Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized DONALD Trump love, Paul Ryan and FAUX PAS George CLOONEY. Also Flat Earth

DONALD Trump love, Paul Ryan and FAUX PAS George CLOONEY. Also Flat Earth

DONALD Trump love, Paul Ryan and FAUX PAS George CLOONEY. Also Flat Earth post thumbnail image
I heard this interview
Ivanka or Judge Jeanine is my guess for his VP pick. Or DON JR. Maybe BEN CARSON. Thats a fine looking house Ben has. I love DONALD TRUMP. Its that love that will get him in office. You cannot mess with human free will. Its a force. I want him to be my president. Come on FOX news, ready to jump ship and go full on AMERICA on these globalists luciferians butts!! Bill. Trump is a hundred million thousand zillion times more loved than Bill Oreilley. He strikes me as arrogant and rude. But some people love to see bullying people. JUST NOT TRUMP. OK? Its awful on you BILL.
TO BILL: Taxes will go down. U messed up, ahaha Yes Trump pointed it out. Bill you didnt do your homework. Looks like you are using opposite speech on him, to confuse the public. Man. Bill you are a viper, for hit pieces. You command BULLY respect from him. When you got him on your show, on your little chair, THATS WHEN BILL IS A BULLY. But Trump, you handled this with GRACE. Bill is not my choice, he seems a little like he gets his self esteem from BULLYING guests. I love this interview. You did great. I loved what you said. You got it! Lets slay them all. Lets win. The den of snakes. Lets chop the snakes heads off so they spurt everywhere! Yes, man has power over snakes. You just step on them. I love You Trump. You will get in that office. Its already won.
I am so disgusted by you George Clooney. I want to say I am so disgusted. I have to repeat it too, to get the effect of how I feel. I AM SO DISGUSTED. You have taken my heart and crumbled it when you said Trump was never going to be President? What? Were you told by the New World Order ancients, words of assurance, pinky promises from BUSH, that they have the fix in? They promised you George, that he wouldnt “be”. THE ARROGANCE of these cross dressing satanists! That the People, have no say? Was you, George CLOWNEY, the ACTOR, promised one of the 33rd sections of flat earth by the UNITED NATIONS? snicker snicker…where is all the gold CLOONEY? Do you believe you will get some? snicker.. With your sell out buddy, or competitor… LEO DICAPRIO so that you can do what evil people do, I do not know , is it, trolling Trump? Playing basketball with young boys? Threesomes with Victorias Secrets Children? Or are you into summoning spirits for movie roles? What you had to MARRY a muslim, for your end of the bargain? You are a traitor to America and its personal for me. You lied to me. I believed in your acting. You are just a globalist puppet. You did hurt me George. I always looked up to you. Not ANYMORE. I loved your acting. NOT ANYMORE. YOU BROKE MY HEART. I will never forgive you unless you apologize to TRUMP. Never. With my last breath I will tell people who you have chosen.
I was saying, its been a while since we had a flying Beyonce coming at you! Speak of the devil!
George Clooney flying Beyonce Gorgon, of the hour.
GEORGE CLOONEY FLYING DEMON article, make sure you sign of the cross first yourself. My comments:

==============================================The crazy Latin American demagogue Vicente Fox said“Don’t play around with us. We can jump walls. We can swim rivers. And we can defend ourselves ( giggle)

Paul Joseph Watson tweeted this photo
Yes this is AYN RAND quote more or less. I agree. 
With the DONALD TRUMP PRESIDENCY for 2016 COMING NOW,  I know I will always reach for the most expensive things when I go into shops. With Trump, I will do that. I know I can.
WITH TRUMP I can always reach for the most expensive things.
Vote Trump. Its really EASY. Do REAL MATH, not commoncore math. The MEDIA lie in the polls.  The Magazines by the CHECKOUT are lying too. The movie stars are flying at ya and the musicians are doing all they can, for the devil. China hates him, Saudi Arabia hates him, Whats next? SATAN HIMSELF HATES TRUMP, says no. He’s gotta go? Man he must be GOOD.
Its like the many hills of Dantes Inferno.  DIFFERENT LEVEL a DIFFERENT DEVIL. We will be seeing many grow in scariness. Stay focused on getting Trump in Office. And remember, AMERICA FIRST. Not globalists first. Not lucifer first. AMERICA. If you want to live in a BEAUTIFUL PARADISE, choose TRUMP. 
They have callers call in to their shows, SET UP. Not real callers, and the deception, wow, its impressive what these globalists are good at. LIES. Just to fool the people, all of a sudden, Trump is not good, when he has been MAGNIFCENT for my entire life.
One plus one equals TWO. This is not common-core Math.
I THINK next time you do interview, to avoid phone callers that are HILLARY PLANTS, post the call in number for your fans. I have questions. If 1000 Trump fans called in, would one of them get through? Maybe do a test? Its part of the deal you dont get a Hillary hitpiece crazy caller posing as a BERNIE fan. Things have to be on the UP. I am just so upset watching Bill. He is not respectful.  I want to see him get it back.
I read this first thing this morning, I commented, everywhere

PAUL RYAN. Oh man. I bet you behind closed doors he broke into tears with DONALD saying “DONALD TRUMP, they got me by the neck. I do not know what to do. TRUMP, they got me, they got me! I cant do anything! What do we do, here is what the globalists want, they are crazy! What do I tell them Trump?”

at 9 minutes in is when Putin Declares War on Luciferians. What a great Title @RealAlexJones

MATT DRUDGE  my imaginary bestfriend. I feel you communicating through your headlines! I FEEL THE SAME WAY!


MY COMMENT I just want to say that WASHINGTON POST should stand with AMERICA, FIRST. Are YOU with the GLOBALISTS? The LUCIFERIANS? I would not want to be lumped with them. The madmen? Hoarders of GOLD and abusers of children? You are standing with them? Banish all evil to the UNDERGROUNDS 2016! Keep this evil away so it doesnt spread. Make AMERICA safe from these abominations. Please, banish these away from the rest of us. 
Matt Drudge (loveu) posted this on his social media,  as you can see they write OBAMA speeches and they laugh at how they created the KEEP YOUR DOCTOR promise for Obamacare and they laugh about it. 
 Insider Gossip FE  got to add. Because I am a Flat Earther. Ask me anything. Please.
Pilots know EARTH is not a ball. They would fly off the Earth is there was a curve.
I am so glad you came to my blog. I am.
I love talking about FLAT EARTH without the shills lurking around, ready to say THATS BEEN DEBUNKED or YOU ARE AN IDIOT, or YOU HAVE A HIGH FOREHEAD! Get a blogger people and go crazy with your free will and free speech and free expression.
Infinite flat plane
Wall of Ice thats called ANTARCTICA
Universal Movie Trailers, Star Wars, GRAVITY with Bullock, The Martian, Disney, Hollywood, Universities, First Grade Teacher.
I know the language of Trolls. I see them doing stuff on DONALD Trumps social media too. I know the language, because they speak to each other and have codes. SHILLS they call themselves. Badgers they call themselves. They give each other tips and hints. I know what I am reading when everyone is blind to it. I know who protects you. In one thread I can see. These are bad people I am showing you. They say things like I CANT SUPPORT TRUMP when noone asks. They paid. 10 cents a post!

I realized today. On Flat Earth Facebook groups, there is only one REAL GROUP run by real flat earthers. The rest are run by, go see yourself.  SHILLS is what they call them. Hired people, to ask stupid questions all day and argue all day, just that they do. They get self esteem and kudos to each other, when they can top each other in insults.  Its top secret who is hiring these people. They call you retarded if you want to discuss Flat Earth. They are paid agents provacateurs but online. Test it out.  
They are not globeheads, they are agents, they are there to discredit. Real Globe heads, you can talk to.
I try to sometimes talk to them, to get them to my side. I do and they tell me exactly who they are. There are spirit summoning secret societies out there that want this movement dead. Its how they survive or something. But my intuition says they want to infiltrate it and control it.
Another flat earther TROLL calling everyone idiot all day and all night long for days on end, for THE DARK SIDE. NASA pays the baby wannabes, offers them 3 year goal to get to the 33rd! The great work, being ANNOYING. 10 cents a post. Better get annoying! For your master BAAL ! No serious I have spoken with a few. They believe in spirits and world power. Who is telling them they will get this? Who is hiring them? Go look at the flat earth groups. And see the RESISTANCE fighting them. The only group I would say is troll free, is maybe your brain. Think for yourself. Do not engage in conversations just pull the memes and the proofs and think for yourself.