if you’re the only one. with the hot potato… I mean what kind of life is that?… What kind of life it is without the ancient architecture.. the living breathing ruins.. to be able to enjoy?

Plus who says president trump wants to play these earth games anymore…these chess pieces.. Black-and-white light and dark both the same team… I don’t think he wants to play those. anymore …Earth games ..I mean don’t you think he wants to play God’s games ?and God’s games are the remedy of all evil.

President trump’s always done everything right if you look at his only public casino stuff. it was just lies in the media and he had real enemies. Every single product hes trying to have they have tried to steal. They were not his failures.

I think he wants to play God’s games the games of giants and titans before us.

You think only evil can clone past rulers? Well..

the good guys can clone titans again and I’ve been we’re talking Titan’s Maximus that live for a 1000 years.

you’d better do it before they do it first?

Hope you like my short story.


Oh I forgot to mention my family’s pediatrician was in gateway pundit.

That’s our Doctor! When I read the news I couldn’t believe it just feels like synchronicity everywhere.

to prove it I have his signature …in my files. Exemptions this paperwork was.. It felt like the easiest thing.. I had ever worried so much about asking for… He didn’t even wear a mask .. Even in the beginning of the fear. He was the most pleasant doctor ever ..and he was very very popular and successful..

I couldn’t believe I saw him in the news. I had to like rub my eyes. It’s amazing it’s a small world. And in the gateway pundint too ..that’s impressive .. That’s a really tough news agency to impress..everybody knows who he is now .and probably all these radio shows ..will call him up and want to interview him.

So either tonight or tomorrow I plan on… plan on doing heart work. Artwork. I’m going to finish my piece and create another one and just take my art class… and try to learn how to oil paint like the old masters. DIGITALLY.

Thank you for listening I’m just working on a bunch of things. It’s funny because everything I think I really want.. when the opportunity comes.. I always reject…or I’m too embarrassed to ask people from money.. especially if I like them ..or their other conservatives. If it’s easy for me to draw why would I charge someone?…So wherever I am in life.. I’m here because I want to be I. believe true art should stay out of big busines.. and stay in the digital streets where they belong with the people. I am where I am because I want to be here I am very low key ..and I don’t need credit ..and I don’t need attention.. But at the same time ..I just want the opportunity. to be able to draw more….more time would be nice. More painting . less on..Telegram. .. I just want to be better and better at what I do. And I wanna do it more often.. And I want to be able to work fast ..under an hour.