Checking in.

This is the video game I’ve been playing for 3 days straight it’s very stimulating..relaxes me.. I’m going to download it to my new computer the official one when I get it it’s called siren head

Boy do I know secrets about this game that would take people a long long time to learn there are such good secrets and I’m going to spoil it I’m going to totally spoil it you can be buddies with siren head and you can walk around with him .. You could even see things through his perspective and it’s just as scary..and when he picks you up and throws you and breaks ur neck hes actually hugging you it just depends on what you do in the game.

my God it is such a cool game and they even have it in roblox I played in too . When you play roblox you’re playing with other people so it’s less scary… But you have to watch people die all around you.. And when I walk up to siren head people are like what are you doing… Yeah and I are here because the rowlocks you not simply the office said and this game is pretty cool on roblox as well and I think it’s on Minecraft I’m not sure I haven’t checked yet.
Mining I do…alot. I have maximum amount of friends. I cant add any more.

3 days of playing horror video games and watching the darkest parts of YouTube like reignbot. Nexpo. Barely sociable and Dont even watch this. And Scare theatre.. I’ve almost seen years of videos. I didn’t even sleep last night I was watching them all..
I’m waiting on a new computer a gaming computer so I can draw with my tablet on.

I will get to my cartoons soon there’s many I didn’t finish I’m just ready to recharge and be a different kind of cartoonist one that’s consistent with her style.

I have loads and I mean loads of information all the videos I watched where at twice the speed so it really wasn’t that scary. Hopefully I can put that through my political cartoons what I’ve learned about popular culture and my knowledge of evil has even grown some. I’ve almost exhausted all the websites too I’ve seen everything.

And definitely ready to fight evil with this new knowledge man..there is so much to look into.

Movies like Annabel well that’s not real horror. They don’t even make good ones anymore. But yet everyone knows all those outbreak movies from Hollywood that’s just fiction that’s just fiction the entire thing as fiction do you understand fiction writers create this stuff they get the people to believe in it.
Even horror movie fans don’t get into that those movies because they’re like made for idiots or children.
The best horror movies are definitely foreign… Hollywood has turned into a cartoon. A comic strip. I can’t even watch Hollywood movie nowadays because of all the programming and the subliminal sexual messages and things that I thought I saw but when it panned out it was something else. Can’t even watch a normal movie these days but sometimes I’ll see modern movies..
And the actors we are force fed year after year after year watching 60 year olds twerk I mean I hate the alters in Hollywood I just hate all of them there’s very few I like everything’s been so politicized and I’m seeing who these people really are there very demonic beings their victims they really are victims they have chains around them and what they had to do for money..
They live in shame every day.

Almost every movie now has a he she see in it a covert one. And everyone just loves China without Hollywood people would know how ugly that right now.

China is really holding Trump hostage. But I have full confidence trunk into this he can slay this dragon of the American medical staff industry which is so wicked so evil they are the witches they are the fortune teller as they even have a demon germ and no one can see it in a microscope and it’s made on a computer art program with the glow tool and its neon green and there’s no truth in it at all and many many doctors that have won lawsuits are coming out and saying there’s no such thing as pathogenic viruses there never was a thing and everything can be easily explained if you just listen to them speak and it just sets you free just that option of knowledge of knowing what’s real and what’s not real it’s just so liberating.

I want to incorporate all my new knowledge of popular culture into my political cartoons.. Because I’m a little wiser and I wrote a bunch of short stories but they are on my computer so when I get on my laptop all upload it I’m always writing short stories for this blog sometimes I just go off and write a novel it’s just I like to write. And starting to loosen up my writing my old writing abilities I used to fill up note books of short stories. I really miss it because when you write stories you always have the ideal man and the ideal woman in it and it’s very inspirational but sometimes I like to write horror short stories I don’t know I guess you would say that’s my genre it’s what I grew up with it.. like Bret Easton Ellis I read his autobiography and we definitely grew up the same way back in the day parents could take kids into horror movies.

I have this really creeping short story I wrote about the Corona virus.

The source of all the ills of our youth and that includes you and me the reader it’s all linked back to all the vaccines we’ve taken its messed up our lives messed up our families and when is it going to stop.

I love how Fox News says only 70 people died in the collapsed hotel know there was more than one there was also a quarantine center that Godtburned to the ground everything Burnt cooked people screaming it’s all on footage it’ll probly come out in the next few days on mainstream.