Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized The Arctic and Antarctic Prove Flat Earth

The Arctic and Antarctic Prove Flat Earth


This is dealing with this one strange thing of “differences”. GREAT differences, between the North and SUPPOSED South Pole. SO, I know you must have tons of questions, just focus on this one topic first. YES EARTH IS FLAT. This is a bit more complex idea. For smarties. ERIC is super smart. You have to have brains to understand. Which is why I think he needs to understand a lot of people will not understand and get frustrated. They just have no experience thinking hard.


And those too will get it when others explain it for CHILDREN. I bought a US weekly I cannot believe how dumbed down America is now. Its all government entertainment. So these are the people we have to enlighten.

The weather in Arctic and Antarctica should be similar if we are on a globe. FLYING around a …( craziness)   Thats what the video shows. The sun, the seasons, the warmth, they all should be the same right? Like the diagrams our schools all teach us, right?

BUT NO. ANTARCTICA is Negative 57 . PERPETUAL WINTER! WALL OF ICE. Artic North is 4 degrees. On a globe model…this could not be. Of course, I KNOW.

The weather is totally different. Artic there is rich flora. Antarctica none. Also the plants and animals. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. ELKS, rabbits,  versus Wall of ice.

Thats a good point ERIC about the animals and perpetual winter…that would mean, the sun is above us. CORRECT. I like how you show the cycles gif. SOLAR CYCLE in flat earth model. Always gets ya. Thank you ROB SKIBA. I love the seasons cycles too.

The earth is flat. FLAT! The sun and moon rotate above us. Like clockwork. Sun can be seen during moon eclipses, contrary to be the shadow of the ball Earth, on the moon. TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MIND is another good video of his. WATCH THAT NEXT.

I love his voice and the way he talks. Its poetic. I also think the solar summers and dark winters of ALASKA prove flat earth too.

Remember ANTARCTICA looks exactly just like the ARCTIC pole, so dont be fooled by videos saying they are travelers, or explorers at the SOUTH POLE. It can be faked. For tv. All they do is stick some flags on ice.

You cannot go to ANTARCTICA.

The ANTARCTICA travel websites and reviews are all fake. They been researched. Plans been made, too with one and no matter what or who, the trip is always cancelled. If you try to kayak there, WARSHIPS COME. Its sealed off. ANTARCTICA is not a continent. Its the wall of ice around us. On an infinite plane.

You cannot even look on GOOGLE EARTH at ANTARCTICA. Does this make sense. You can even see places in CANADA where they are filming the fake MARS ROVER stuff, you can see THAT on google earth…but not ANTARCTICA. NO WAY. so google knows!

At 9 :21 that was brain orgasmic!! CLOSE SUN, very close to us, its love and its truth and BEAUTY!!

I made this meme. Its art.