Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Congressman Matt Gaetz Kevin Mccarthy Political cartoon NFT

Congressman Matt Gaetz Kevin Mccarthy Political cartoon NFT

Congressman Matt Gaetz Kevin Mccarthy Political cartoon NFT post thumbnail image

this here cartoon is a scathing indictment of Kevin McCarthy’s tenure as Speaker, folks. Gaetz is slammin’ that gavel-wielding McCarthy for being the ‘Silent Gong’ of the House, all talk and no action. It’s like a circus in there with empty commitments flyin’ around, while the GOP voters, represented by that mighty elephant, ain’t havin’ none of it! They’re hankering for some real change, and they’re ready to ‘Motion to Vacate’ McCarthy’s reign. It’s high time the GOP made some real noise, not just the sound of gavels. This cartoon, like a Stone’s throw, is throwin’ shade on the political show!

If you’re curious about the source and reference photos I used, you can find them on NATIONAL FILE. I often find valuable information there, though I may sometimes forget to attribute it properly. I make it a daily habit to read articles on NATIONAL FILE. I apologize for my computer issues; I can send you a screenshot if needed. The specific article I referenced is in the last section and was authored by Charles Downs or Patrick Howley. I’ve presented it

I tried to embed it. You have to go to NATIONAL FILE and see the MOION TO VACATE article. Its worth it and bookmark your new news site to the top of your tabs.

That is the link to the NFT

With DEAD TWITTER aka, new third party X, the doors of openness are shut tight. I click on links, only to be greeted by more of the same X. I shall never tread on those grounds again. I now reside within the realm of TRUTH SOCIAL exclusively, my sanctuary for political purity. Perhaps I may venture to GETTR or gab. My aim is political purity, untainted by the theatrics and mind control orchestrated by ELON. His grand performance is far from organic, and his affection for you is non-existent. ELON MUSK is not FIGHTING with his dad or his effeminate son. ELON HIMSELF born a woman. Look at his chest scars. These are not regular families like you and me. Its a coven of witches who own him and they are so good at deceiving. Nothing about him is real. He is the face of a CORPORATION. Superhero Marvel Hollywood cartoon characters are created, so you think he is like TONY STARK. He has no thoughts of his own. EVERYTHING is rehearsed. If you catch him, he will stumble over his words, he knows not what he says. I cannot be bothered. I have one mission. And that is to political cartoon the truth. With TRUTH SOCIAL you have POTUS TRUMP as your audience. You see his retruths. DO YOU WANT TO BE BORN AGAIN? Leave Dead Twitter. Unless you are mind controlled Then STAY ON DEAD TWITTER. If you want to see the draft of this political cartoon..look here: