Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Joe Biden Donald Trump antifa light bulb political cartoon White House

Joe Biden Donald Trump antifa light bulb political cartoon White House

Joe Biden Donald Trump antifa light bulb political cartoon White House post thumbnail image

donaldtrump #politicalcartoon #whitehouse #joebiden #trump2020 #lightbulb #lightbulbjoke #antifa

@realdonaldtrump @erictrump @ivankatrump @donaldjtrumpjr @floridagop

Joe Biden and President Donald Trump political cartoon now everyone gets the lightbulb joke and there are no antifa lightbulb joke so I made that one plus I was illustrating about his light bulb protests where he said Thomas Edison didn’t invent it it was “some black guy” he said and I also pointed out how President Trump called Joe Biden stupid so I hope you get it I hope you understand it but even if you don’t understand it everybody gets a lightbulb joke and yes there are no antifa lightbulb joke so I guess I’m the first one online to do one
this drawing I use the reference from The Drudge Report yesterday it was the front page news cover I didn’t get a screenshot of it but that image was on the front page of drudge report last night and seen that President Trump look pretty angry so I thought I would put that in my political cartoon
I did not trace this I hand painted it I use the Reilly method to draw faces I hand painted it using digital art program watercolor brush and then I switched over to ArtRage to use the inking brushes and then I switched over to Autodesk SketchBook to do the lettering ..whew the only reason I did this is because I’m getting to know other art programs that way it’s you know I can put it on my resume that I know how to draw on all of these art programs and yes…Photoshop I use Photoshop maybe 20 years ago so I also know Photoshop is just so expensive to buy and it’s way too much it’s like very expensive like 900 💵 so these here programs cost you know between 50 and $75 so that’s definitely affordable for me.

I use a wacom/ cintiq 16 it’s the cheapest one and I it’s really small screen I would like a really large giant screen ..graphic day that’s next on my list.

That was my backyard last night very disturbing the smell of smoke strong paper falling from the sky fires from the north south and west and I can’t believe everyone online believes that this was started by a gender reveal party during coronavirus they’re just trying to get people upset that people are having parties during coronavirus this is just you know maybe the people are in on it and now the news is saying that they’re going to have this couple who had a party for their baby that they’re going to foot the bill for all the damage that the California fires caused that is so funny that’s actually pretty funny it’s a good joke it really is but the thing is stupid people believe the news
it’s to destroy its demolition job it has nothing to do with fire fire doesn’t destroy ancient stone buildings previous reset a previous civilization none of these fires is natural we just don’t blink an eye because we’ve been hearing about them all of our life you know behind you know the small earthquakes and floods and fires that are real are magnified in the media and we think this is like natural but it’s really unnatural and it’s such a long story but watched this guy he’s talking about American cities if you love America and if you’re curious It’s kind of nerdy but you know just relax and you know take your mind off politics for a moment and you know you can just appreciate the the beauty of North American cities is the way they once were..

listen to him 2x the speed if u r busy 📷

its backing up a lot of my looking into here it backs it up a little bit and you can look at some of the photos and it’s all about the building is all about the buildings everything Wars pandemic it’s about the buildings and also the children buildings and children that’s what the globalists .

these are demolition jobs to get the buildings bombed up so you don’t know that there was a previous culture far greater than we were and we use a lot of these buildings they are City Hall’s and we are told they were all built in the eighteen hundreds to copy ancient Rome but they weren’t they were the real thing

They don’t want have to have pretty easy pretty simple and there’s no secret that technology that can’t be explained to us in layman terms and everything that’s too complicated it’s just BS there’s something else going on you cannot believe the official story on everything I do not believe the fires in California were started by someone having a party I think that’s you know and now they’re going to have these people you know the gender reveal party they’re going to have them foot the bill for all the damage the California fires have started but what about the fires in Washington state and in Oregon it doesn’t make sense and you know a lot of these new stories are setups to make people feel bad for having get togethers during coronavirus hoaaaaxxxx…

the coronavirus is evil evil it’s imagination it’s in our minds only it doesn’t exist in reality it’s you know like they can patent it you can’t patent these things you can’t own these things you’re just owning the imagination the Fairy Tail of the demon the folklore demon coming to take you away it’s like a imaginations like a fairytale it’s like they’re patenting a fairy tale that they own

They kill the adults take their children put them on Orphan trains repopulate other places with the kids traffic them sell them make them work the fields and in the factories
What do you think the FEMA camps are for quarantine of course this is how they did it in the past this is how they’ll do it in the future something they do every hundred years whether it’s cholera Spanish flu or the black plague all hoaxes I’ve taken the black tour plague in England start at 66 6th Street and there’s a golden cherub statue where it starts very telling
and that’s just a random number trust me they’re not going to give you the real number and you know a lot of these dead bodies are unaccounted for and don’t forget the ones that they burn
Dead bodies everywhere and about the construction these buildings were already here so call it what it is renovation
“There was even railroads underneath some of the asylums as early as the 1850’s ! (Napa Asylum)”
Here is some more there is really too many of these to show you maybe I’ll give you a little slide show
so the right wants to bring back the mental institutions for Trump derangement syndrome and the left want to bring back mental institutions for Coronavirus Covidiots…

and I’m not sure either side..knows exactly what goes on so just remember that.. and ask yourself do you really want to bring it back is this like you know kill-or-be-killed I mean I don’t know it’s something to think about.. the official story is never ever what it is don’t believe the news anymore.

hint 👏 if you bring back the mental institutions you can rescue these Beauties I’m talking about the architecture don’t you want to protect the buildings?

the coronavirus is a hoax and people believe it’s real well why can’t people be convinced Trump derangement syndrome is really a mental illness and it’s like kind of like a MK Ultra and it’s mind control and you know these are victims that need de programming

children and buildings children and buildings children and buildings and demolitions and fake Wars and children and buildings children and buildings just remember what’s important to these people and what is it about the buildings that are so important that you don’t even know about and it’s right in front of your eyes
Yes they think the day have their confidence and their positions of power because of hurting others eating them killing them impaling them torturing them they get power from this and they don’t deserve it and it’s wrong and it’s not natural it’s unnatural and it needs to be stopped by any means necessary you can’t be 100% good in this war you can’t it’s just too risky

1850s New York salt baths that the globalists demolished is it something about electricity with salt or is it just for healing or pleasure or for floating on I don’t know but all of this was demolished because it comes from the old world

fake news move over it’s time for fake history why is fake medical taking so long to be exposed

the rulers control the populace through things like weather threat from above threat from virus something that affects everybody and how you control the public. You teach them lies since birth and these evil globalist they raised us they taught us they entertained us and it’s time to walk away from everything they taught us..

How do you control the ruler’s wow of the rulers are controlled with the promise of immortality everlasting life which is also a hoax on them it’s just very simple it’s just how it’s done…

we don’t even know where we live we think that everything happened over in Europe somewhere that’s where all world history began it’s such a lie we think our religions started in the Middle East which is one of the biggest hoaxes ever ..everything happened in America.. I mean you have no idea just open your eyes and see what they’ve destroyed.. we think we’ve sprouted out of another religion which is also a hoax we are the oldest religion we are the oldest religion Our Saviors life story is in the Stars its eternal.. who knows if they are successful at the next reset where there will put our savior will make him a cannibal don’t make him live in hell I mean these people they control all knowledge. They want you in darkness.

America is one place they hate more than anything and it’s not new it’s not new at all. They have taken credit for everything

The lone cigarette started a fire that destroyed Stone buildings just like the gender reveal party started all these fires you see all over Washington Oregon in California I mean stop just stop shut these people up
Nobody cares nobody cares these buildings can be rebuilt right wrong they can’t be rebuilt everybody thinks that you know somehow Napoleon built all these or whatever they can get away with the rulers claimed they built and just because you put a ground stone at a church doesn’t mean it was built that year and just because you cover a stone building in Brick doesn’t mean you were the original builder of the buildings and what is it about these buildings are they churches what were they before churches what were they before temples they were free energy machines static atmospheric electricity healing sound
both of these gone demolished and I’ve got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pictures of these and it’s never-ending and I’m still finding more everyday this is when something is the truth the evidence its unending
My specialty is American buildings but I just post sometimes European buildings to show you that they demolish these all over the world for the same reason and this is proof of an Old World Order where in America was at the top of it in the Old World Order and this is something you’ve never heard this Empire you’ve never even be taught doesn’t fit the colonial narrative and it doesn’t fit the Cowboys and Indians

look what the globalists did to Buffalo New York really pay attention like really pay attention the official story is nonsense look what Buffalo used to look like and it’s not just Buffalo ny..every city every single city in the United States looked exactly like this and the same thing happened to every single one of them no one even blinked an eye

the globalist bombed it all they bombed everything in Buffalo they even assassinated a president there McKinley they bombed everything that you see the only things that are left are a few Bridges a few art galleries a few Banks that were in the collection the official story is it’s nonsense I can’t even tell you the official story it’s just so bad how they explain why they bombed everything

none of those buildings you see in the video are left and the electric Tower they just renamed another Tower the electric tower so nobody even knows what happened they think it’s still there but that was free energy folks that was the atmospheric electricity that was not General Electric it was impossible and that’s just a little clip you haven’t even seen the grandest of them in there. And that’s one of the biggest men of secrets secrets there are it’s about the building people nobody even appreciates them nobody even knows they have no clue what they are they think they were just thrown up and can be rebuilt anytime

relax Satisfying. President Trump I hope brings back Faith in these Technologies and it’s something about the building there’s something about the building that hold these secrets just remember I said that and I know with his historic monuments and buildings act he knows what’s going on he’s protecting these buildings
this could be the power goes out or it could mean that houses go up in Flames Like Paradise California
sun dogs. I saw one 2015 I made a YouTube video of it.

interesting slides.. but I can’t vouch for the premise it’s just look at the pretty pictures what’s all that stuff reflecting off of what do you’s all like clockwork isn’t it to the second. And I can’t vouch for the whole video but just I was looking at the pictures of the sun dogs I think they’re interesting and sometimes it’s fun to delve into the YouTube alternative research especially International you know you may not believe it but there’s a lot of people out there that do and it’s good to know what people are talking about

st. Louis mo.. Tennessee Atlanta Georgia Nashville look at the buildings the globalists bomb destroyed blew up

All of these are in the United States it’s proof of the old world and all except for one have been blown up demolished all of it then made into playgrounds or Parks or just nothing now or parking lots this is the proof I’m talking about this is America this is how it used to look like I told you every city looked like the Vatican every single one but it had to be destroyed because in order to start a new civilization you have to destroy the old and you have to tell people everything is new and the new infrastructure has been built on the old infrastructure falsely attributed history is fake especially American history we are far greater than we’ve been told we don’t even appreciate it we don’t even know we have no clue what’s been going on and I’m telling you the secret is in these buildings the secret is in these buildings the secret is in these buildings look at what we have lost and they weren’t built to copy the ruins of Rome we’re not copiers” no we had the original thing and a lot of them are still living living ruins

All of these are Georgia in the United States It’s The Old World hidden in plain sight right in front of you this is an ancient civilization before we came along falsely attributed to us being the builders it’s a long story but just take a look at the beauty of the old world right here in America Rivals the best in Europe impossible people of that time they said they built could have built just look at

Don’t forget the Guidestones are in Georgia
There are the😇 fasces 😙again see my previous post
Barbara Bush fetus baby in a jar the firstborn they have to give up is she a boy is she a woman is she a man is she Aleister Crowley’s daughter that you’ve heard so much about
that was Chicago on the left it was all blown up that was here before we arrived ..Plumbing intact heating intact moving sidewalks Gold Everything gone robbed blew blew up and Obama build his library on the ruins of one of these structures ancient America makes you wonder if this was Rome anyways
fires are not natural who knows is it a sun gun is it something electromagnetic
the globalist wants to destroy all the buildings because they hold free energy their machines it’s the motherboard they’re not churches who were there way before religion they were there as far back as any art can remember nobody really knows who built them but it seems like they were built for bigger people The Arches the mirrors were up so high people of our size couldn’t even see ..the keys the beds all for bigger people it’s very strange isn’t it ..built for Titans President Trump in his fourth of July speech called America said America had the structures of Giants and Titans and he said Giants twice and he said it’s our inheritance so remember that the word inheritance so these buildings were found not founded any Builder will look at these and tell you it’s impossible of people of that time. And with all the fake Photoshop vintage Photoshop construction photos any Builder will tell you that’s not a building site not a construction site and the buildings already look weathered

all of this research the right should take control of the narrative and I mean really the right needs to take control of this narrative okay this is very important what’s more nationalist in all of our buildings all over the world

Giants seem to fit the doorways in the arches
All the underground the Subways the trains they were already here when we arrived they just had to be excavated the railroad tracks in America all had to be dug out usually by convicts to prisoners they didn’t want the truth out there same thing with the Panama Canal it was all here it just had to be Dugout again anybody who worked on it who knew the truth just got killed blamed on a natural event the new infrastructure of this new America was built on the old infrastructure and falsely attributed

anyways I’ve been alright the only thing I really look forward to every day is 9 a.m. when I hear Infowars I love that show so much I do I don’t listen to anything else I mean I listen to anything by President Trump and I get my news from Twitter and I don’t really read a newspaper I know what’s going on because of Alex Jones I have a hard time listening to the War Room show or Owen Shroyer it’s like my computer it just freezes even on Banned. Video but it’s one of my favorite things to do is listen to that show.. you know I used to listen to a bunch of different shows but now I can only listen to Infowars ..I think that’s it that’s it for me but when I do a cartoon I basically I go to Drudge and I know what people say about Drudge but I still go there out of habit and you know I just look for pictures good pictures to draw new pictures new photographs and then I go to Twitter and I find out what’s trending and you know I don’t really read newspapers I do have a subscription to the epoch times and I do read it a lot but when I’m looking for political cartoons I find out what’s trending and I follow congressman and senators and whatever they write about I base my political cartoon on or if there’s a video or I always watch the White House Press briefings I always watch those but I watch those on YouTube I don’t watch any TV I’ve never pay for cable TV in my entire life.

I love the show hot takes with Matt gaetz it Rhymes it’s a cool name and he’s pretty hot anything by Richard grenell I follow cernovich Jack Trump kids Scott Adams Robert Barnes Andy NGO anything from Portland and my followers the people I follow I just scroll and see what they’re writing about and usually there’s like a synchronicity like people know what’s going on and you know someone is commenting something and then the next person is commenting on the same one and also the next person that I know that’s newsworthy.

but I am it’s about time for a change maybe I should head over and focus more on gab Trends I really like that it’s just I need to get into that habit I’m going to go on Gab Trends and then I’m going to go on a Parker.

so in 13 hours my Facebook ban is off and I can post comments you know I got really scared last night with the fire and I thought oh my God what if I needed to report something or ask you know… like keeping me from Facebook for no reason not even telling me why I don’t know I just feel like it should be a crime.. because I didn’t do anything and it’s so popular and it’s the Public Square and everybody’s on it I mean I I really feel like you know they single people out for no reason they don’t even tell me.. they say oh I must have done something repeatedly on the community standards but when I read the community standards it says covid-19 no one’s allowed to say anything bad about covid-19 so that’s that’s like huge that’s pretty vague I mean that is huge I mean that is huge huge huge huge anybody could have any thoughts about covid-19 I mean that goes against Community standards so we’re only supposed to talk about like ..what they want.. and what exactly does Facebook want me to talk about coronavirus like I mean it’s like their batting me but they’re not even giving me an example of what’s acceptable what is acceptable I mean is talking about what something is on the news with the doctors are talking about it that’s not legal I mean could they please be clear on the rules like what can we say about the coronavirus or what can’t we say what exactly is the the rules for that they don’t even tell you they just ban you and you’re supposed to like learn I mean I post maybe a hundred posts a day how am I supposed to know which one you got me banned I I just don’t get it.

I have a right to my opinion I have a complete right to my opinion and I know there’s one thing I know more than anything else and I knew since the blue the beginning and I called in on the Alex Jones Show in February and I said to Alex Jones online I spoke to him I have it on my YouTube the coronavirus is fake its imaginary and you know what it’s like Owen Shroyer says you know people are just running around in circles the whole thing is a hoax the whole thing is a hoax the whole thing is a hoax and I love how people say oh yeah it’s a hoax but yet the coronavirus is a real thing they’re not there yet how can you have taken the red pill still believing in the coronavirus how can you be halfway there like oh yeah the coronavirus is real but this pandemic is fake..🙌 no.. the whole thing is fake I know this I have two decades of looking into the virus Theory I’m very smart person I’m a very very smart person.

and I was saying this back in February and everybody I remember somebody from Infowars told me to get a grip when I said the coronavirus was fake they told me they knew people who died from it well you know what knowing someone who died isn’t proof the coronavirus is real it’s just not you could have a pile of dead bodies a mountain of dead bodies that still not proof the coronavirus did it

I can’t even post all the pictures of the Star forts most military sites are on them the Statue of Liberty they’re actually ancient they were here before we arrived we did not build them and they are not military forts.. they’re not there to protect anyone if you use the military fort to protect yourself against an oncoming ship or foreign’d fail it’s just it’s not built for that you can’t even see when people will have tested this out it doesn’t work but they’re there for something else hand me down forts but they’re not that’s not what they were originally and how did they create them through sound possibly I don’t know I think that’s what this meme is pointing out

I hope you like me better now I know a lot of secrets about military stuff I know what they’ve hidden I know what they’ve destroyed and I know all about the castles they bombed in the desert during the 1950’s. And you can’t completely destroy them because they were so large but they’ve been melted they’ve been melted and you could still see proof of this The beaches of colored glass exploded cathodes cathedrals I mean these were structures of Titans not just Giants

Oh the vanity of rulers the ego of rulers they love to tell the people that they were the builders or that these were gifts to wives or built in honor of veterans or memorials to presidents you know it’s the ego in the vanity of rulers

Caligula told his people that the great Obelisk he brought on a boat as if these things could be brought on a boat we are taught that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France so isn’t that a laugh that’s a riot that’s hilarious that is so funny have you ever seen the construction photos o my God it’s all the wrong Dimensions it’s like bad Photoshop it’s all sits it’s like people drawings of people on ropes it’s so funny know the Statue of Liberty has been here all along it’s never ever moved the Colossus of Rhodes as in Rhode Island the torch of America.. it doesn’t end there it doesn’t end there the lies don’t in there you really got to think that these globalist they raised you they taught you and you got to throw everything you know.

everything everything in mythology it’s all happened in America yes these globalist they’ve had many names from the original Canaanites Phoenicians they’re the evil people of all time and they’ve been doing this forever they’ve perverted us the good people the Christians they perverted us a perverted everything they’ve given us false historical cities and they put everything in the worst place on Earth the Middle East.. they’ve made Apollo into a luciferian god as a conquest.. they made Zeus a cannibal! One day they may even make Jesus a really bad guy they take everything from us they try to control us they try to tell us we sprouted out of another religion they try to tell us World savior was born in the worst place on Earth no it all happened in America.. one day we will be the torch that lights up the world when we bring back the illuminations of our buildings the free energy without electricity plugged in anywhere without power that you have to pay somebody one day and I know President Trump is that man we have to give him a life term. And when the field is turned on certain men their heads illuminate like a light bulb it’s possible definitely historical all over the world certain people certain groups of people they have illuminations coming out of their head like a Halo. The technology it definitely can be revived wouldn’t that be something if President Trump could do that illuminate his head like a Halo I mean just using electricity atmospheric energy I mean if he could figure that out the world would change I know that sounds crazy but I just like fantasizing and Imagination and I hope you like my short story. I’m sorry if I sound condescending or sure of myself but this is knowledge🤎 the right needs to control 🤎I’m serious this is research and knowledge that the right needs to control that’s what I’m bringing to the table how else are you going to get the world to overthrow the globalists

Now oaths ..everybody’s got free will so even if you taken still have free will but it’s very interesting I don’t know I’m not pointing out anything I’m just showing you I’m not pointing out anything I’m just looking at this this screenshot comes from that link.. I don’t know maybe it’s a piece of History’s Mysteries I have no idea

I’m just posting this as a curiosity I don’t even know if it’s real but it’s interesting how to read something like this and to imagine it fuels the imagination.

I’m not saying all jezzuits. r.into this cuz it’s just like Catholic I’m jezzuit-educated..all of my schools were these structures by the way.. I have knowledge about them … but I know I never saw any evil stuff… not like this I mean I learned some stuff .advanced Sumerian gods in third grade level and reading Helen of Troy and 5th grade stuff like that…. not the normal education I don’t know making cuneiforms..for fun??…but overall it was a positive experience for me I never took oath like this I never could imagine.. I’m not like this and I know many Catholics are not like this this..

is just an old piece of literature published in the 18 hundreds maybe it’s true maybe it’s not but it gives you an idea what an oath is. You know but it’ll give you an idea of what people are talking about people are gossiping about you know saying this and I’m telling you I you know there’s stuff everywhere there’s bad parts of lots of things you know I’m just pointing this out more to look at it as historical I don’t know it’s kind of creepy if you read it out loud isn’t it.. I kind of like the part of Exterminating liberals.. but I don’t think Democrats is what they meant relax I’m just joking.

as a child I do remember asking a Freemazzon to tell me the secrets of Freemazzonry I think I was like 11 years old I was just playing around and he told me that if he told me the secrets..his eyes would be cut out and thrown over the Sands of Arabia and that’s what this oath reminds me of the last part.

the Sands of Arabia. My goodness sounds really bad 😆 what do the eyeballs get thrown out of an airplane or something?

I want to talk about the Oregon fires because President Trump said Portland is the blaze all the time and I think he was trying to I think he knows something I think he was trying to tell us something

there’s so many of these so many of these I can’t post them all but here’s just one clipping
People are saying I’m reading all the comments and they’re tracking these fires and they’re saying that they’re starting on freeways off freeways like when they line where the fire start it’s all along like a highway

Maybe Trump is right maybe they are starting fires

And to think about it that I got banned for 3 Days on Facebook and I told you one of my last post was about the fires in California moving up to Oregon I shared a post on one of the groups that look at these fires as if they were man-made as if they were arson they discussed that a lot and I shared the story and I think it’s my last post before I got banned.

they’re starting fires antifa are starting fires whoever controls antifa are starting fires and even antifa starting fires when you read the police bulletin there’s fires like crazy for 2 days now fire events in Portland

Trump is telling us something

these fires are not natural and they’ve never been natural and there been a lot of them and we’re just used to it it’s not natural I mean if you started a fire in your backyard it probably wouldn’t go anywhere it probably would not burn along the need paper you need garbage you need to burn something I mean it’s not that dry out… there’s no wind
So antifa BLM are playing March of the Valkyries I don’t know if you guys know what that song means to me but it makes me nauseous hearing about it hearing it it’s just such a wicked song just remember what the Nazis did just remember what socialism did all those people they killed.. well they are NOT hiding it they’re completely upside down all of these people are drug addicts none of them are online they’re not smart but none of them have a computer they’re just drug addicts and they’re being paid their being given drugs at the tent cities they are giving tents check out this girl I found out this girl when you look at her profile antifa gave her a tent and she’s bragging about it and she’s a sex worker
actually don’t go to her account cuz it’s disgusting just take my word for it. And by the way they gave her the smallest tent the one that you lie down in

that’s why they got these people causing destruction cuz they’re being drugged just look you can tell by their faces there are being given hardcore drugs

they won’t even go to a Joe Biden event and if Joe Biden showed up they would throw tomatoes at him or worse they aren’t even political they don’t even know what’s going goin on

In those tent cities secret bases they’re handing out drugs they’re giving them really bad stuff it’s like mutating them rotting 💀 their teeth are rotting out that’s why their faces look like that..

acab that means all cops are bastards they brag that they are sex workers and that they have BLM certificates that they service you know what so these girls work for these people and they’re giving tents and they brag about it and I guess they work the riots if you know what I’m saying and they talk about if you have a flag on your profile that they’ll block you ..if u have on your American flag they’ll block you

Okay so I drew a tarot card I asked what the forecast was tomorrow for these fires

I got the moon card but it’s what these people say the card means isn’t really what it means this is the card of Grand Illusion and deception anxiety fear and you can see the sun is like raining down something some yards they call them

so these fires aren’t what they appear to be and I guess tomorrow is not going to be that great it’s uncertainty and definitely a occult forces this is an occult forces card I don’t know to me it might mean maybe a sun weapon I definitely catalog those here in this Blog the ancient weapons how they used to destroy ships using these certain mirrors reflecting the sunlight and from great Towers they would use this like concave mirror to start fires and cities and you can imagine what this weapon would do on a plane are these are real weapons in ancient history lots of people have recorded this painted it it was traded it shown how it works my tummy it looks like tomorrow is going to burn and there’s a Great Divide and a scorpion sting the Judas.. bad In The Water there’s scorpion that’s not good for emotions

the the veil between families divided the wild separated from the domesticated you know I’m sorry if I use the tarot cards but it’s just one thing I’m very talented in exceptional I’m exceptional in it and I only use it in emergencies I know it may not mean nothing to you but I do have a connection strong one and why throw my talents and Gifts away because it can be used for good but it can’t be counted on 100% because like I said it’s mischievious sometimes that’s why if I ever do what I only do one card and I only do one card a day because it’s really powerful it gives me insight on a lot of things and I see things that I’ve never seen before

and sometimes we have to get bitten by the Scorpion in order to change to be reborn and even Christ get stung by the Scorpion in the stars the sun’s journey in the skies every year get stung by the Scorpion constellation and that’s when you know you’ve heard of Judas betraying Jesus and then he’s risen again and we all need this every year .. you know when the days become shorter and he kind of dies in the sky for a few days and then he’s reborn again the Sun the sun’s Journey I’m talking about the constellations the Scorpion because sometimes you can’t move forward without being stung you can’t move into your goals for new goals because there’s too much you’re holding on to that you need to remove in order to get your goals it’s kind of complicated but sometimes these things we need in order to get what we want we have to get stone we have to feel pain in order to remove what is holding us back from our goals because things can’t stay the same they can’t stay the same

so the forecast for tomorrow with these fires that’s it you just got to feel the sting and you got to go with it u can’t be scared of it

I don’t think these fires are natural I don’t think they are what they appear to be I think there’s a lot of deception in them also how come it’s only on highways and freeways that they start and I’m looking at some of the footage of these fires today and they’re burning to a crisp buildings again and yet stuff around it is not burnt

and I’m looking at footage of like mill city in Oregon and you know there’s a fire over here a blazing fire over there and then there’s a pile of wood separated not even touching anything and it’s on fire so there’s just something unnatural about this fire and I just think it’s going to move a little bit tomorrow but I’m not sure and it’s funny because when you zoom in on the fire Maps fires aren’t that big but when you look at the pictures online they’re really big and they burn a lot of smoke and houses are burned roads are burnt it just seems unnatural I don’t know there’s something about it so I was checking today and I saw a few chemtrails of course I look up but I don’t know if that has anything to do with it but I know this could be electrical because of the EMP warning sometimes that’s how these fires are started especially look at Paradise California people recorded their hair dryers just bursting into flames.

and nobody knew what was going on in Paradise California until weeks after it happened people were speaking up and recording things in lasers and all that stuff so who knows this is very scary though

it also changes the narrative and the protests which is actually a good thing but the fires are not a good thing

If I ever was in an area where they had an evacuation I hear they’re going door-to-door they can’t go to everyone’s door I’m just telling you right now not going anywhere I’m not doing I’m reading online everybody’s evacuating but hasn’t anyone learn their lesson from Katrina. And if I do leave I’m going to a friend’s house in the east there’s no way I’m going to Walmart people are just running to Walmart there is no way I absolutely plus I’m noticing all these cities that are on fire they cut off access to the city so you can’t really go anywhere or come in you just have to go where they want you to go so that’s really troubling to I know I sound paranoid but I’m not paranoid paranoid is rushing to Walmart that’s paranoid a lot of these things are deception especially with the media do you guys remember that hurricane that was supposed to come and that like floated a few days in the same area and then nothing happened and the media showed like a mobile home and people were so scared and forecast was that it was going to destroy America and nothing happened?

but I don’t know the tarot card is ominous the time of great disappointment the Moon Tarot card also means you know secrets will be exposed

unforeseen perils.

I already know I don’t think we live in a crater by the way

I don’t know I really don’t I’m just exploring goodnight everybody someone said something to me the other day a video about how people go missing during the full moon and I think it could be because it’s possibly easier to see in the dark where can I find that people are affected by the moon phases and our little bit lunatic light yes satanic ceremonies.

but here’s the thing it’s not a Sabbat today. Yes..the next witches Sabbat holiday would be September 21th I know it means nothing to you but it means everything to globalists the Harvest when the day and night are equal in length..

. ah yes. finally

Update censorship remember I said in my previous post that I was getting likes my Instagram that weren’t getting recorded on my post like I was getting a whole bunch of notifications of people liking my post but on the post itself it showed very little likes like one or two ?

So I figured it out this is why I got banned from posting to groups.. Facebook for three days because I shared a post to the historys Mysteries group about the fires and how strange they were!

so I’m being cut off from talking to people about this it’s like I can’t talk about anything I I just have to guess and fortune tell what and what not I can talk about and no one’s telling me no one’s giving me the rules I’m just getting blocked for no reason but there is a reason it’s just they’re not letting me know so they don’t want people talking about this and I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why I wonder

and yes I refresh the Tweet over and over and over again and I also went back to my Instagram and none of those likes were recorded but yet in my notifications I had all these likes on a post pages of likes and yet when you go to my page and you look at the post just has two likes..

okay and to follow up on something I’ve been writing about remember I said every time I hit 7,000 followers I lose about a hundred well I surpassed it today .Again…and I made a note in my mind..and then I checked it this morning so then I sign on today and I lost all those followers..

so I go to my recent followers list and I remember following all these people because I remember going down the list all these people and I remember individuals and I have been unfollowed from them …so I re followed them I hope I don’t have to re follow them again this is getting crazy but it wasn’t a hundred it was more like 40 Followers I lost and … people that I had followed back were no longer being followed. Does that make sense you know I can’t remember everybody. But when you look at my followers list you know when you’ve lost followers but I’m also losing people I follow if you get my drift

and I just want to say about Facebook it’s like okay I would never mention this but it’s kind of complicated so all of my posts all of my cartoons that I’ve ever posted I have to make public all over again all of my cartoons have been set to friends and I don’t remember doing this why would I make my cartoons private or for only my followers that’s crazy I want my cartoons to get out there but when I Get These Memories all of them are friends only and I’ve never been a a friends only person on Facebook never so all these old cartoons are coming up friends only and I have to make public again and this has been going on for a few months now so all my old posts have been made friends only and I only get them up on my memories and I noticed that they’ve been made friends only do you understand I know it’s complicated but there is definitely something going on with social media and it’s it’s what they’re what they call triangulation Facebook Instagram and Twitter are all acting crazy at the same time it’s called triangulation.

before I go I want you to watch this it starts at 1 minute 6 minutes in and you can watch the introduction now Justin really let his music 🎶 heal and watch the photo slideshow he plays music for you while the slideshow is going I know these are exceptional pictures and he’ll win you over with his music think what you like but you got to hear him play his music while you are watching the slideshow it’s one of the most relaxing things and it’s funny cuz a lot of these pictures most of these pictures I’ve never seen before so I’m really really impressed and I think you will be too just give him a shot I really enjoyed his videos it’s not often I watch them but when I do I get transported
and Justin engages people on Facebook and he’s engaged me and I’ve chatted and he’s really sweet person I really have a soft spot in my heart for him just let his music win you over and watch the slideshow🐆 I’m very impressed and it takes a lot to impress me and sometimes people that appear to be kind and simple are actually super brilliant and intelligent and there’s such a of gentleness about his videos he will grow on you trust me watch this whole video and that way I can end this blog on a positive note and feeling happy note and I don’t like being negative I like being positive and I’m sorry if I was a little depressing there talkin about being banned ..fores..oaths..and evil..and all that but this video will make up for the whole blog being a little negative and Sassy. And it’s actually feeling and that’s what this research is all about it’s healing healing and deep down inside of you you have all of this in your DNA you know this to be true because it’s inside of you it’s inside of your blood it’s one of those things when someone First shows you the stuff it awakens intuition and you know this to be real

the keywords are 🐱 Giants and Titans🐱 and the structures they lived in and probably built🦝 that other men our size lied and say they were the builders 🦝 and buildings half buried in mud🐈 and ancient secret technology.

And what the globalists destroyed that we can no longer enjoy they bombed most of those structures but you can enjoy the photographs🦝

I’m telling you this because you won’t understand what you’re looking at if I don’t

in the photographs really study them because your whole life will change after seeing what he’s showing you your whole life will change I promise you this is one of those moments I’m telling you your life will change I already know all this stuff but for people who don’t know who are need to be introduced to this area of research this is it this this will get you this will get you and Justin plays the handpan it’s a beautiful instrument pretty ancient probably

This video is Des Moines Iowa if this doesn’t convince you America is ancient I don’t know what we’ll and don’t believe the official story this was not built to copy Europe or something like that or a crappy place called Greece or Rome we’re all there ruins are in shambles we have living ones

who knew Iowa was beautiful like this and this is still around I mean this is still around and you could see where they whitewashed carved over every culture leaves their graffiti on these structures and statues replaces some things with other things or claims they built I’m sure every culture that lived in America Claims they built these buildings in order to rule over the population