Dream I had

24 hours after I did that tarot reading.. I had a very good feeling dream.. I mean it was absolute Bliss ..and it was shown to me in my dream that the mainstream media which were collapsing before President Trump ran.. and he basically saved them because good news or bad.. Trump sold newspapers …and now that Trump is not there ..they have nobody interesting to talk about ..so they will collapse.. and it was like in my head.. I was like oh my God I saw it Crystal clearly happening .. we are talking lowest ratings ever Joe Biden..

and then I remember another part of my dream that it was pretty much said that 😚whatever happens next is on Joe Biden’s watch😙 right now so everything bad that will happen from now on ..will be on Joe Biden’s watch ⌚ 😀 it won’t..will not happen on President Trump’s watch ..so that made sense to me.. but I was shown things and it made perfect sense and if the” United States incorporated” is defunct because of all the changes Trump made.. it doesn’t matter if Joe Biden rejoins the Paris climate accord… globalist stuff because it’s all defunct.. it’s doesn’t exist anymore.. meaningless..and when Joe Biden fails.. and United States incorporated ..goes.. all the debt goes with it so we will all be debt-free it’s just this crazy dream but it was all shown to me.

Also now that Joe Biden is President ..finally the coronavirus will be dead.. possibly after a certain amount of time.. and plus none of those people were wearing masks at the event ..just a few of them. and remember China ..open right back up when we locked down.. and coronavirus disappeared from China long time ago.. so who knows if the coronavirus is just political ..or just an attack on America ..but I had a vision that with Joe Biden it was going to die also.

I was shown a lot more but it was probably in Delta and I forgot it as soon as I woke up but all my questions were answered..

I know nobody believes me ..but when I did a tarot reading on if Trump was going to be the next president.. it gave me a negative ..and I was very depressed about this .. I thought the cards were being mischievous on me.. which sometimes does happen ..and I didn’t post it online ..because I didn’t want that to happen..but it was right. and then I did two separate readings.. on who is going to win.. on two separate days ..for I only do one tarot card reading a day. that’s my limit.. and it showed me a tie on both cards.. on two separate days.. the two of swords and then the next day I got the Two of Pentacles.. I use the random tarot card generator online and I disguise my question to make it a clear reading.. and I’ve also tested this out..w a repeat.. and to make sure ..and I got the same cards both days when I tested it.. because I only draw one tarot card a day ..it took me time..so now that makes sense now .. that the good and evil forces were equally balanced and it could be either or ..or now it makes sense that it is.. both split … because remember everyone was talking about Obama the shadow president ?. Yes well apparently we have a shadow President also now.. it makes sense ..if you understand that ..the Justice card that came up that makes sense to me now too because sometimes the only way to win a war is to let your enemy hang itself.. and you have no responsibilities in it.. everything that Trump has been signing secretly behind the scenes.. that no media has reported on has led me to this conclusion..

And let’s just say ..you wanted to conquer globalism once and for all ..how would you get everybody together.. at the same time ..to get them ? And nobody would see it? The inauguration.

Oh yes in my dream I also focused on the people at the inauguration ..in my dream.. they were all in a ballroom ..and I was shown that that a large doors were opened for them.. and there was just a stacks of coffins.. they were shown in my dream.. and it does remind me of the time oann was reporting on the White House ..a few weeks ago..and in the back you could see some coffins being transported… as if they were hinting at something maybe and everybody analyzed it and it definitely was a coffin..

it was not a roadblock that’s for sure it was very strange news story you can find it online
and I remember writing..wouldn’t it be interesting to see what a Joe Biden president state would look like? if just for a few weeks because😉 don’t you want to see…😉 and I wrote about this also I said wouldn’t it be 😃interesting to see what a Joe Biden president state 🙂would look like if just for a few weeks ❣because don’t you want to🤩 and I wrote about this also 😍I said wouldn’t it be interesting to see what a Joe Biden president state would look like if just for a few weeks….😇 just out of curiosity don’t you want to like watch and see if they can do anything 🥰because just the way it’s been set up😆 everything everything everything everything May collapse.😽

And everything that happens is on Joe Biden’s watch now 👆.. and all of the ✌United States inc. 👇debt dies with them if they fail. We may have a new Republic after this. That would solve all of our problems.

Already I see a lot of people infighting😉 over power😄 and Twitter forced the Chinese Embassy to delete a tweet😇 and people are very upset with Joe Biden on things he’s signing 😍when they’re all supposed to be on the same team.😛

meaningless.. there’s no enforcement
So either there’s a Twitter China war ..or China is setting it up to make Twitter look like they don’t just go after conservatives.. or maybe Jack is really upset about China calling uighur Muslims baby making machines? Does China have a forced sterilization thing put in place?

I did a rosary bead prayer last night.. I went through the whole rosary beads.. that an LAPD ex-officer..swat..military etc💙..gave me.. it’s copper silver and gold.. I had a beautiful night before I slept. I went bead by bead and I asked to be shown what was going to happen in my prayers along with every our father and Hail Mary. 😉

I will scour the Internet✍ and try to find out bits of information and possibilities👂 and what people are Whispering about✍ and I’ll report them here and it will be very hard for me🦻 but I will continue to draw political cartoons🦶 but just something is missing.😙 It’s almost like limbo🦶 and the void we are in💅 the void right now🤝 and I know the void is scary and black 🦶but one thing that’s good about the void 🤲is that anything can happen..🦻 the first Spark of creation can happen so make sure you create something good😊

Why is Bill Gates buying up all our Farmland ..when before he said do not invest in it? Easier to seize I’m guessing

Now the general ..posted on December 31st 2020 ..and told people to hang in there.. for just 30 days which would make that January 31st ..and people are calling that Freedom Day.. based on all sorts of calculations and 3-year deltas of coded posts.. I know it makes no sense to you ..but I’m just telling you what people are hanging onto.. and it’s not an Insurrection.. it’s just whatever has been put in now it may fail real fast..

and Alex Jones had him on ..so say what you want but Alex Jones did have him on.. his show he interviewed him..

he said that it’s done in 30.. on December 31st 2020 and he told Patriots to just hang on for that long..
Done in 30?
Apparently he was at the inauguration.. but I looked at it.. didn’t look like him.. and you can’t really tell with a giant mask on.. it could have been an imposter .
at inauguration. and old photo below. If you study caricature art with the Reilly method I can show you exactly
so was the inauguration just a show ? 🥦that the people who played in it believed was real 🥔does the United States incorporated 🍓still exist ?🧄many people say it doesn’t exist anymore🍏 and they can prove it with things President Trump has done over the past 4 years🍌 so they say and the show 🥑is just for the American people?

Right now are there secret trials going on that will be shown on emergency broadcast later ?

I know you really got to look at these things ..because what could that mean.. and you Google it.. and this comes up .. it’s just very strange ..and weird and cryptic. I understand it’s another language.. but would these people really advertise what they’re doing?

There is a thing where you see connections to everything ..and I enjoy it it’s fun but it’s fiction until it happens so who knows.. if the luciferians have their own language ..why wouldn’t the angels have one?

People are making fun of everyone.. people are attacking each other ..blaming .. saying it’s “…hopium “.. but the truth is.. I don’t think anybody is going to really know ..what’s going on ..because it’s so top secret.. reality is not the mainstream news media.. and that’s something that a lot of people …especially old school ..can’t really understand ..the next time you watch these new leaders walk.. just look at their faces.. and you will see a sort of deadpan look ..almost as if they know.. or they are playing along.. and a lot of people are bursting out into tears.. but when you realize what they are crying for.. it’s the fall of the old. It is sentimental to a lot of people.

  1. … The networks could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air…. Trump (or the military) may announce over the EBS a suspension of B*iden’s illegal presidency & move to a temporary interim form of govt overseen by the US military.
  2. And that is if the new Administration fails on their own.. on Joe Biden’s watch.. this would not be an Insurrection .. they would hang themselves on their own.. figuratively …the thing is the United States Inc is broke and in debt and everything that was previously set up for these people is long gone ..because almost everything they’re doing and signing into now.. is meaningless.. everything’s been over a long time ago.
  3. That is the rumor .. but also I add don’t underestimate evil.. and don’t place all of your eggs in rumors..also.
  4. And the moral of this story would be.. be careful what you wish for. It may be the worst thing especially if you have karmic retribution. Cross all your t’s and Dot all of your i’s.
I mean you decide.. it’s up to you ..you can’t believe in any one guy ..you can’t believe in any one news.. you can’t believe in any one group ..you just have to think for yourself..
And I do notice that when the Vatican went dark the next day all these people..over 12.. in the compound..died of “Coronavirus ..”

I hope you enjoyed my short story

What’s wrong with Hunter Biden face and why does his head look like a giant ?

Is there a parking lot behind the Oval Office? I’m just asking

And right outside the window is called The Truman balcony

Who is Joe Biden’s bodyguard here at the inauguration ?

Why are the women wearing purple ?

What’s with this unique number ?


you decide I’m just saying you decide what you want to believe I don’t hold anything against you just don’t be mad at the messenger unfriend me attack me but I’m just telling a little short story here and I can’t hold your hand you have to think for yourself and you have to research all of this for yourself.. now I have seen him sign a few things..with some words on it.. but they don’t look like anything .official..it’s just weird.. and these are Washington Post and from official Twitter accounts .. do not forget he flew in on his inauguration on a regular plane that he chartered ..so.. and also the Pentagon has shut him out ..so if..I’ve got the clue I don’t know


Besides the obvious wardrobe ..what do you think the message is ..that there is going to be a Hunger Games ?cuz that’s not going to happen! I honestly think zee just loves to cosplay
Why ? Why is the Pentagon not accepting Joe Biden?