Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Coronavirus Covid 19 New World Order Hoax Donald Trump Qanon

Coronavirus Covid 19 New World Order Hoax Donald Trump Qanon

Coronavirus Covid 19 New World Order Hoax Donald Trump Qanon post thumbnail image

Nancy Pelosi is so crazy oh my God it’s so scary when she says testing testing testing I am never giving up my blood to these people

and I don’t believe everybody should be forced to do anything because there’s a lot of beliefs in here this is America and many people don’t even believe in viruses ..

To me those that believe there’s an imaginary neon green flying germ that can live in the air without food and can fly without wings and can see you without eyes they should be the ones in quarantine.

Those who want to role play Resident Evil … Raccoon.. city which is an anagram for corona.. they can play but please leave the rest of us out of this madness.

Npc virulogists.. w 10 years of schooling to learn gobbledygook Louis pasteur archaic crap. None of this can be verified. 

Are you gonna let a thermal gun or a testing kit determine whether you should be taken away I mean really are you really going to allow a testing kit to determine whether you get taken away by force…

I just can’t deal with everyone I follow totally falling for it I mean the more I listen to Alex Jones the more I feel I’m really crazy. Yet I love him.

Alex Jones says the covid 19 it’s like a “chimera” that this virus is a ” family within family of viruses ” and once you get it there’s an incubations period of 14 days and then when you show symptoms. there is “phases” of the symptoms and hes also talking about when they shoot “nanoTech” at activates it.

Are we in a sci fi movie?

They shoot a laser beam of 5G at a virus that’s the Corona virus… it will activate it and it just sounds totally crazy and he saying it’s gonna get worse in the summer and possibly worse next year and by July 4th millions could be dead ..why that date?

..and everywhere I look the people I follow are saying the same things it’s like they really don’t know it’s like they really believe in the virus!

That it’s a real thing..

And they’re only proof is well people get colds and senior citizens die and all those people all those dead bodies and Iran if Iran never manifested a pile of dead bodies in a Jiffy and the Vatican too.

And this 5G thing going on that there’s test beds in Milan Italy and test beds in Wu Han China and that’s what’s making people sick I don’t even know if I believe in that tech..yet..but the something else is making these people sick and it could just be a normal cold. It’s hard when you cant verify yourself. Plus I haven’t done any research into 5G it just sounds as wild as Chem trails.

Now it has an HIV delivery system the Corona virus how crazy does that sound it’s like straight out of a science fiction book it’s unreal sounding I told you I told you this a we could go that far..

pretty soon

they were going to say you can carry it forever and guess what today they’re saying you can carry it forever and next week they will say the Corona virus can time travel ..and infect your ancestors ..and you’ll just believe anything they say.

The universities these days they are marxist and they don’t like you they want you dead so of course I’ll tell you many for new things about the Corona virus to get those psychosomatic effects to kick in.

They willl say the germ is mutating to be a weapon delivery system or some crap for hiv.. I mean this got superpowers this little imaginary cartoon CGI Germ has got superpowers and it will walk through walls then it can live in the air without food and just hangs in the air without wings and just floats and it blows in the wind the Corona virus it’s crazy it’s this is mental illness.

The experts of gobblygook are just gobblygook experts. Big words. Arrogance…10 years of being taught nonsense. now it comes a zombie.

I counted 17 trails over Portland and I just don’t know what it is. Chemtrails. 17 lines in the sky. Whatever it is. There are blankets of lines over the water and rivers.

I am a 100% sure there’s no such thing as a Corona virus.

like it ever existed..

when I mention there’s no such thing as a virus people are like well how do you get sick then?

it’s like they can’t understand the most fantastical answer to why people get sick is the one they are choosing the most fantastical the Corona virus

cannot be seen in a microscope it can’t be isolated in the lab it can’t be seen in any electron microscope it’s just too darn small but how do they know so much about it and even give you these CGI images of this little demon germ thing that’s like evil Qbert it’s kind of cute with the neon green glow tool it’s like computer graphics. No eyes. No wings. but can fly. Now it can live in the air like it just hangs in the air without any food and it hangs in the air for 19 days and it just blows around in the wind I mean it’s hilarious that people fall for this.

And the people I follow are turning on trump saying he must have the Corona virus and mocking him. for telling the truth.. that it’s

just a flu

and you really know who your friends are in a situation like this and things are being whittled down because surely you can’t believe big pharma over our president

The virus theory is not sound at all and the people at the top are not good people at all and this is a huge demon that trump has to slay
is big pharma the medical industry

he mentions that it’s in our economy..the virus stuff.. and I don’t know if hes appearing soft before he hits because he never hits from the front .

I’m pretty sure I trust him because how many people do we know in our lives that have been killed maimed poisoned polluted straight up killed how many babies in our families have they killed with a vaccine and then told us the mother must have rolled over on it how many implants do they give our diabetic aunts and uncles and amputations and an implant in the hand for pain that’s crazy why would you trust these people they are like wizards they’re like magicians they are fortune tellers and why would anyone sane..side with China or Iran or the Vatican is beyond me.

So now people are saying that when you shoot 5 G at this virus it activates it.. tell me how this does done show me how this is done I mean it’s so crazy what’s next will it walk through walls travel back in time to in fect our ancestors go to the future and in.. In fect our grand kids why does it have superpowers why is it neon green

why is it now blue and red what are those triangles at the end of it? suction cups they tell you on the news that this is so it attaches to your nose that is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard and everyone’s buying it all the leaders on the right are buying it with the exception of a few but Owen Shroyer did say something very important to day

He said for those who believe that the virus doesn’t exist that’s an argument you cannot win right now

That’s an argument you can’t win.

He said even if it’s true you can’t win it right now.
Best song video slideshow about coronavirus
Must see if you want to be my friend.
I love the song ghost town by the specials shown in this video.
Uap. Is hilarious…he makes me laugh. Listen to his joke in the beginning.

I don’t know if this is still the Mercury retrograde stuff but I have been knocked out spiritually.. I can’t even listen to the news..I cant draw 10 days now.

I’ve been posting like crazy in the comment section all over Facebook Twitter with my truth and within a few days of watching all the live chats on ABC News Fox News etc

I have sussed out..Americans are Not buying it most Americans are not buying it. All of them w a few crazies who do.

Conservatives that are top you tubers that are making videos disagreeing with the way trump is handling it are getting their videos disliked and they have to turn off the comment section so why not listen to your followers?

The people in wuhan and are not buying it either they are screaming it’s fake it’s fake.

Just ignore the news reporters idea of why they are screaming it’s fake. it’s fake it’s fake you can see the footage yourself without it a British guy telling you “what they really mean is…”

Too many of these articles to post there’s like a 100 of these screenshots I have ..all 33 or 32 and if you look for it yourself you’ll see it there’s something magic about this number but the way they are using this number they really can’t access any powers it they’re just fake magicians to understand they’re not real they can’t harness any power the only thing they can harness is the power of deception.

And when people find out you lie to them well that’s not powerful is it.

Nothing is in place to hold these people up their time in the world has come to an end they think the lies gonna keep on going but it’s completely stopped and I don’t know if it’s multi generational mental illness. but they really believe they can keep on lying to their grave and they could be buried with their lies and will never ever admit it and then they will just take this to their deaths and when you prove them wrong about something it’s just another lie that theyll come up with that people who actually believe …so they’re very dangerous people they need to be banished.

They have a platform of the mainstream media they have a platform of Hollywood they control all the magazines all the books you read it’s very easy for them to really do damage.
I love this.

It’s hard to believe patriots are screaming for the same thing Hillary Clinton is screaming for and the patriots even the Q anon patriots believe the virus is real I just..

my mind just fries when I listen to it I can’t listen to it because it just sounds so crazy and it’s like the Twilight Zone I get creeped out and I try to leave comments everywhere even to congressmen on their YouTube accounts that this is fucking so crazy what people are saying about it
Sure she isnt evil. Sure she isnt psychic. Why 2020. Why so many books.
The cold.
I’ve said before I think colds and flu are caused by people leaving their heaters on all night when they sleep and when they wake it up in the morning their throat has burned and it’s infected and that’s how you get that reaction and people who share airplanes or offices they have the same heater system and it’s like a DE hydrate are and it hurts you and if you just turn your heaters off at night and drink lots of water you won’t get sick.

Cold air can burn your throat too.. severely cold air and cause an infection in your lungs.

Teacher can leave a classroom in the entire class get sick that’s not a virus that’s not a germ that’s nothing like

Bacteria and yeasts are very real but the medical industry rejects that stuff because it blows apart their whole virus theory these people if they could they would tell you cancer is contagious but they can’t but they would if they could trust me and they’re doing it now with the common cold.

1st of all let’s get in to Louis pasteur.. OK this is some archaic crap. that may not even be real because there’s fake news there’s fake history and there’s fake science ..

supposedly on his deathbed he said he was wrong about the germ about the virus theory that he was wrong and I studied what he said and I read books and books about what he meant because I was fascinated with the story that the body if you let your body become a swamp mosquitoes will come and it’s about your body and the health of your body and not about a germ no mosquito will come to your body and make a swamp.

Let’s get into bacteria and yeasts now candida yeast is always present in the sick..always present in cancer … but the medical industry ignores it because it blows apart their virus very hoax and according to the germ theory the yeast itself should be causing the cancer but no they don’t even mention it they don’t even mention it ..

so this yeast which kind of looks like the Corona virus in your blood you can see it in a microscope the Corona virus you cannot see it in the microscope but they show you images on TV of ..

Candida yeast and people believe they are looking at life footage of a virus when it’s not even close.

Mike Adam’s said that he knows the virus is real and “don’t be a flat Earther on the Corona virus “

he said and he knows… because he has a science lab..

Of course.

and he has isolated bacteria on food.. so he knows that viruses are real..not even same

and he talks a bunch of text book stuff and he’ll mention things like horse proteins and that’s his proof and people are saying the technology to see the virus doesn’t work and he says he knows it works because he used it once on horse proteins and that’s not even in the same ballpark as a virus but he so sure.

It’s like electrolytes in the movie idiocracy once you bring up electrolytes people are like all electrolytes right .. Because it’s a fancy word and they sound fancy saying it and it must be right because of electrolytes right?

well these are the same terms genome splicing antibodies incubation these are all electrolyte words.

This cdc lady said the test knows you have Corona virus because of certain antibodies that the virus puts out I mean how do they know this..

Show us..

And if they tell you the answer and if it doesn’t make any sense to you it’s probably a 100% BS or something she just learned in a text book memorized… You know that they’re just making up stuff ..I’m telling you they’re making it up. Repeating what they read in a text book from above. The high priests

You don’t think satanic cannibals run the medical industry think again

Because because ELECTROLYTES.. – Idiocracy

None of this stuff can be verified none of it OK and what happened to the American spirit where we don’t just take orders where we trust but verify we have to trust but verify.

All these Hollywood movies that have plagued us since we were born with Brad Pitt I mean think of who these people are all these video games of zombie plagues and a lot of these video games they look just like the Corona virus ..

It’s hard for people to admit what they studied 10 years in a marxist University isn’t reality and it’s hard for normal people to accept that they’ve been lied to their entire lives and that they really don’t know squat.

Corona is an anagram for raccoon which is Resident Evil city that has a virus ..all these books talk about the Corona virus now I highly doubt these people are psychic or they’re so smart they can see into the future about its the other way around or it just implicates them in this big crime that they knew.

That would be the easiest answer than then they mind saw it then they have even created it or took part in it.

How can you believe that they are setting up trump with having the Corona virus tag …that means nobody will meet him..he’ll be out of work for a month ..

you don’t get it from shaking someone’s hand you don’t get it from breathing .. How can the Corona virus be your fault just for being alive..??

Why is it that you have to suffer and at a moments notice you are dispensable? I cant see why.

you don’t get it from it landing on your eyeballs or just being around people that’s the craziest thing I ever heard in my life this is mind control you don’t get it because you didn’t use hand sanitizer

OK you only get it.. if you believe in it and have faith that it’s real.. A psychosomatic effects and panic

without that. voidoo’s not real it’s non existent it’s a hoax you been lied to all of us have been lied to our entire lives

All of us have been harmed by this industry especially big pharma China think about the fentanyl think about the 400 million girls they killed and that’s just on paper think about how they genocide in people on camera in front of your face breaking people’s necks shooting them setting up crisis actors people fainting people so stared with fear that they actually die it’s like a voodoo spell

Think about the terror the fear and think about the devil himself because lies come from the devil and the transgender half goat creatures.. creates fear ..

and truth comes from God ..perfect hot angels like being…beauty health…and it creates confidence and its the truth .

Anything and I mean everything that you put into your mouth that’s not food is a poison and from the devil..anything like fruits vegetables nuts are from God.

everything that feels bad is a lie and everything that feels good is the truth

How many more hurricane Maria’s or global warming science are we to put up with but yet we believe this.

When someone accuses our president of having the Corona virus live on TV that’s kind of a hit job that’s definitely a hit job and it should be treated as such!!!

especially if it’s not real ..don’t you think if you believe what I say for a second.. and I’m telling you 100% no such thing it’s imaginary …as a coronavirus or Spanish flu.

If I’m right then those people who are asking trump about getting tested that’s a hit job.

You can’t test for this all you can test for is the yeast and bacteria in your blood because that’s all that exists and people that get really really sick will have a lot of candida yeast. watch this video in your spare time. We do…have all the time in the world…to do everything now..since people..self isolating.

It’s in a Facebook private group it’s a really cool group about old buildings and if you subscribe or add yourself you will be able to see it I can’t find it anywhere else and it’s a pretty good video about 5G symptoms like coughing without phlegm or just falling over dead I don’t know I think it’s acting falling over dead that’s not how people die unless have been poisoned or something.. It’s not just about 5G it’s about the connection between 5G and Corona virus symptoms based on what the footage is coming out of China and its kind of interestin I’ll try to find it on YouTube I don’t even know the name of it it’s like on a watch party in a private group that you can join the group pretty easy and you’re probably seemed posting in there and read my pause I don’t know if I have any readers I turned the comment section a long time ago off so I dont know reads .

You know this ..if I had written in my diary something embarrassing or something stupid or mean or sometimes it’s like my diary I just talk and I forget that I am public or something but I usually erase it the next day. This one I’m definitely gonna keep up.

Don’t take the test don’t take the task it’s arbitrary it’s really really something we can’t verify let’s test the testers let’s ask them how it works and if it doesn’t make sense it’s bullship probably so ask questions if there’s something you don’t understand in who still don’t understand ask more questions like until you know exactly how this works because part of controlling people is having them believe you have secret knowledge but the truth should be easy to understand in a way we can all get
Coronavirus humor

and if things are too complicated you don’t understand it but yet you’re supposed to think this guy is a genius… or that hes 100% right or that while this is high tech science or like a space movie or something if you’re like wild and you don’t get it and you think well it’s not for me to get its for the smart people to get

like if you can understand it and you think like that ..someone using fancy words like dossier is to politics like genome is to science to fake science…

If you are easily impressed by complicated science words that sound fancy that make you sound smart when you say it…like incubate..nanotech…splicing may..that you just maybe be conned easy. Be careful.

Do you guys remember the scene in rosemary’s baby where Mia Farrow goes to her doctor and tells her about the satannic witches and how they want her baby and he said yes yes hold on one then in a moment he came back with the police.. and then he called the asylum people and they took her away and the doctor he called the husband.. You could see her trust was totally broken and she couldn’t believe that she had trusted him. And when the doctor called the evil doctor you could tell he was a good person but he still said that she was suffering from some sort of pre partum depression and insanity… And instead of listening to her about witches he just called the crazy people the loony bin people. To take her away..And in the community stuff like that is considered a good thing. These days doctors are manded dated to report you if you have a mental problem and own guns for example and it’s crossing over into so many things and they keep testing their limits and you are the Guinea pig at its how far they can go.

Why are we giving the medical industry so much power I mean they can do anything. When I was in the hospital I shared a Room with this lady and she was walking around with her baby and I guess she walked too close to the doors and all of a sudden alarms started going off and all these police arrived and security guards it was just kind of creepy to watch that. She wasn’t escaping she was just going too close to the exit or something. It was the mother with her baby and it was like on the top floor of a hospital… And I was in no special section it’s just the way it was and the nurses explained it it’s just for security or something you have to tell them you’re leaving or I don’t know it’s really strange. And they won’t let you leave unless they can do stats on your baby and how it fits in your carseat..they HAVE TO APPROVE…nowadays and everybody had to go through it in the hospital all new mothers..had to put their carseat.. on this weighing thing to make sure it wasn’t too big for your new infant it was so creepy

and They wouldn’t let me leave because they said there was something wrong with the measurement of the seat belt of the car seat so it was a holiday so we could not exactly buy a new one that day so we had to wait until a store opened .overnight. .there..on holiday. Yes. I wasn’t doing that.

.but instead of that I just waited for the next shift and show them the same carseat they declined..I’s the new one. and I said it was the new 1 and they let me go. And the baby was completely fine.

I’m just saying these people have a little too much power.

Plus I don’t even think you are testing the testers and testing kits.

Would we want liberals to test us?

The same scrutiny as Roger stone’s Jury selection we make a big deal of that but we don’t care who tests us in our blood about our lives being possibly ruined? By a false can’t win..lottery one. Noones

tested for that I think these are just arbitrary and even random. It’s been proven in Portland.

They say the Corona virus test has given false positives and then they add false negatives because they like to mix their lies with truth.

There’s like 50 of these pictures of celebrities with these weird leg boats I can’t post them all but somehow they’re related to Corona virus I know that something is linking that plus do not forget that Kobe Bryant was buried in Corona California.
Think right before a big project like this something has to happen like a death or a negative event to scare the followers into following orders.

Every single year it’s a new flu and this time it’s manmade but the reality is the flues never changed and a burning throats never changed and a dehydrated throats never changed a cold has never changed it’s all one cold it’s all 1 flu the flu is a really bad cold. and the cold is a less flu..

That means all exotic flues every year the old Obama flu…next…the ebola flu.. the floodfloo the aids flu they’re gonna make I mean they’re just every year it’s gonna be a new name the bird that dies from being poisoned clue the poisonous Batflu

There maybe just individual flu that’s different for everybody but I think people are mass hallucinating or mass psychosomatic effects or it’s just the flu as usual just people are paying attention to it or the appearance of it being a worse cold then last year I mean I could go on and on and on but none none of this can be proven or verified you know by a constant.

And people people’s opinions ours so different and you can’t really trust them.. People think lots of things

I know when I’m being interviewed I don’t exactly tell the truth or be honest because a part of me it is you know scared of getting someone to like me so I’d rather fit in then be honest. I would say what socially acceptable or the norm .. Or what I think they would like to hear..I don’t know if I was interviewed on TV or something or for a Poll..I would necessarily say how I really think..

That’s a good way to make enemies because some things are just so polarizing when you bring it up. And it might be a chance to make good friends you know but II kind of want to like make sure im careful what I say to everybody. Rather than be myself.

In some situations it’s like agreeing with the Democrat and having a polite conversation I can totally have a good time with I would see the person within…

Sometimes that’s the best way to reach a person is just to see them looking back at you like yourself looking back at you because we’re all humans so we all are each other and we can relate to one another.. So it’s like a part of you is looking back at yourself.

Maybe that’s the way to reach to these people about Corona virus is just see them these are real people who are really scared because of what they’re hearing on the radio there terrified and you now someone has to pay for this… Fake news shouldn’t be allowed to do this there should be new laws about this because it’s there like changing hurting… It’s not that I’m calling for a law it’s just I want them to stop scaring people and also as America I’m sure the people who are experts in this will start stepping up and talking and maybe just listen to them for a minute instead of constantly watching mainstream media lest you become it.

That’s it plus the hysteria

these are psychosomatic effects..


these are genocides.. these are poisonings ..these are old people just dying..

outside of the United States hospitals are being collapsed filled with people burnt to a crisp in seconds and not just one but several . Fox News is reporting only 1 hospital collapsed and only 10 died .

People and wu han China are screaming the lights are out at night there’s a mental health issue with old ladies trapped in their homes banging on windows crying for someone to come…

and it just doesn’t make any sense because to me it looks like they are genociding the people like they hold up a gun to your head to test your temperature you could be jogging . and if it that thing goes off ..what do they do?

press another button to kill you..and u lined up for it!

and your just gonna say good for them they were a victim don’t spread the disease quarantine them

I mean these are people republicans asking for the same thing Hillary Clinton is asking for.

I figured I was on a team with really smart people but there are some things that got ahold of these people and it’s the belief in science which is a cult when you become a doctor you have to take an oath to Apollo and I know that doesn’t mean they just call it tradition ..but no there’s something really evil going on there something we don’t know maybe a secret club of some sort and for going to school that long you don’t make it if you ask questions and just look at all the medical doctors for higher the murders for hire..

You know it’s really not a badd thing to obey authority to love your mom and dad to love your teachers and believe what they say is real that’s not about notthing wrong..that’s really really sweet and you wanna do that but as things are generational you will do things your parents could never do and you can accomplish things better than their greatest achievements and you could do this and I think we have to start looking at the things that our ancestors fell for the false things that may be hurt them and we learned from it and just you know try to make better decisions based on what we’ve seen …

you know the next generation watches what happens to the prior. They’re going to start thinking differently I mean this isn’t something they can maintain..virus hoax crap.. it’s over it’s over with trump permanently and it’s never going to get better unless you change from within.

So the time is now to make the medical industry go back to God that’s it.


By the time you graduate the financial incentive is high and if you ask questions or do stuff that’s different you lose your license you work so hard for. Plus people are already looking to you like you are a God and you’ve seen enough blood and dead bodies to have quite a fetish for it.

I am a witness to this I worked for a doctor I saw his receipts in cash paid for luxury cars his condo on South Beach him in his wife tried to get me in on a 3 some with him ..

I almost died embarrassment..when it happened and I turned them down..

We were out to dinner and in miracle mile..Coral Gables and we went to a bar and they both sat across from me and the Wife started playing footsie with me ..I didn’t believe it and the doctor was glaring at me and I had worked for these people for a long time. I Pretended I was too drunk and just ran away..i respected them. I did not have those feelings ..

I was too embarrassed to show up for work the next day and that’s it I moved on..

and she was completely decked out in designer clothes and she is really beautiful and I just saw how their kids were obese addicted to McDonald’s and given medication for their hyperactivity and I saw his mother in law with the Colostomy bag over weight taking her bag ..wheeling it. to the kitchen to make hot pockets in a microwave and I seen him smoking cigarets and doctors are not what they make you think they are on TV.

Think of all the people who survived assassinations all our presidents who have survived assassinations only to have the job finished when they saw a doctor ..

like McKinley or Reagan..maybe more.. and if they screwed up with JFK if they didn’t hit him or if they just grazed him.. the doctors at the hospital would have finished the job

Same w princess Di. Much much more..too many.. think of what they did to all of our celebrities who’ve been murdered and they cover up for them and say O they died from suicide or what about the clintons body list and they write it off as suicide when his body was cut up and found in a bag.

This couldn’t have been done explicitly without the medical industry murders for hire.

Do you know who Beau biden is that’s hunter biden’s brother and Joe Biden son that died of a cancer that killed too many to count people around the biden’s they all died from the same cancer and the cancer Doctor was found murdered in her office it sounds to me like you could kill someone with a false positive for cancer. That finish off the job by injecting them or too much chemotherapy and then telling everyone they just died of cancer

Think about Joan Rivers.. think about the organ black market industry think about the necrophilia industry..

To be part of a club you need to get your hands on some dead children in order to prove or to blackmail someone into joining the club that look you got to have sex with this dead child well..who’s supplying this?

The medical Industry

Think of the satanists at the top think of how they want your baby dead or alive in hospitals these days

I’ve experienced it they have a vaccine bloodlust…kids..they’re taken with vaccines or severely injured them.. like all of us have been injured . Some a little ..others autistic..others blue and 6 feet under..we’ve been injured there are dark spots in our childhood that we cannot make sense of this unease this total lack of being able to talk to people this shyness this lifetime of infectious diseases such as small pox chicken pox measles lice and the unvaccinated kids have never had any of those ever.

Think back to when your aunt had a baby and they gave it a vaccine and it died a few days later and then the hospital put it on the news that night that she must have rolled over on it.

Think of the mis diagnosis every time you go into an emergency Room and they give you the wrong medication and it doesn’t work and it’s cost you a $1000 now it’ll cost you even more sometimes 10 grand and have a baby it’s like 30 grand and you do all the work and they almost kill you and your child and they have you give birth with your legs behind your head on your back …I mean it’s totally upside down.

Someone online called me a Corona virus denier and that I was dangerous.

I love Alex Jones and he does flirt with the truth between the lines in a way the globalist can’t stand but sometimes the things he says outright sounds crazy .

Schitizphrenic I don’t know where he gets this stuff…. show me show me this virus in the act of infecting somebody I would like to see what it looks like how it does it surely it suck on to someone’s nose?

Its too small you can’t see it and it’s it’s like a magic trick it’s like a magic trick and even people on our side even the pizza gate people they believe it’s real they think it’s manmade tell me how man can make life like this

Evil man..without sperm..tell me how evil man can make life like this this is absolute fiction..

like centuries of BS centuries of BS like leeches like chemo therapy I mean chemo kills you and don’t never ever let you know this and all these charities and hospitals they’re just money laundering places and satanic places ..worse than hollywood..look at Jimmy Seville and his charities what he did to those kids and if you don’t think that’s going on a 1000 times worse to day wow I mean no it didn’t die with Jimmy Seville.

The aids hoax think of all those people who died from AZT the medication and all the money that was made and laundered and a fed more into killing these people with AZT think of the kids that were taken away because the parents didn’t want to give the children AZT and then that was The Terminator of their life.

When you ask a doctor HIV has never been shown to cause aids they fly into rages because they know it’s true they know the whole thing’s a manufactured fake news media big fat pharma conglomeration to injure maim you.. depopulate you and to control you and to kill whoever they want and have you believe that they have superpowers.

They believe kids that they have injured turned into paraplegic they think that’s beautiful.

In the codex gigas it tells people how to control populaces and they have to be the high priest of something they have to have some sort of knowledge that gives them power and it’s a losers Game..

it’s not real it’s not real knowledge these people are all posers and the new world order those are just posers to because though never have a new world order like the old world order they will never ..theyre wannabes it won’t happen they can’t do it and even if they do it’s completely fake it’s just world communism and good luck with that good luck with that.

These people will take their lies to the grave and every time they you prove them wrong they pull a magic answer out of a hat like wow and it’ll sound so scientific

Leg boot. I hear she has the coronavirus

Well say I don’t wanna hear conspiracy tinfoil hat Q and on people what they have to say I wanna hear from doctors or theyll say what are you a doctor or something what do you know about the Corona virus are you a doctor or something??

and when people are suspicious they will just say O the virus mutated and it’s gone now it mutated or it will mutate into something else or it will mutate and nobody will ask questions. Don’t you get it whatever they want it to be it will be whatever the people will believe. And they push this to the limit now with it being able to live in the air and just sit there just hang there in the air waiting for you.

So what’s those evil spiky things in your blood that’s candida yeast PROTITS. You know how I know this is real because anybody can see this in a microscope I’ve done live blood analysis’s I could go on and on and tell you things I know and have seen for myself and viruses are absolutely not what they tell you…

Escaping justice?

that’s not what the viruses the virus is those cartoon images you see online made from a computer from an artist it’s like fake space it’s like fake inner space and do viruses really exist?

not a not a chance just the whole idea is supernatural it’s definitely supernatural it’s like a horror movie. An evil so small that we can’t see it. So deadly and so omni present.

They will photograph some things in your blood and tell you that’s the virus but they give you some truths and there is bacteria and there’s yeast yes and there’s such a thing as house cleaners that show up when poisons are introduced in your body you have these house cleaners that show up that actually come from your own blood and there’s a term they use called pleo morphing. Can see this on a video screen of it happening. Everything funky in your blood comes from you nothing is caught outside besides the basic bacteria and may be infectious stuff like someone’s pus or something.

Plus why do you think the 6′ and under rule is a law because water will wash through the dead bodies into the water source and everybody knows that dead people poison the water that humans drink like the river Ganges for example.

Wash your hands doesn’t kill it that just kills bacteria.

Think people are getting bacteria and yeast confused with virus.

Virus is in your mind and it’s the belief in it it’s the belief and big pharma that they have this boogie man that only they can save you from.

I make my self really vulnerable on this blog I talk about different things at different points in my life I write short stories I’m pretty imaginative I like to write horror stories talk about psychics

And adventures. Lost or what I write is short stories but this blog here I’m definitely speaking from my soul and if you’re gonna take me literally while take this article I wrote here literally and please don’t tell me about punctuation because I’m speaking with a voice to text software and it’s kind of like poetry..

and I make myself pretty vulnerable I could be taken out of context I could have said the wrong things but at least I’m writing something at least I’m trying and I definitely have to get this off my back.

I could just focus on cartoons and speak to my cartoons but this Corona Racoon Virus thing.. it just completely crushes my soul and watching Donald Trump it crushes his soul too..I can read the body language he isn’t buying it.. for the 1st time hes being an Actor hes doing what he things his people need him to do.

Now he doesn’t have Corona virus and you can trust him I think you can trust him and don’t want our side to write articles like those saying…he has it.. people on the right think he has Corona virus because that’s a hit job.. It shouldn’t be done just think about what you’re saying.

This is a very dangerous belief backed up by all those drug commercials you see on TV and all the news stations that take their money they have to tread lightly with their words

and I’m loving how they’re using the term

flatten the curve

Justin Trudeau used it ..the CDC used it and articles are being written flatten the curve flatten the curve well..that’s a flat Earth saying

that that’s man5 flat earth video title.. that’s flat earth headlines ..

I think it’s funny because flattening the curve means being outside of the matrix and how they mean it is they’re talking about graphs but the real meaning of the term flatten the curve it’s a flattie term .

Fixing disinformation.. standing’re able to tell when people are lying to you.

Now I’m gonna make it clear that I love space force I love space force and I would do the same thing because its main function is to take power away from Nasa..which is a good thing and when president trump talks about Mars hes just doing it to show you who stands up and applauds like Adam schiff and Jerry Nadler..they will always stand up and applause when he mentions Mars.. hes just showing you who these people are ..

and he also said get your vaccines before he put out that law that drug companies have to show prices in drug commercials so he appears soft on something when hes about to hit and he said get your vaccines again today so that means hes about to hit hes throwing people off guard because people wouldn’t think he would say something like that but we do not know what’s coming and I was right the last time.

I hate it when I see top conservatives telling trump ..hes wrong..talking about trump like hes stupid it’s just a flu.
how dare he say that he was wrong about that and he is not

what if you’re wrong what if your the indoctrinated sheep.

But if I’m right and it’s just a cold.. if I’m right it’s just a cold..d the Corona virus is just a cold.. in fact that’s what it’s definition is.

And these numbers are crazy the numbers are crazy there’s no cases in many States and they are shutting down schools it’s never happened before that

But I do follow the qanon people and they are under the impression that it’s a white hat project and they are arresting all the satanic pedophiles and they’re lining up the quarantines with the sealed indictments

and I’ve noticed that many world leaders when you look into it you’ll see like 50 examples but off the top of that your head you won’t know what I’m talking about ..u have to see..not uploading here I can’t upload all the pictures but there is like 50 pictures of celebrities right now all in leg boots and all disappearing all magically they have Corona virus and they have to go away for a while.

There’s a lot of clues that something’s going on but I don’t know if that’s what’s going on but I’m just saying I don’t think it’s a white hat operation because why would China lock down their residence and genocide their people ..kill them all for a white hat operation?

that doesn’t make sense white hat means good so I think the covid 19..why 19? task force in the United States is probably a white hat operation meaning they are are using their money that they’re getting. in order to go after these satanic pedophiles and and this they’re using the Corona virus as a perfect cover and trump has to go along for a little bit maybe maybe maybe I don’t know.

I have a unique ability to disappear and to be in visible even amongst big crowds and people just don’t notice me … the same thing on line is I just wander around but I wanna speak up about this because I do know something about this and I figure everybody can bring something different to the movement and not everybody knows the same thing that everybody else knows we all come to the movement bringing our special talent skill subculture whatever.

I deathly stake my life and when I wrote in this blog here I’m a 100% sure there is no such thing as the Corona virus prove it to yourself find it look for it show me what it looked tell me what it looks like I wanna see it to show me in the act of infecting someone and living for 19 days and Show me them splicing it and putting G gnomes…genomes.. in it how do they study this if it’s so small no one can see it not even in a microscope only a special machine and nobody knows what they’re talking about it’s just like when you ask an immigration lawyer about personal injury law and they give you the wrong advice instead of admitting that they don’t know something because everybody has an opinion like to have an a******

But I thoroughly thoroughly studied the virus hoax I thoroughly studied it myself… You see how I am OCD about information while I was OCD about this I was an expert I really really was and for those of you saying well you’re not a doctor no I did not go to school 10 years to learn nonsense no I didn’t but I have personal experience and I even healed myself when no one none of these doctors could they were just killing me more.

I was on my way to becoming dead I was going to Planned Parenthood 12 times in one year for antibiotics nobody could figure out what was wrong with me I almost died and then I found out I’m just gonna eat raw vegetables raw fruits and raw nuts raw juices the raw food diet was very trendy and I tried it and I healed myself within days and diabetes is not permanent either..stage 4 cancer I’ve seen many many many people healed because I worked as an apprentice in many of these centers and believe me I know about how it was taken over I know how CIA trolls infiltrated the forums I note the troublemakers I know the things that ripped apart communities and I know the censorship that was going on in the early 2 thousands online and I know most of these pioneers and Mike Adam’s used to be 1 of them but a lot of these pioneers have had their businesses sued a lot of them been murdered like ann wigmore.

There are hospitals in Europe with a 100% cancer cure rate like Bircher benner you know hes the guy that puts people on the Apple diet or muesli..or.. just juices just grapes and within 2 weeks you’ll be in bliss complete Bliss just eating grapes all day .grape sugar.. Your body will feel more beautiful to you then you did as a teenager…once you detox and it just eats away anything that’s not supposed to be in your body.

So if you want healing don’t go to hospitals don’t go to doctors you know unless your legs cut off than you’d need a surgeon but there are good within but for every good there is an evil person within… Some doctors do save lives but at the same time they’re probably killing people too so..

The promise of money the love of money is just too great and it’s too out of control and it’s not capitalism when they are farming your mandatory insurance.

Never forget the 2 snakes the caduceus or the snake showing out on the tree of knowledge what do you think that knowledges do think it’s real knowledge or do you think it’s a lie… Why would the devil show you truth… Unless you’re in the club.

And even then.. the jokes on you because they are selling you immortality with blood of the young and adrenaChrome and that stuff’s not gonna make you immortal you’re just a pervert vampire.

I really hate being right about this because being right about this and no one listening to you is very traumatic I’ve lost countless relatives because they didn’t listen to me they went right in their the doctor told them they needed some weird implant or they needed their legs removed in order to cure something and all of them are dead all of them are dead. So I hate being right about this because I’m not sure people will listen to me and I just feel bag when they don’t because I can’t say I told you so after they die because I don’t want to I just wish they would have listened to me.

I wish my parents didn’t drug my siblings in elementary school and I hate being right and I hate saying I told you so because major major problems happen because of that.

Nobody likes a know-it-all and for days now I’ve been arguing online and I always have the last word and it’s funny because nobody is laughing at conspiracy theorist anymore right now everyone is listening and even the trolls I’m really getting too because …I’m I’m just ..this is something I know something about.. I know the answer to .. I’ve tested this in real life and I’ve seen miraculous healing was just fruit and raw stuff I’ve seen it and I’ve worked and I looked at live blood analysis’s live on video as it’s happening countless times I was an assistant and I know exactly what’s going on in the blood very easy to explain and very easy to understand and things that are complicated and hard to understand with big words like electrolytes I mean that’s BS but if you understand something crystal clearly and see it happening and it’s the easiest answer well that’s the truth…every single one of their insults and questions I know the answer because I’ve studied this I know about the evil in the medical industry and I know about the virus hoax I know all about it I have all that knowledge in my head.

Because of me my mom’s never gotten the flu shot and my sister laughed at me and now she’s she thinks the flu shot made her sterile and she 7 years younger than me and her hair is all white when I don’t have any white hairs and she thinks it was the flu shot.

Everybody whispers that our president’s son is vaccine injured and I heard this before anyone else heard it even before Alex Jones was talking about it I suspected it so just be a little more trusting when it comes to our president he would never lie to us unless he has to fool the enemy in order like a poker face stuff but when you read the body language you know and always analyze what he says because lots of things are like headlines within sentences or he’ll use the phrase a different way but when you take apart the phrases right there he it’s just a flu.. it’s just a flu I would treat this as I would have flu….

Get a dehumidifier. No dry air in winter. No flu.

Every single disease out there can be cured by water hard to explain and there are many cures for cancer but one of them is 2 weeks just eating grapes. These are easy things easy answers fast results this isn’t complicated super high Tech machine stuff and big words and 10 years of school ..and 100k in bills..thats…FANTASTICAL CULT this is pretty easy anyone can be a doctor of their own and Owen shroyer says I trust my immune system and you should too because the only cure for anything is your immune system.

I believe in supplements because for example if you have a urinary tract infection instead of taking medicine why not take cranberry pills but that will only give you a relief for a couple hours you have to change the root of what you’re eating drinking smoking and the meds you are on you have to get off because anything that is not food is poison.